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S2 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :Lepletier,

Here it is, i know i have to fix some things, brakes, headlights, (front tire?).

i've moved the car aswell, tell me if it's better now

- Bose

Thats allright! :P

Thank you!
S2 licensed
Quote from Drift2007 :here're two of my new ones

Can you make a XFR scene for blender with that dark scenario and black rims setup?
Tyres like these one: ... id=58342&d=1213082137

It will be very nice have this scene in blender. So we can just put our skin texture. Like the 3dsmax scenes we have right now.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :Lepletier,

here is it, it's still not done offcourse, if you find it good enough i'll make it bigger

Not sure if i can find any jeeps, i'll try tho...

I think its okay, just turn the wheel to the left (like the steering wheel turned to the left), put the car a little more near the camera and you can render in 1028x1024.


Leaving work right now, in 50 mins to home ;/

Sorry my bad english. And Thanks for the render.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :Lepletier,

I've used those 5ZIGEN rims... black, as you ordered.
Here is the preview, tell me if it's good, if it is, i'll put it in the truck scene

It's perfect!

The only thing i wanna change, its remove the white text on the tyre sidewall. If possivel.

And good to go!
S2 licensed
It's really cool!

damn... the front remember me that Lancia Stratus...
S2 licensed
Yeah, it will really cool have those scenes in Mental Ray.

My Brazil render plugin its a little buggy.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :Thanks

Do you prefer any kind of rims btw?

Can you use this black rims?

Or if you don't find that rim, you could use the 5ZIGEN or Racinghart rims models from the

S2 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :oh erm... ill continue on it im learning for my exams atm...

Don't worry

You wanted the truck, and the XFR right? anything else special?

Black Rims, like that other scene. The exemple i posted in the link.

Take your time, exams are serious... so take your time
S2 licensed

Any news on that truck render?

Im anxious... ehehe
S2 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :nah, it isn't stretched, he painted some part wrong, ill try to repaint it

edit: this is a volvo, the picture was a peterbild...

Here is the right one i think, still not good

What is not good on the second render?

I think is fine now, the first one have a great mistake with the template lol. But the second one appears ok.

I use the template from the scene, I just edit the original template. So i think its mandatory the template fit the models, dunno.

Theres some small texture glitches on the truck inself, because in only edited the original texture (change de colors) and put some decals, don't create a new texture. But i think thats no big problem. :P
S2 licensed
Thats amazing mustang!

very amazing, nice work!
S2 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :not for you no


On it, i'll do the truck ... id=56861&d=1211760005 that one?


that one...

XFR and the truck with the template that i uploaded on that post. If possible!

S2 licensed
Well... not long time ago, i made a request to importfantasy. But he is away for a while (i think he got a flue or something like that...). Soo im not gonna be a "pain in the ass" type of guy and rush him for make this scene, and gonna pass this request for another people. I hope ImportFantasy don't mind and get better from that flue. (i think is a flue lol)

I tried to render this scene, but my brazil plugin only send me "missing dll's" error. I try everything to fix this error, but no results...

Im gonna ask for anyone with that truck scene to render this scene for me. (if Bose321 render that scene for me i will be very happy, cause i wanna a that truck scene because him and that scene on a previous post :razz

I don't remember who made that XFR scene with black rims.

Well, the template for the truck scene can be found here in this post:

And the request with the descriptions (with the XFR render with black rims for exemple) here in this post:

Soo, if anyone please can render my skin? :P
S2 licensed
Quote from Soeren Scharf :Hi Lepletier,

I take your request very serious because in my opinion sponsering will become a more and more important part in the future of racing sims and especially in broadcasting sim racing events.

I was talking to Mika Radmer (commentator and head admin of the GameStar League) last weekend. He has found a way how to use my tool to get exactly what you are requesting. I think it is worth that I tell it here, because his idea is brilliant:

Define additional cameras in your cam file and define end node to a value of start node plus one (e.g. start node = 255, so set end node to 256). TV Director will unlikey select this camera to show a car during racing action. This is because the range of this camera is too short and TV Director tries to avoid every unnecessary camera switch. So TV director will select the camera with the larger range from start to end node.
Between two races, or between qualification and race (or even during the race just when it becomes boring if nothing happens) switch into edit mode. Then you can select your "advertising cams" by a simple mouse click in the GUI Additionally in edit mode you have complete mouse control over the camera (indeed you are just in usual shift-U mode) so maybe you can make a slow camera pan to show an overview of the track or something else.
After selection in edit mode all cams have a default FOV of 30°. Start node is the piece of track where the camera points to.

