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S2 licensed
Quote from Jertje :Why does everyone keep saying the sim doesn't have functioning brake lights?

I see them in my own car in the replay, but can't really tell when others are braking live.
S2 licensed
Sorry to keep piling on, but he just got owned by Button and DC in the press conference, then reowned by his dad:
in short:
transcript: ... /britain/Pages/conf1.aspx

Poor kid
S2 licensed
It's more and more another different hobby.
Racing sims aren't really games anymore in the general sense: Dedicated hardware, too repetitive "gameplay" for those who don't get it, too hard/complex, need lots of practice to be good at it, no good offline modes, extremely competitive online community (can't win unless you are really good)...
"Gamers" aren't really interested in sims, and many people doing sim-racing don't really play much of anything else.
S2 licensed
8-Ball says:
"Acura US" F1 Team
Takuma Sato
Danica Patrick

just joking
S2 licensed
Quote from JJ72 :how interesting, racing a race recording that you can have no impact upon yayyyyy

Beats racing lewishamiltonian AI that _does_ have an "impact" .

Looks very interesting, single player mode would be great with this, even how they plan to solve overtaking is a decent idea.
And note that they can and plan to do this also live, not only recorded. Great for those boring Spanish GPs.
S2 licensed
SoftTH isn't SLI, different cards are ok. In fact I'm running SoftTH with an 8800GTX and a 7100GS on a Crossfire mobo
S2 licensed
Ok here is my config file (also for 1.5).
I run 1920x1200 center, 1280x1024 sides.
Things to note:
-SideExtraWidth is -640 (1280-1920)
-I don't list the total resolution in the modes section, just the middle monitor and LFS shows a 4480 (1280 x 2 + 1920) resolution, so softth is adding the widths itself.
-Have you looked at the generated softth.log file?

; SoftTH configuration file
; by Kegetys <kegetys[ät]>

; deviceIDLeft/right: Direct3D device ID's of left and right monitor.
; secondaryWidth/Height: Left/right monitor resolution, set to -1 to use same as middle screen resolution
; secondaryRefresh: Refresh rate of left/right monitors
; secondary16bpp: Use 16bit colour in left and right monitors, this cuts the required bandwidth in half
; antialiasing: Level on anti-aliasing, use this instead of driver enforced setting
; anisotropic: Level of anisotropic filtering, you can also use driver enforced setting
; borderSize: Size of frame border between monitors that is discarded
; useMultihead: Uses multihead features of primary card if available, can increase performance and reduce memory use

; forceHorizontalFOV: Forces horizontal FOV to be three times as wide
; forceResolutionWidth/Height: Forces device to be created with this resolution
; cylindicalCorretionAngle: Amount of cylindrical correction done, use with sideExtraWidth
; hideNondefaultDevices: Hides all but the default adapter from the game
; sleepBeforeRead: Time in ms to sleep before reading back buffer data from video card
; delayedPresent: When useMultihead enabled, delay primary monitor present to sync with secondary head
; swapOrder: Swap order at which the frame contents are copied
; noHotkeys: Set 1 to disable all hotkeys
; d3d8dll: Path to D3D8.dll/D3D9.dll to use or auto for automatic (system32 dir)

; Win32 API hooking settings - Used for some extra compatibility and game-specific fixes
; doHooking: Enable/disable all hooks
; doScaleMouseCoordinates: Scale mouse coordinates for getCursorPos to fix games which do not handle negative screen coordinates properly
; mouseXoffset: Number of pixels to offset mouse cursor position in X axis, to fix misplaced cursor due to negative screen coordinates

; Triplehead screenmodes to add to resolutions list (width multiplied by 3)
; Must be last in this file

S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :Biggest Question - Do you think it's worth it?

(Not sure why i'm asking, as it's a bit late to cancel my order but meh)

As typical with these things, after the initial wow! it just becomes "business as usual". Then one day you are forced to play on a single monitor for whatever reason and wonder how can anyone see anything. Not sure if that's good or bad

For me the main thing is that having the monitors extend almost past my own field of view helps the feeling of "being there". I feel more like I'm driving a car from inside instead of remote controlling one looking trough a small window.
S2 licensed
Checa's fault, IMHO. I was watching live and totally saw it coming. He had been reeling the guy in for countless laps and wouldn't let go a chance, even marginal. He just wasn't close enough.
That last corner at Valencia is simply evil: off camber, downhill, non straight braking zone... Not the place to be outbraking yourself.
I think that if Max had noticed the same feeling he'd let him go on the inside and just steer around the wreck.
A shame, because Checa's performance was very impressive up to that last corner.
S2 licensed
I'm using SoftTh with a 8800GTX + 7100GS.
24" Dell @ 1920x1200 center and 19" LG @ 1280x1024 on the sides. Works great, the game renders as if the vertical res is 1200 for all monitors, but the parts that the side monitors can't show are black in screenshots. I adjust the height on the 24" so it lines up nicely with the others.
I've also configured an offset to account for the monitor frames, that's why the image doesn't fit properly.

rFactor screenies sorry!

