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S3 licensed
P-IV 3GHz HT, 1024 DDR-400, ATi Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB

With the new "Omega 2.6.87" couldnt get over 18fps,
where I had 90fps with the previous Omega 2.6.71 before.

Tried everthing for a while, then decided to step back to previous version of drivers.
S3 licensed
Jimi's MRT Skin (1024x1024)
S3 licensed
Jimi's FOX & FO8 skins (1024x1024)
S3 licensed
Jimi's Helmet:
S3 licensed
Quote from Theafro :we have GOT to have more realistic engine damage in that department, ATM you'll get a little power loss at most, it needs to simulate (at best) a broken valve spring etc. (not fatal but bad for power + might kill it eventually) to a busted crank or con rod,(death for the engine).

we need the damage to even things up a bit, you'll either have to lift or use the autocut.

i prefer the manual lifts and blips simply 'cos it's more fun!

That's it!
S3 licensed

Kewl hint!
S3 licensed
Quote from s0n!c :Ich habe bemerkt das hier viele Deutsche gepostet haben,
deswegen meine Stellungnahme dazu auf Deutsch,
wenn einer unbedingt für die nicht deutschen übersetzen will soll er es ruhig machen !!!

Wir sind Newbies , haben das Spiel erst seit ungefähr 2 Wochen und sind deswegen nicht sonderlich gut, wir fahren auch noch mit tastatur !!! so kann man halt nicht besonders gut fahren und dreht sich öfter als man vernünftig fährt !! Aber wart ihr am anfang denn schon so gut wie jetzt ??? Wir haben uns vorher mit keinem rennspiel befasst, haben daher keinerlei erfahrung mit Rennsimulationen !!
Wir haben auch einen Clan in dem wir Counter-Strike spielen, und h0lz kam auf die Idee das wir ja auch mal ein Rennspiel online Spielen könnten. Ich fande das das eine gute Idee sei und wir kauften uns die S2 Lizenz.
Wir fahren so oft wir können und versuchen besser zu werden
Nur warum wir manchmal so Mist bei rennen machen ist eigentlich simpel !
Wenn mal ein Rennen ein paar Runden ganz ordentlich lief, aber dann durch einen Fahrfehler oder aufgrund der Tastatursteuerung ein Dreher oder Crash passiert, verzweifeln wir fast bei dem Spiel weil nichts funktionieren will !!
Dann haben wir Wut auf die anderen die gut fahren können und wollen sie dann wegrammen ! Ist zwar eigentlich dämlich aber so reagieren wir halt !
Ich find das ja eigentlich auch scheiße !! Nur wenn ich dann mal einen anderen ausversehen von der Strecke schieben regt derjeige sich meistens auf unf beschimpft uns gleich !! Nur können wir dafür das wir Newbies sind und noch nicht gut fahren können ?? Und es stimmt nicht wie behauptet wurde, das wir uns die Lizenz nur gekauft haben um Mist zu bauen und alle anderen zu crashen !!
Es tut uns leid das wir so reagiert haben und versuchen uns in zukunft zu bessern, wir würden uns auch über jegliche hilfe freuen die wir bekommen können ( setups, fahrtipps, ideallinie etc.)

Nochmals entschuldigung für die Fahrer, deren Hotlaps bzw. Rennen wir ruiniert haben,

mfg. s0n!c & h0lz

That's extremely impudent...
S3 licensed
Does anyone know the LSFW-name of "h0lz"?

(s0n!c = LFSW-name too)

Please post it, that admins are able to ban.
S3 licensed
I experienced "h0lz" and "son!c" as stupid wreckers many times, too.

S3 licensed
Ya, but that's not the point.
Nobody does it manually when turned off...

I mean:
it feels sick
sounds sick

but you're faster!
so, you're forced to turn it off... what's that sh**??
Last edited by Jimi, .
Turning off CB (Gear Chance Blip) + CC (Gear Change Cut) realistic?
S3 licensed
Do you think it's realistic driving with 'gear chance blip' and 'gear change cut' turned off is realistic?

Wouldn't that kill the engine? Especially on Fo8?

I know you turn that off to brake faster and eliminate gear changing times...

I also find it sounds a little sick with cb/cc turned off to me.

(But I used that too in S1 on MRT5)

It would be more realistic, if the engine/gearbox would burst after some time, when these helps are turned off,
what do you think?
Last edited by Jimi, .
S3 licensed
The idea is great
S3 licensed
Gorgeous, man!

Good job!
S3 licensed
Aaaaah, that's why

Thanx for the info!
And great work so far! Useful tool
S3 licensed
Checked it and I'm not impressed.

I guess it will be full of unsteerable cars, like the Ford Escort Mod in GTR,
which is in my opinion only suited for some fun races...

A real bad point is that you can't change driver position, real crap.
I don't see me learning to drive on the right side.

And too hardware hungry.

I bet GT-Legends will be such a beta like GTR,
and the customers will be the beta-testers again.
No thanx, SIMsalaBIN.
S3 licensed
Don't care for the picture!
I posted that to show there's an 'open-button'.

For me there's only a 'Launch' and a 'Save' but NO 'Open' button,
and that on 3 computers.
So I can't be the only one with that prob....?
S3 licensed
I had much trouble with GTR and I dont like the way SIMsalaBIN is treating their customers.
GTR 1.4 is still very very buggy and awful programmed.

Will GT-Legends be a beta-game like GTR too?

But I will d/l and check the demo.
S3 licensed
Loaded the version yesterday and already checked, if it's the newest one:
Dedi GUI 2 v0.7.1.5

And I have no 'open' button

Tested on 3 Computers:
Win2k P-III 600MHz, WinXP P-IV 3GHzHT, WinXP P-M1.6GHz
Last edited by Jimi, .
S3 licensed
Just found a screenshot:'n'%20Apps/DediGUI2.jpg

and there's an 'open' button, which I don't have?
Dedi GUI 2
S3 licensed
Hi everyone

Who knows the very helpful tool "Dedi GUI 2"?
It's a great thing, but it doesn't keep my settings.

There's a 'save-button', but no 'load-button'?
And it's not automatically loaded or sth.

Settings are stored in the file 'dedigui.dss',
but how to load these settings again?
S3 licensed
Hi Victor

Thanx for quick answering!
I see. GMT-2 for me.

+/- are the other way around?
So it should be GMT+2 for me then, but I'm GMT+1 (Paris, Berlin etc.),
maybe it's because of summer-/winter time?

And good to know the sheet-data's changing at UK time.
Thought it depends on your GMT settings too.

Btw. you guys doing great work with LfS!!
Bug in Time-Zone settings on LSFW?
S3 licensed
Hi everyone

I have to set my time-zone to GMT-2 (central europe)
to see the right clock times in 'race results' on LSFWorld.

But I am from Germany, so GMT+1 would be the right setting.

When I set it to GMT-2, clock times are right, but my daytime is wrong.
Means, my day isnt over at 23.59-0.00, it's some hours apart from my time
(dunno yet, think it's 3 hours, cause it works when i set time-zone to GMT+1).

Anyone else already experienced this problem?
Btw. I had that in S1 already, not since S2.
S3 licensed
Goooooorate job!!