like it's been repeated countless times before, demo is free and free stuff attracts all kinds of people and thusly, a lot of muppets. There are some of them in S1 and S2 as well, but it's far far less and you'll have a much better time here.
some people might setup a server just to annoy other people byt doing exactly what you described. If you think this is typical behaviour in LFS, please seek out other servers. The LR race center 1 server, doesn't keep morons like that around for very long, so try there.
I haven't heard anyone get banned for it before at least. What you might want to do, is wait in the pits in stead of driving out and then standing still.
@gotspeed: under the advanced nvidia controlpanel, I click setup multiple displays and it's the first section there. I have 5 options, including spanning horizontally or vertically.
I can't seem to get the multiple monitor thing to work. Nothing happens apart from the view not being centered. Is it impossible with 2 screens attached to the same gfx card or am I doing something wrong?
edit: also noticed the TC icon has changed, but that might just be me, not keeping up
when the race restart counter starts, go to spec. Join the race after the grid has been placed and just follow the pack. You're not in anyone's way, so you should be able to get the basics of whatever track you're on. Maybe focus on a specific car in the beginning. I don't know what intimidates you, but for me it's ruining the race for people. So I start out at the back a lot, so I can't possibly take anyone out, even if it's not my fault. In time, you'll learn the track and car and then you'll move on to overtaking and everything else other people do