Things are rendered like this:

but actually looks a bit like this:

S2 licensed
The F-BMW is an instant favourite in any sim that has them. As others have said, it's the UF1 of open wheelers: drop in and go, keep the momentum to go faster and don't mind the setup much at all.
S2 licensed
Suddenly (I miss Carpaty). Gogol Bordello
S2 licensed
Quote from yoyoML :That thing is really, really arcadish... Do you know how they got bikes in rFactor? They used an invisible 4-wheel car driving on the surface, while graphically drawing only the bike which leans according to the steering animation (think of it as a bike shaped steering wheel plus invisible car body).

Who is "they"?
I play rFactor all the time and didn't even know about any bikes. You can also do silly stuff to the LFS cars and that doesn't make LFS an arcade.
I agree that physics in rFactor aren't as good in general and vary a lot from mod to mod but are definitely not arcade, netcode is comparable, graphics are nice.
About the multiplayer, there's no pickup racing in rFactor. rFactor MP is completely dominated by league racing. So you'll find maybe open practice servers, but you need to find and join a league to have any kind of decent racing. Race2play has plenty of events scheduled for almost every day and the racing there is top notch.
S2 licensed
Never done more than skipping one night for a party or deadline.
In fact going longer than 72 hrs. without sleep just once can leave permanent psychological damage.
Save those neurons kids, you'll be longing for every single one of them sooner than you think.
S2 licensed
And as close back as Friday you could break the rules for as cheap as $15000... Whuthappend?
S2 licensed
It was silly, specifically slowing from your front of the grid positions at the start.
-It made T1 even more dangerous than usual, with everyone trying to get around two abnormally slow cars.
-It put you always behind slower drivers. I guess it's more fun to catch people at 2 seconds per lap instead of following someone that can match your pace.
-90% of your passes involve some kind of contact. Having "sorry" bound to a button isn't a real solution for that.

When one of you were behind me I knew that it was in my best interest to behave as if I were blue flagged or risk a punt at the next coner. You might call it hard lifelike racing, but it felt like bullying to me, this >< short of wrecking in fact.
S2 licensed
So karters are like drifters only that they don't drift (unless they are on your inside)?

I'll give them that they are just a tad more articulate, but the pose is quite similar.

I'd be glad if there were a server for the likes of Alan and "senna", then they wouldn't be doing silly stuff in the CTRA server like this past weekend.
S2 licensed
I know the secret, I can remember seeing it clearly spelled somewhere... but can't remember where... too many forums too many posts.
It will be the ultimate heresy.
S2 licensed
After a couple of days in the server you pretty much learn who is a hotlapper that can go round the track 3 seconds faster than you but has zero racecraft and can't pass without putting you into the wall.

I keep an eye for one of them joining and make my best to stay out of their way... can't do anything else... they'll claim you were "weaving" or somesuch.

Still, yeah, about 1 in 3 races some bright hotlapper will try his normal braking point from the back of the pack into T1 and collect half the field... we weren't going to win in any case, did we?
S2 licensed
I find that the not completely correct facts even add to the show. Real commentators from real motorsports get things wrong all the time
About the whole proffesionalization/unification of "the sport"... On one hand I'd love to see it, but, apart from the problems reaching the motorsports public at large, which will never be able to tell NFS from LFS no matter how many times you explain it, it would affect us "deep midpack" guys in a very bad way as the major series would turn into alien only territory.

Now I can enter a race were some of the best run with just a few hoops, maybe a prequaly or a threshold time i'll obtain through hard practice. But if things start getting very serious i'll get confined to race the sim equivalent of some local minor banger autocross series or a scrape in rental karts among buddies. And I'd rather be running 5 laps down on Huttu than winning some silly pick up race.

But well, you can't stop history... even F1 used to be a pretty amateurish affair compared to what is now.

I'd hate to see this thread going down the gutter as many others have gone here because some peple decide to play the "LFS hermit". The isolation of the LFS community doesn't help anyone, but many seem to get a kick from putting down other simulations and people who use them. Many times underservedly. I run rFactor about 90% of the time and yet you'll see me recommend LFS first to anyone that asks. Some here would tell people go play Mario kart before admitting anything positive about any ISI based sim.

A few wrong details about LFS coverage don't warrant any hostility, which would end up resulting on no coverage at all.
Last edited by jfgcatalan, .
S2 licensed
If the FIA is actually using plain SMTP email to disseminate crucial information to the teams during the race weekend they are morons of the worst kind (like we all didn't know it already).
Any random sim racing league using a php forum and Teamspeak is doing a better job, and I bet Bernie could cough up some money for something a little better than that.
S2 licensed
Girls are just a huge waste of time and energy, but your hormones won't let you understand this message until it's way too late and you are married to :margesimp
S2 licensed
If you live close enough to the border, both Momos and DFPs should be well under 100€ here in Spain, I've seen them in MediaMarkt stores for 80. Hell, if you aren't on the coast , time the fuel usage right and fill your tank here the difference alone will pay for the trip, you guys get ripped off with the high taxes.
S2 licensed
I don't think the FSAA is working, plenty of jaggies (windscreen, tires, mirrors), somehow the nHancer doesn't seem to load the profile or something: