Hi everybody. Im new in LFS so hello....is great to be here with you.I live in Spain but im Argentinian.
I ve discovered LFS a week ago and started playing and i have to say its a fantastic game. I really enjoy it. I have the demo version and i plan to buy S1 or S2 license once i reach at least 1:34.XX at Blackwood. I dont want to but it before that because i want to concentrate and learn step by step. Seems pointless (for me) to run in 6 tracks with 20 diff cars when my record at blackwood is 1:35.77 and only did it once.
So... once I reached 1:36.XX i decided to start playing online and remain at the end of the race and try to follow faster racers. I know im 2 seconds behind the average of the winner but thats enough to stand at the end in real life races so it would be enough in LFS as the simulator is pretty real.
But here the game-experience didnt turn up so well, as i found a lot of "evidently on purpose crashers" as well as some nasty situations where some people doesn know how to say "hey.....sorry for that" when they take you out of the track so you can say "np"; and when you say "Hey....my fault....didnt see you ....sorry" the answer is "Next one you get banned"
(?????????? After 3 days ONLINE and only because you made ONE mistake????How can this be possible???????????). In general, lack of education and kindness, big times.
Yesterday i had this last situation that was really surprising. I was in the second place on lap 1 and was about to overtake the first when he rammed me on purpose. Good luck was on my side as he ended out of the track and i took the first place. 5 seconds ahead i got kicked. I couldnt believe it because the crash fault was very very clear. So i return to the server and ask the admin for reasons. I told him it wasnt my fault and ask him to watch the replay. He answered me like an admin should never answer due to his position and we stayed online but left it.
5 minutes later he goes offline and the he login again and says to me:
"Didn´t see it. Sorry"
So i ask....
"Didnt see what?"
And he says :
"He was cutting you.....was his fault"
How can this be possible???. How could he directly-kicked me in the first place without even asked me sth or watching the replay. ?????? Why did he kick me'????? Because the other driver was his friend as i realized later on the next race due to their dialogue. Very dissapointing.
Anyway, i wont pay attention to this. I just want to find better servers.
So my question is for S1 and S2 license owners:
If i get the license will I have acces to more Blackwood servers where Im pretty sure i will meet kind and responsible sportsmans or even having a license Blackwood servers are the same as in demo version????
Thanks in advance for letting me share my expierence and for your answers.