How can I set my pad so I can have the accel+brake on the right analogue stick.I've had it set up like that before,but I had to re-install,and now I cant remember how I done it.
Good point,the game gets very samey and dare I say it boring,with the same cars/tracks all the time.I've gone from playing every night, to 1-2 times a week.
This would make quite a big change,but quite a ballsy one if the devs done it.
Cheers mate I know that already what I'm asking is ,weather it is possible for a server to change track every 5-10 races.Maybe rotate it bewteen a couple of different tracks.
I get bored racing round the same track time and time again,the guys at LFS have toiled away for hours making all these tracks but I only ever see the usual suspects with people playing in it.Is it possible for a server to rotate bewteen a few different versions of the track so we can have a bit of variety.
what is going on with my tyres,I drive as smooth as I can but within a couple of laps they are glowing red and im just skidding all over the shop.I've tried all the different compounds and different set-ups but nothing seems to work.I havent got a wheel but I do use a analogue pad with the accel and steering on my thumbsticks.Other people I race with seem to get round all right,so I borrow their set-up but I still scrub my tyres.Any tips plz??