lol i like the music, did you see that chick drifter in that Tanish 86? lol shes good, speaking of girls we should tell girls about this game so they can play and us men have someone to show off to
yeah, maybe in S3 or sometime in S2 they will make new "Object(s)" Like Curbs , Spunges, better wall berriers that dont make our cars fly into LFS's outerspace, Softer Tires that break up, and make some Dips in the road, not these are jsut a thought, to flame at me
EDIT: i jsut saw the vid again and i say that its just a big open area with differnt types of turns, they used Cones to block some of the passage ways to make a track.
I am gonna see if Origins can give me a sky shoot of the track or if they have a Blue print of it. but what if they ask what for? what do i say?
anyone think they can make Origins Track? i only have a vid of them drifting on it, i really wish i could find some blueprints. anyone wanan take a stab at this track/layout?
ok i heard that this wheel comes with a USB addapter that plugs into the PS2 Controller port, is this true? im thinking about savine up and buying this wheel, but its 90 somthing dallars on Amazon, but hey dose any one have this wheel, what are the pros and Cons with this wheel?
What wheel would you recamend(cant spell that) for good drifting?
i wouldnt mind seeing flip up head lights, if someone said that then you rock lol, and maybe the option for Sleepy Eyes! OH YEAH! maybe an option were you can do your own body kit, and add a wing and stuff, mabe a store? that give you free parts lol nah maybe not, but i wouldnt mind seeing a thing wre you can make your car a bit faster.
ok....that did not do anything for me....i dont want pictures i want "templetes" so i can Edit them.
oh snap i didnt see the other post b4 me, ima check that out
were can i find templetes? i need 1024 by 1024 so i can start on a skin and upload it to my LFS Desktop... Xrg and XRT would be good if you could list only the RWD cars...