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S3 licensed
*EDITED post #8.

- removed the older layout and replaced it with the new one


- a proper pit lane, entry and exit
- some unnecessary objects got removed, for example confusing direction plates here and there
- some missing objects were added
- S/F line was moved to the other side of the pit area for practical reasons
S3 licensed
Quote from VicaNo :Nice work mate


Quote from wildstyle :Du är så jävla snygg, Juho! Fan vad bra!

Takk så meget, hora!

Aaand, please note that the layout might get some changes in the future because there are a bit more clever ways to make it possible to do races on this layout.
Westhill Minischleife
S3 licensed
Last edited by deCesaris, .
S3 licensed
New track available, Westhill Axe Raceway.

(Works with the new update)

Last edited by deCesaris, .
S3 licensed
Quote from dekojester :There was an incorrect skin run during Q1 (the GT2 bumper bar was missing), the fastest lap penalty affects the aggregate of the two sessions since they are technically one session, split over multiple days.

Yes, I was aware of the reason of the penalty.

Nevertheless, I wouldn't have considered those two as one session since they are practically two different sessions of which lap times are just merged. The way I see it, it should be the only thing that connects those two.

This is like being penalized for stealing a stack of cash, which you didn't do, but instead you had stolen a penny some time ago, but weren't penalized for that. It wouldn't make any sense, would it?
S3 licensed ... 14_Round4StartingGrid.pdf

Woah, hey being serious. You are meaning that we lost our fastest lap of the qualifying session, where we had a correct skin? Rules are rules, and I respect them. But requiring, that there is some sense in rules. By signing up for this series we have accepted rules that this series has, I get that, but I don't see any sense in this rule.
S3 licensed
Quote from IsaacPrice :I wasn't going to comment here, because I got my quota of whinging completely used up on the layout thread. But anyway personally I'd rather the wind wasn't used, it's not like wind in real life, and it's pretty frustrating sometimes to practice with 1 condition for a race, then it gets changed when you grid for the race. But I wasn't going to complain about it, afterall it's almost the same(different cars are affected slightly differently) for everyone. But I guess my problem is the way you're doing it. You're changing it because you feel like it, because you are bored, without taking into account what other drivers, the people who actually have to drive the race, the people you need for a successful events opinion. And then to top it all of, you come across in your post like that you are somehow better, you know better than people who actually drive.

I'm definitely not speaking for everyone, only myself - but if there was a poll, then the most popular option would be chosen and there would be nothing to complain about. If you'd added it before the start of the season, then anyone who signs up is agree'ing to your rules, nothing to complain about once again. I think people complain as much because of how you're doing what you're doing, rather than because of what it is you're trying to do. I'm not going to get dragged into some sort of forum war this time though, just my 2 cents ^

S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from kochomoch :Whats the point of this thread anyways ?

Just a one-day troll
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :So.. can anyone send me troy's setup?

Which one of them?
SAVAGE Setup Stealer
S3 licensed
Well, there's been some discussion lately of setup extractors and stuff and we finally decided to be straight-forward about this thing and reveal our way to steal setups.
The program is used only (afaik) inside our team, and even within our team only few people knew about the existence of this program. When the discussion about setup extractor
things started, we shared this to all team and.. Flame lost his temper. And after two weeks of crisis in our team we decided to destroy the program and stop cheating.

I recorded one occasion when I downloaded troy's setups just before Round 1 of NEC. So, the video is in YouTube so you can see it yourself.

The biggest apologies to troy, won't happen again.

E: For those whose IQ barely reaches 50, who still think this thing is real, it's not. Happy summer everybody! <3
Last edited by deCesaris, .
S3 licensed
Quote from shmall719 :So can you release the textures you have now, or do we have to wait until fully completed?

Well, all right, I'll release all files currently completed tomorrow. Not today because it's too late :P

I'm gonna have a busy weekend so I'll try to manage to find time for that in some point. If not in this weekend, then in the next week, I promise.
S3 licensed
Daenerys, well.. commanding her dragons to try to burn her in front of the whole city watching could be considered as an accident, you know.
S3 licensed
Quote :If this post was written between 0.00-6.00 am UTC I take no responsibility of its content

Well timed
S3 licensed
Quote from HenkkaWRC :You have done great job with those textures. I think the tarmac texture looks bit too big but the buildings, steel fences, cerbs, road markings... those are just awesome! Keep it up.

