Thanks for the ideas and suggestions! Aonio 1.2.2 (see my signature) adds the required things:
1) Radar display is moved, so that it covers 30 meters to the sides, only 20 meters to the front and full 60 meters to the back.
2) Using
FuelWarningLaps you can set low fuel warning level. Default value is 2, setting it to 0 deactivates the warning. Otherwise when there remains fuel only for 2 laps the
FuelWarningSound is played and repeated once each remaining lap. Also the fuel display will blink in a fashion, alternating between yellow (standard) and red.
3) Using
ClientIPAddress it is possible to connect Aonio to a remote client. But the address needs to be publicly visible and available.
SendFuelToAirio may be used to send your current fuel level to Airio on the server, where it is displayed in
!pl. This could be used for fuel checks in special lowest consumption races.
5) Using
CustomCars you may define custom cars in a similar way Airio does it. This is important if you're often racing e.g. in GT2 cars, because FXR and FX2 have substantially different lap consumption and lap times. Using custom car definitions these two types of cars will be stored separately in Aonio stats.
I did some basic testing and it seems to me the additions work OK. But as always there can be situations when something fails, reports are welcome.