I'm stuck; I got S1, I don't want S2 yet as there is no rally cross content in it yet.
If S3 comes out and there's RC content then I don't want to buy S2 to get to S3.
I guess I am saying if the devs don't support what I wanted to buy then I don't buy it, and that seems fair enough. If S3 comes out without RC content I don't want that either. It's about having choice.
If what I wanted is not supported in S2 why would I need to support S2?
The Devs choose to support end users or not, so end users should get same choice to support Devs or not. That is at least equitable.
Can you imagine having to buy MS Office to qualify to buy Windows7? No, neither can I, since it is not even a remotely realistic proposition!
It's a little early to be 100% on any of this but early numbers went something like this:
MS handed out about 8 million keys for beta, they got beta feedback results back from about 15 million users. That would strongly suggest it is probably the most tested operating system beta ever.
In the first 2 weeks or so it had outsold the previous best two OS products MS ever sold, combined
I'd guess the poll is probably good. It is only a guess though and it is also early days. I'd expect XP to be in the lead at the end, but I reckon it'll be pretty interesting to see how the new kid makes out by then too.
I use XP SP2(*2), XP SP3,(*1) (using and viewing these as potential LFS dedi candidates.) (32 bit in all cases assorted Intel CPUs)
Win7 RC (7600) (*1)and am presently migrating to Win7 Retail Home Premium (*1). NB last two are separate installs on one machine (via 2 drives), but NOT dual boot. (would like to end up using one of these as LFS playing machine if certain potential security issues are addressed going forward) Both of these are 64 bit quad core Intel installs.
I would have voted, but the vote system did not allow for multiple systems, so it was not possible to cast a sensible or meaningful vote. I wanted to help out though, hence the info here. Just doing the best I can. Hope it helps.
I actually voted now given what Scawen said about win7 64 bit above, that's where I want to use it the most when all is said and done.
Last edited by MudPuppy, .
Reason : situation changed
Legit copies are builds 7100, 7600 and RTM which could vary from 7600 in certain circumstances, I sadly am not 100% sure of what they are (yet).
I'd say support for Current RTM 7600 (on average) would make most sense.
Win 7 beta and RC are going to be starting to reboot every 2 hours in the not too distant future so I don' suppose very many will carry on with them once that sets in. I'm planning on migrating over to my retail copy of home premium sometime in the next 4 to 6 weeks to take care of that reboot thing just a little before it happens.
I'd only add that in truth this is very probably a forking point in the road. The two paths to be chosen from are the XP way and the win7 way.
Staying with XP is just as valid as opting to go with win7. Staying with XP will lead to staying with it until it's no longer supported and going with win7 is the way to a future which MS will be supporting.
What Kegetys said is not all of it, but it is the greater and most relevant part for now as far as anyone can tell right now.
Having elected not to use vista, and stayed with XP; I have also been trying Win7 for daily use on it's own machine in parallel for very nearly a year now and in my view it is the new XP. It was not instantly wonderful to use (or move over to), but I realise that the "minimal or reduced attack surface" proposition that MS has opted for makes so much sense that one would be utterly crazy to try and move forward without it. I guess it took a couple of weeks to feel remotely at home with it. A further 2 months or so and I felt at home enough to start accurately guessing what might fix any problems I encountered. Turns out that over all it's just a slight shift of mindset needed to cope with how it all works now. I'd say I've found it a rather liberating experience by now. Feels fresher, and both easy and quick to work with. At last say I!
Only other safe option for the future which springs to mind is to use XP and set up LFS on it, and then make sure it's not connected to the net in any way, or for any reason. That's a bit stark for my taste though.
Love them or hate them MS has made it's best shot at moving forward, and not before it was long overdue in my view. They got styles they'd like devs to follow, they can tell you more than I could about that.
But I say why not give it a shot at doing it right? Could it really hurt so bad? Answer, no, but it could be uncomfortable settling in at first.
So, a little adjustment pain now is going to be worth so much smooth later.
Never thought I'd ever hear myself say it, but MS is at last starting to make a bit of sense here and there. (lord, did saying that feel strange:tilt
It's a new millennium, and a new century, and we are nearing the end of the first decade there of. How about entering into the spirit of things and set about getting it right for this new upcoming version?
Surely LFS is mature enough to start behaving in a mature fashion?
I'd appreciate that more than any new car, track or physics.
Well reality overtook the advice, on the 10th I placed an order for a 260, it's now heading my way for 1920x1080 bashing duty.
Hope that goes well.
Oddly Dabs have a new "delivery" system in place (it was not there last week), you order on a 1-3 day basis and they deliver on a 7-9 working day basis. I looked up 7-9 day deal on their web site but no mention was to be found, There is no phone number, chat was not working whenever I tried, so I wrote asking, but no reply. Now that's all a bit mouldy, and I'm full of misgivings about it. Oh well, we'll see.
Sorry, I meant that remote and tracker are out of sync with each other most of the time, had first and second places swapped around for a lot of the time earlier. I've dropped tracker for now as remote should in theory be telling it like it is. Shame that as I like tracker's presentation quite well.
Actually, I'm going with the link some kind soul posted earlier for the tracker (thanks to you sire!) And the Remote, which I had already sussed, but thanks for posting as it might help another.
Now all we need is direct audio only to each commentator, then we can turn Mr.W down for ourselves! Mr.W, it's new mic time I'm afraid, it's making you look/sound less than you really are I suspect. You've obviously made a sterling effort last race and this but that mic is letting you down badly.
The "streaming" server keeps on stopping sending data every minute or two. Something is clearly not quite right there. More intermittent spurting that streaming really!
It'd be ROX for the rally cross bit I guess. People can't really ignore the fact that they do dirt racing there can they? That'd be dreadful, terminal even.
I suspect you are probably on the right path already if you are starved for suitable makers drivers.
However in the meantime, there's a long shot that just sprung to mind, on Leo Laporte's TWiT TV site they got a show called windows weekly, and they solved something not too dissimilar in a slightly quirky way. If you listen to the podcast and listen out for the Zune software list problem you might give that rather bizarre fix a go. I've no idea how likely it might be to work, but I'd guess it's worth a shot at least! Was podcast WindowsWeekly #127 I think, and failing that #126 - been a busy week, can't remember which for certain.
If you're doing it as an "auto update" in Win 7, don't panic, let it fail the first time, then run through it again; win7 spots the problem during the first attempt and sets it up ok for another go, then when you run through it the second time, answer yes to the UAC requester when it arrives and it will all go just fine! Amazing to see an OS fix things ready for a proper go. Could hardly believe it when it did that! Almost a bonus in it's own right, even if that is a slightly perverse bonus!
Scawen: Thanks very much for this, it's really interesting, shall withhold any fuller comments until the rest of it is released (see, two can do that! fun isn't it?:tilt , but it is interesting! Quite fun, and a nice job done! Now get some rest, you've earned it.
Yeah, I thought I noticed that earlier in another thread somewhere or other, was suggesting someone use a Mac for LFS, which struck me as a little counter intuitive as suggestions go. Do they still even make those things?