Do you have any idea when this pack is released?

Sorry about possible spelling mistakes.

Thank you Well my focus in sim racing is in iRacing now, and thus I haven't been devoted continuing this really.
S3 licensed
Quote from bishtop :personally i like the one that has the weathered look(e,maybe if youdecrease the fade or weathered look slightly it may look even more better

thanks for the work done and work you are doing,highly appreciated

I have to consider because tbh I hate it, even I did it myself.

Thank you.

Quote from Nicce :the "new" rails looks way better than the "old" havent even noticed the old tho.

Yeah, it's not very visible to the track. Just some filling to the background.

And by the way, if you guys like my work and want to support me, the best way to do it would be liking our Facebook page.
Would be great encouragement to get this completed soon, if I saw more likes there.
S3 licensed
Quote from wody21 :deCesaris, maximal respect. South City is the hardest track to updtade with HQ textures, and Your sample pictures are incredibly beautiful!

Keep it up this good work!

Thank you very much. For my part, I adore your XRR textures, they're pure art really.

Some new content again:


S3 licensed
Quote from DANIEL-CRO :Really love your work

I'd like to have little darker curbs and some smoother transition between road and curbs. Also one thing that bothers me is that line is cutted at the edges of road (attachment), if you could do someting about that...
Anyway great work, keep it up

Thank you very much

Yeah, those stupid lines here and there bother me too. I'm going to fix them as well. Thanks for your notes, I'll keep them in my mind.

E. And one more thing I did today. Even with that quality, it is with 2-3 times bigger resolution than the original.


I wasn't happy with those instruction boards, so I made new ones. Which do you prefer? ... fedbb16468.png?1360067088
Last edited by deCesaris, .
S3 licensed
So, back in the business, I've made some fixes to textures.

Update-pack will be released when all files are done.

Link to the photo
S3 licensed
Quote from Smashmolth :Aikamoinen rattimies!

Is this track made for some specific car?

Auto kun auto, niin aina kulkee!

Not specifically made for any car, but it is good for demo cars, as this short tracks usually are. TBOs, FOX, MRT, LX4 are OK too I guess. For GTRs track is too short and narrow.
Juho's Layout Thread
S3 licensed
Yeah, I've had too much free-time too

1. Aikamoinen Rattimies International Raceway

This track is dedicated to Jamaican Cross-country Skiers.

More layouts will be added later.
Last edited by deCesaris, .
S3 licensed
Link is now in the OP, enjoy or suffer
S3 licensed
Or actually I'm gonna call that back. Problem I faced today wasn't so big after all. So, 59 High Resolution textures are packed now and will be uploaded somewhere soon. More information to come..
S3 licensed
Quote from tommer :I hope you don't mind some criticism I'm sure you've put a lot of work into this.

I'm not saying you have to do any of this but these are just my thoughts.

My opinion is that the road textures do not look realistic - There's far too much contrast and for a smooth city road the aggregate (rocks in the road mixture) are far too large and spread out. Typical roadstone aggregate is probably between about 10-20mm bits.. Like this very angular fragments to prevent tyre slip and very fine to prevent puncture.

You've used what looks like concrete grey for the road whereas South City being a city in the south of the UK, they would use black asphalt because that's what they use around this part of the world :P

Well, my original aim wasn't to change South City dramatically. It can be a city in southern UK, but they who created South City imo know the best what South City looks like. And they did grey asphalt. I'd like to stay true in that.

But other notes were good, thank you

Quote from THE WIZARD DK :any release date on any files? im very curious about the walls aswell. looks like i drove at southcity few laps the wear on those are looking great. keep it up. i for one hope this doesnt go sour. much apreciation from this lfs racer.

EDIT: i might be able to find some sewer caps if you want me to. saw some nice ones today.. immediately thought of this thread..

Thank you for comments I haven't been on this lately due to school stuff, but now I have a Christmas holiday and I'll do some fixes and then I publish the current files of that time on 1/2/13.

You can always send me a link to textures if you want me to see them, and then I might use them as well.

But, Merry Christmas to all!