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S3 licensed
look at page 3 for links. and dont tell me they dont work as i just downloaded it myself
S3 licensed
Quote from PLAYLIFE :Hello,

After you launch LFSRelax, then screens will start displaying "fuel" and "drivers behind". Please see attachment. Is it possible to do so that they are displayed only at race?

dont launch lfsrelax until the race and they wont be there. what does it matter anyway?
OutGauge help
S3 licensed
Hi, I have bought myself a CXC SLi which uses outgauge to get the data onto the led's etc, but when i use LFS relax, it makes the Sli not work I narrowed it down to LFS Relax Modifying the CFG.txt file to its own needs, now i read thisfrom scawen posted ages ago...

Quote from Scawen :Note : you can also initialise OutGauge from InSim. That way, you don't need to edit the cfg.txt file (but in that case you need an InSim program already set up).

With no InSim program, you can get OutGauge to start sending info just by editing cfg.txt as described in the above post.

Is there anyway i can get LFS relax to not modify the cfg.txt file and stop the SLi working? would be awesome if i could have both! if you would like to see what the SLi is
S3 licensed
Quote from (SaM) :Well, your PC seems more than capable of recording with fraps.. so it's weird that it performs so lousy.

Tried disabling Anti Aliasing in the nVidia control panel?

Its not on now, and still does it.

Whats also interesting is itll drop to 6fps if i record in the LFS main menu.


Its definatly LFS thats hogging it up somewhere, i just tested on NR2003 and i get full 30FPS under recording on 1920x1200 resolution :\
Last edited by NeilPearson, .
S3 licensed
Quote from (SaM) :Going to make a movie? I'll explain how.

  • Start up Fraps. Download at Set it to record at Full-size and at 30fps (or lower if the video is choppy.)
  • Start up LFS. Go to Options > Misc and put on Limit framerate on 30fps.
  • In-game, play the replay.
    (If you want to, press shift + U to set up a user camera. Press SPACE to remove the usercam menu. Press follow to let the camera follow the nearest car.)

  • Press SHIFT + F to remove everything from the display.
  • Press F2 to slow down the replay at 0.5 speed.
  • Press the record button you specified in Fraps. When finished, stop recording with the same button.

I am having issues recording, i did all that, i even tried slow down, but all i get is 6fps when i record.

I lowerd the framerate to 640x480 and i get 16fps nothing good and it looks all rubbish to anyway im a bit stuck on what to do any help?

My computer is

2gig ram
2 74gb raptors in raid 0 array.
and vista 32bit

so im not lacking power. plus it records fine in NR2003
S3 licensed
you can get an iso file, and then the updater will accept that.
S3 licensed
I realy get into endurance driving, i done alot of it. and i always do better than sprint races. I think its more because i can push for longer periods, where others tend to drop off.
S3 licensed
What ever happend to this project?
S3 licensed
Main issue im having is, it seems to be missing stuff, in the race i was testing it on, on lap 1 i passed two people through a chicane, it missed it, but it did get the lead up to the pass. but missed the final bit completly.

it happend again, when i was catching someone, who then blocked on the inside and i went around the outside of him.

then a few laps later was involved in an incident, it focused on the car behind me, and could see the crash happening in the background, and finally switched to the accident as we recoverd....

So my question is, is it possible to detect a manouver, like detect gaps between cars and as they get closer and closer and predict when something is going to happen? the action will then follow that.
S3 licensed
I want to go back to the original V sounds, how could i do this, whilest maintaining all the features of test patch 8?
S3 licensed
Quote from nmanley :Is the image resized to 256x256 before adding to the Pics folder?? It's quite a differance in size. 1024x1024


nay just drop it in as is
S3 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :Hey now, my reply was totally serious!!!! I can't help it if those guys can't keep their minds out of the gutter!!!

I wasnt in no gutter
S3 licensed
i was messing around in a carpark last night... oh wait that wasnt car related
S3 licensed
Quote from Rtsbasic :The only place its marked is on the bag the manual comes'll say on the sticker that seals it. But if you open up the pedals, Rev A ones are all plastic while Rev B ones have metal far as I know? Both my Rev B pedal sets are all metal pots.

i bought my first DFP in march of 2005, since then i have had 2 more, all due to the pedal problems.

i recieved my latest one last thursday aswell, so i am hoping these ones will last me long enough so i can go purchase some FREX pedals

saying that though i love the wheel, it is byfar the best wheel i ever used. the rotation of the wheel just rocks
S3 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :Here you go.. Doesn't look that great, because i had to paint over the grey/black gloves, so the shadows are not that great...
Be aware, they replace the gray/black gloves!


thank you buddy!
S3 licensed
any chance you could make a red set of gloves?
S3 licensed
to get good starts normaly i just full throttle it for a few metres and then slowly let off, and then full throttle again, i notice that i 95% of the time get a jump on the cars infront of me using this technique
S3 licensed
wow, i downloaded these yesterday and they look fantastic

good work dude