The online racing simulator
Quote from Cabby :I'm acutally only using Relax for the pitspotter, all buttons and on screen info I'm using Aonio. If you're ever able to incorporate a pitspotter like Relax uses then I'll no longer have a need for Relax.

There is actually a kind of pitspotter incl. customizable sounds in Aonio. It is not quite like the one in Relax, but it can say/show the closest car in 8 directions and announce safe distance (clearing)... But I guess you know about this, just do not like it the way it is done.
Hi EQ Worry

Well, im already using your program but i have a question...

Im also using the old MOMO LEDS (And old Addon to make MOMO Leds functional as you reach a certain RPM number o running out of gas). So when i try to use both the problem is that i had to change the OutGaugePort in LFS cfg.txt to 56551 to make MOMOLEDS works, but this way i lose some of the AONIO Stats (fuel and RPM´s)

If i change Port in Aonio.cfg.txt file to 56551, AONIO doesn´t work.

I tried modifing the MOMOLEDS port to 59999 in its config file but didn´t worked neither

What should i do to make both program work properly???

Thanks for your help.
Quote from RouteKaster :Hi EQ Worry

Well, im already using your program but i have a question...

Im also using the old MOMO LEDS (And old Addon to make MOMO Leds functional as you reach a certain RPM number o running out of gas). So when i try to use both the problem is that i had to change the OutGaugePort in LFS cfg.txt to 56551 to make MOMOLEDS works, but this way i lose some of the AONIO Stats (fuel and RPM´s)

If i change Port in Aonio.cfg.txt file to 56551, AONIO doesn´t work.

I tried modifing the MOMOLEDS port to 59999 in its config file but didn´t worked neither

What should i do to make both program work properly???

Thanks for your help.

You can try to use OutGauge_relay by morpha
Right. That solved my problem Antonis. Thank god theres a lot of people sharing all this work. Thanks again to EQ WORRY, Morphas and the MOMOLEDS dev.
Now i have stats and shift leds in my wheel. All that i need.

I hope this "taking packages from here and sending them over there" dont make LFS unstable. I dont know anything about programming ports and packages but i heard sometimes this could bring some troubles. But i guess i will have time to test how the four programs (LFS, AONIO, MOMOLEDS, OG_RELAY) work together.

PD.: Do you know an easy way to make windows open this DOS programs without openning a window???? I read about a way but involved creating three files. Isn´t there a way of configure windows not to open DOS windows or running them minimized.

Quote from RouteKaster :PD.: Do you know an easy way to make windows open this DOS programs without openning a window???? I read about a way but involved creating three files. Isn´t there a way of configure windows not to open DOS windows or running them minimized.


Well, I'm absolutely positive there is a better way but here's what I thought of off the top of my head: Create a shortcut to Aonio.exe and edit its properties. Here's an example of what the target should be:

C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c start /min D:\Games\LFS\aonio\Aonio.exe

Perfect felplacerad.

Small and easy way to solve my problem. i think i have all set as i like.

Thank you all guys.

Quote from EQ Worry :There is actually a kind of pitspotter incl. customizable sounds in Aonio. It is not quite like the one in Relax, but it can say/show the closest car in 8 directions and announce safe distance (clearing)... But I guess you know about this, just do not like it the way it is done.

Yeah, I use the Relax pit spotter because it's a bit more advanced than what you currently have in Aonio. Having the pit spotter say things like 'In the middle' or 'Inside' vs. 'Outside' are really helpful in close racing quarters.
I dont know for others, but I dont see ''laps'' based on fuel remaining anymore.

The spot in the screen for it is there but no data in it.

Strange... it worked really well for our endurance event two weeks ago.

Now nothing !

Same thing on AIRIO managed server version 2.3.5a or d

Anyone that still have it working ?
On what version of AONIO and AIRIO server if the answer is yes ?

Aonio does not depend on Airio, it can be used in single player or multiplayer mode on any LFS server. Laps remaining value is shown only if your remaining fuel value is available and you've already made a lap or two using the currently active track/car combo.

Sometimes, so far for unknown reasons, the OutGauge communication with LFS gets broken. Fuel level is not available then and neither fuel nor remaining laps is shown. Just press R in Aonio console to restart the tool, it will attempt to inicialize OutGauge again. If this fails even after restart it means there is some troubles with UDP communication setup.

Quote from Cabby :Having the pit spotter say things like 'In the middle' or 'Inside' vs. 'Outside' are really helpful in close racing quarters.

You can actually setup separate warning sounds from 8 directions. You can use verbal info and you can also create "stereo ding files" sounding the alarm from the appropriate direction.

I'm not quite sure what inside and outside is. I would think in left hand turn the inside means on the left while in right hand turns inside is on the right. But does Relax make this distinction? I do not know, I have certain doubts though.
Quote from EQ Worry :I'm not quite sure what inside and outside is. I would think in left hand turn the inside means on the left while in right hand turns inside is on the right. But does Relax make this distinction? I do not know, I have certain doubts though.

You are absolutely correct. Inside will be used in just that manner for the inside of the turn, either left or right. Same for outside. Relax does indeed make this distinction which I find to be very handy when someone tries to slip up the inside during the middle of a turn. Keeps me from having to think about if what the pit spotter is saying means I need to keep a tight turn or leave more room at the apex. The same goes for that 'in the middle', it's very handy to have that when entering a turn with a car on both sides.

I know it sounds like there shouldn't be much difference in thinking between 'inside' and 'car left' while going thru a left hand turn, but I find I don't really pay attention to which direction I'm turning as I'm just focused on the track and getting around it. For me I just find I can react and adjust faster to an 'inside' comment.
Interesting! Thanks for info. I'll see what can be done.
Also, after Relax says something like 'inside' it will then switch over to saying 'still there' for about 30 seconds before it will confirm which side the car is on again with either a 'left side', 'right side', or if you're in a turn again at that point another 'inside' or 'outside'. You should consider downloading Relax and trying a few races with it with just the pit spotter turned on (works well with Aonio as long as you don't have Relax close the outgage in the config file) and get a feel for yourself how it does things.

It also does a random pick between 'left side' and 'car left' or 'right side' and 'car right' just to help break up the monotonous aspect and give you something a bit different to hear now and then.
Right. But you see, my aim is not to copy Relax's functionality in every detail. Of course I looked at Relax features for some basic ideas, but then I added many other original things I considered useful or things that other people suggested.

On the other hand, Gai-Luron (author of Relax) already said that I can take some code from Relax if two conditions are met: Aonio is released as Open Source, and the fact the code was taken/adapted is mentioned somewhere. I may go eventually that way. In that case I will also ask Gai for permission to use the WAV files included in Relax...
Quote from EQ Worry :Sometimes, so far for unknown reasons, the OutGauge communication with LFS gets broken. Fuel level is not available then and neither fuel nor remaining laps is shown. Just press R in Aonio console to restart the tool, it will attempt to inicialize OutGauge again. If this fails even after restart it means there is some troubles with UDP communication setup.

Thanks Mr. Worry, I'll try that.

P.S. You should put a link in your sig for AONIO forum, it's hard to find on AIRIO web page and not easier to find it here.. so many guys must miss this great tool just dont knowing it exist. There is a link for the tool but nothing to know what it is before downloading it.

I give you 10/10 for your tools and 2/10 for the marketing side.
We need to do all the work to promote your great stuff ! hehehe
Quote from Zalex :I give you 10/10 for your tools and 2/10 for the marketing side. We need to do all the work to promote your great stuff ! hehehe

There are people who would love to see all the "great stuff" disappear so that the "good old LFS times" can be back, whatever that means. I guess we will be saying the same in two years or so.

But you are right, I am no good at marketing. I rather leave it up to people to find the information, for various reasons.

But I changed my signature so that it has a simple link to the top of this thread, thanks for pointing this necessity out!
Quote from EQ Worry :

Woooohooo !!! No more search to do to find this thread !

BTW, you're not THAT bad in marketing your tools, I just wanted to shake you up a bit.

But still ... better be good at making the soft than promoting it.

Think about the real GT5 on PS3 !!! Haaaarg! Shame on them for the new demo.
I really like it....!

What could be improved is a little beep WAV when the fuel is less than X-configurable laps

And the radar map is lovely but I\m not really interested in whats in front of me, can it set that it looks further to the back or is this an insim limitation?

Now when I get a blue flag, nothing is shown on the radar yet.
Quote from nl2dav :I really like it....!

What could be improved is a little beep WAV when the fuel is less than X-configurable laps

And the radar map is lovely but I\m not really interested in whats in front of me, can it set that it looks further to the back or is this an insim limitation?

Now when I get a blue flag, nothing is shown on the radar yet.

Good ideas, I wish EQ can do it.
Dedicated .wav warning for low fuel ... sounds nice to me.
It could be great to have flashing indicator in hub too.

Orange light flashing with ''beep-beep-beep! sound = time to pit !!!

It's true that radar is used only for seing what's in dead spots, in front scan is useless and take half the space on radar.

If we could move the central # (Our car) on Y axis it could be great.
Possibility to get radar size we want could be cool too, but that must be REALLY complicated.

Keep up on good work, you keep our paint jobs as new !
Thanks for the ideas and suggestions! Aonio 1.2.2 (see my signature) adds the required things:

1) Radar display is moved, so that it covers 30 meters to the sides, only 20 meters to the front and full 60 meters to the back.

2) Using FuelWarningLaps you can set low fuel warning level. Default value is 2, setting it to 0 deactivates the warning. Otherwise when there remains fuel only for 2 laps the FuelWarningSound is played and repeated once each remaining lap. Also the fuel display will blink in a fashion, alternating between yellow (standard) and red.

3) Using ClientIPAddress it is possible to connect Aonio to a remote client. But the address needs to be publicly visible and available.

4) SendFuelToAirio may be used to send your current fuel level to Airio on the server, where it is displayed in !pl. This could be used for fuel checks in special lowest consumption races.

5) Using CustomCars you may define custom cars in a similar way Airio does it. This is important if you're often racing e.g. in GT2 cars, because FXR and FX2 have substantially different lap consumption and lap times. Using custom car definitions these two types of cars will be stored separately in Aonio stats.

I did some basic testing and it seems to me the additions work OK. But as always there can be situations when something fails, reports are welcome.
#95 - VoiD
Worry, this is simply impressive!

What I need is a tool/function to import pb´s (stored in pb.txt) from Relax into AONIO.
If this could be possible I´ll switch to AONIO.
Attached files
PB.txt - 12.2 KB - 508 views
Aonio 1.2.3 supports simple Relax PB.txt file (copied into Aonio directory) import by pressing i in the console. All Relax data are converted to Aonio format, previously gathered and colliding Aonio data are disregarded/overwritten. That means you should import Relax PB data only once and very soon, not after several weeks of racing or hotlapping with Aonio.

Note also that Aonio currently supports only one comparison base, the PB/TB times stored in its stats. It does not use LFSW PB/WR data and does not report good splits/sectors/laps, because I'm reluctant to mimick Airio advanced functionality. So think twice about moving from Relax to Aonio.
Does the sounds only happen during a race? Was testing out some sounds during a qual session and never heard the shift indicator. Didn't have anyone else there on track with me to test other sounds yet, that'll happen later tonight.
sounds work all the time for me....sitting on track after race and in a pit stall during qualy next to someone all i hear is.....".......inside......inside......inside......inside......inside......inside......inside......
Figured it out with the help of another Aonio users, seems the car I was in doesn't have a shift light so it doesn't give the shift sound. Nothing major really.

AONIO - Client-side LFS Tracer
(350 posts, started )