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S2 licensed
I had some grafical missmapping last race.
I am not able to reproduce it, guess has something to do with changing to desktop (windowskey+D) and back to LFS.

When I started the race everything looked fine, but suddenly (after approx. 4min) the screen changed to the one you can see on screenshot
(BTW: I had to cancel the race to avoid shooting someone because I had no mirrors anymore )

Z10 installed
Last edited by Zimmi, .
S2 licensed
Finally I have it.

1. unplug wheel
2. uninstall from control panel
3. go to program Files/Common Files/Logitech and remove the WMD drivers. (this ensures all previous version drivers are removed)
5. install 5.04
6. plug in wheel
S2 licensed
@msk: thanks for the "picture"-answer, this helps me a lot the see if installation worked correctly. But still the same issue...

@Chrisuu01: nope! This I did, one can download version 5.04 there. This is the latest version, supporting DFGT!
S2 licensed
I changed from DFP to DFGT today. But now I have the problem that WinXP always recognises the wheel as DFP.

I uninstalled everything before updating Profiler to 5.04, I cleaned up the registry keys with CCleaner, but no chance till now.
(I tried different USB-Slots)

Is there anybody who had same issues?

I mean the wheel works properly, but I miss using the new buttons! I only can use the old buttons I used with the DFP.

I have no ideas left now... do I have to uninstall USB-Driver stuff first?

BTW: when I go to windows settings I see the good old DFP picture, this is not like it should be, right? There is a different picture for DFGT?
S2 licensed
hmmm, dont really get your problem, but try this:

- Extract all data from Zip-Folder directly to your LFS-Folder
- start LFS and type in chat "/insim 29999"
- start "Pitboard.exe"
- configure once the insim port in "Pitboard" (i.e.: 29999)
- click "Connect"

To configure your InSim Port in LFS go to:
"Multiplayer" > "Start new host"
set the IP-address to ""
set the Port tp "29999"
(Leave the settings without creating the server)
S2 licensed
the CRT screen flickers in the same frequency as the 3D glasses (shutter glasses - real colors! No red/green glasses) in order the right and left eye can receive separate picutres. THe human brain compose both picutre to one and create the 3D effect out of it. The problem is that the LCD screen dont flicker any more.

The system for LCD-screen work very differently...
S2 licensed
I've tried/used the eDimensional glasses 2 years ago. The best effect was with 3D-shooter. LFS was great as well, but too exhausting for longer races.

One precondition for the 3D glasses is a CRT monitor. Since I have the LCD-Monitor the "3D world" is over for me now...

But there are some LCD monitor on the market since some months which are able to produce the same effect. But I have no idea if they work together with LFS.
S2 licensed
Because I want to prevent the "join", as described above.

The "join" causes problems to the server (the well known lag-problem by jumping into the pits) and this shouldn't be necessary to see this info.

Would be easy to implement (I guess).
S2 licensed
Improvement suggestion: "Get Track info (SO6/FBM) by Hotkey"

If people join the server there is often asked for the name of the combo they joined. What about a possibility to get this information by pressing a hotkey while in spectation mode(!).

I always join the race, press F7 to see my Lapstatus and to see the name of the combo. But I always have to join first, this causes problems for all others...

There is a suggestion already existing:
"+ Make race length, wind and weather (etc.) viewable while spectate"

perhaps it is close to mine...
S2 licensed
Great sounds !!!

But I don't understand your hint:

"when online, u may want to turn down your engine sound a bit ~25% (~ 0.6 instead of 0.8) using shift+a so all other sounds are louder, and other cars can be heard from greater distanc"

by pressing "shift+a" I can't read exactly "engine sound", what do you mean?
There is no option which has the value "0.8"...

S2 licensed
What a great video !!! Devs have to take it for official LFS introductions !
S2 licensed
simple answer: get the DFP wheel !!! More Buttons, better control and much cheaper !

btw: my momo lasts for 3 years, after that I bought DFP and I was surprised how many benefits DFP has.
S2 licensed
small improvement suggestions:

in pit: sort sets by track (or name), not by date

in pit: (maybe) show sets only for chosen vehicle (optionbox?)

showing set-list by saving received set, same nice feature like implemented by saving replays

if autosave of replay is active, overwrite last replay if defined end of space is reached to avoid endless increase of LFS-folder.(Replay end of space for example: 100MB)

no interrupt during voting for race start when new player connects. The player who joins race without haven't been on track for a certain time, is simply a risk for all other gamers, so there is no need to wait for him. (Or has this interrupt an other technical reason?)


Is it possible to log locally the count of driven hotlaps in a ciphered txt-file which is updated/send by every start of LFS to LFSworld. So a better comparison to other drivers would be possible, especially when someone only drives hotlaps and not only PBs >from online races.

Thanks for that great update feature in U32 and for the best race game ever
S2 licensed
nice blendings and nice camerapositions ! Well done mate !
S2 licensed
wow, nice idea !!! +1
S2 licensed
ok, here it is:

for other stuff please visit our homepage...
S2 licensed
hmmm, cant find any (good) FOX wheels, here are my own made results:
Last edited by Zimmi, .
S2 licensed
hmmm, seems to be that FOX wheels are very rare
FOX wheel textures
S2 licensed
What is the best FOX wheel ???

(Please post links)

BF1 and other wheel are easy to find, but where are cool FOX wheels
S2 licensed
thx for "All In One" option !!!

Great videos

Want to see some of these cool animations in game
S2 licensed
"you was only allowed to reset, if nobody's near you on track / was coming to the reset-position of your car."

thats a possible solution !!!!!
S2 licensed
Hmmm... arcadly... if thats the case I agree. But yesterday I had an incident where I hadn't any chance to react cause suddenly a resetted car appeared in front of me !!! If there would have been a short fadding time by 1 sec I probably managed to avoid that crash. 1 sec would be enough I guess.

You are right, resetting is arcade style and I dont like it, so we have to live with that and I think with that small suggestion I would live better with that "cheat"
More Penalty for RESETTING
S2 licensed

I'm not really amused of the "resetting" Feature, cause many people use that much too often.

My suggestion:

By pressing the reset button (default "space") the car slowly appears (fading) instead of that actual jumping manner.

This has two advantages in my opinion:

1. The racer who used that "cheat" gets more penalty time
2. Racers who follow that car can prepare of that slowly appearing car and have more time to react

What do you think ???
S2 licensed
Yes, but its a competition of the best videos around, according to that 3 stars are really good !