I do not have planned this feature, but this is what is currently possible with my tool

btw: your german is very good

with kind regards

Thanks for the feedback, im gonna try this and talk to the guys in LFSBR.

btw: your program its really useful, i hope the dev's use something like that or give you some credits for your work.
S2 licensed
3Dsmax 9, don't remember what version of brazil. (Im at work right now)

But, i run the smfrg exec thing and the brazil its in the max directory, the scene indeed uses brazil. But i dunno what's happening. Only says that i got "missing dlls' from brazil r/s.
S2 licensed
Well, im getting some "missing dll's" erro with the Brazil R/S Plugin, anyone knows how to solve this?

Im trying to open a scene, and i get the error on the program start up, when i click "continue" the program runs normaly, but i can't get the render working right.

Anyone wanna help the "master noob" here? please?

S2 licensed

Here's the template for the truck scene, trailer and truck.

I search for the attachments in the PM but i think theres no button for that.

So im putting here on the topic.


btw, a great thank's for the, for the scene.

S2 licensed
Soeren Scharf, Guten Morgen. (11:53 here)

We from the Brazilian Racing League (LFSBR) are very happy with your tool.

We really want to use your tool with the GRIDTV transmissions ( A streaming site for the virtual automobilism in brazil.

But we have a little question, it's possible to make the cameras to lock up a little bit on the track advertising?

Cause we have some sponsors on our league, and we want to the others brazilians sponsors and other people know that. I that way we want to show the track ads for the public on our transmissions.

We run the championships and events normally in two battery's, let's call stage 1 and stage 2. I little bit similar as the WTCC series. In the intervals from stage 1 to stage 2 we want to show some of our sponsors. So this is why i am asking this question to you now, it's possible?

Otherwise we can just adjust the cameras around the circuits for best visualization of the ads.

Einen schönen Tag wünsche ich ihnen.

Sorry my bad english, and my bad german as well. (i don't pratice for a long time)
S2 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :you like my truck scene?

The rims look like plastic

Yes! I love it, if you match that scene with a "backstage" area from the pit will be awesome. Like the backstage area of South City for exemple.

Btw, what truck is that?

I know its a volvo, but what model?
S2 licensed
Quote from ImportFantasy :Wow!Im touched. This is a big render order for me so its going to take more than 2 days.Ill see what I can do.

Thank you very much!

Take your time, don't need to rush it :P
S2 licensed
Request for ImportFantasy.

Well i was reading this topic, and i see you really like to mess with the this 3D thing. I have seen excelents renders made by you. (now i am your fan lol)

So i have a special request to do to you, can you render my XFR skin with some custom content, not the usual rims from the LFS or default tyres?

I really like some scenes you made, sou can you made some similar for me?

Infact my idea its a "post-racing" scene, where the XFR its parked near the pits with the driver door open, some tools over the place. (Simples floor, nothing like a mirrored floor or such things)

Or like that truck scene, the XFR parked near the truck with the door (semi-open, like the driver just left the car) open and waiting for get back to the truck, black rims like this...

truck scene ... id=55826&d=1210533232

This request its for you, ImportFantasy. But if anyone wants to render my skin in similar ways will be very welcome.

My skin Resolution: 2080x2080

Preferential resolution for the image: 1280x1024 (wallpaper)

If you gonna do something like the Truck scene and need some custom textures to mach the XFR skin texture, just tell me and i make some for you.

Sorry my bad english, i don't pratice for a longtime :P

So, can you do it?

S2 licensed
lol Piquet Jr. Hangin on with wet tyres...

the track is getting dry again, but the television here in brazil are saying its gonna rain again... let's see.

damn... Piquet wrecked. ;/

damn renault.
S2 licensed
50/78 and massa keeps rocking
S2 licensed
Remember me that movie, children of men. The cars have a "holographic" hud markers on the windshield.

But in the movie it shows your speed and etc...
S2 licensed
sweet scene!