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S2 licensed
Really nice movie! Have had very nice battles with FLP over the years, really nice team

Btw. Poor TPC-guy surronded by 4 FLPs @ 1.45
S2 licensed
Very nice! I like it alot
S2 licensed
wector in the air
S2 licensed
Quote from Taavi(EST) :More to come, tomorrow.

1280 1024

1280 1024

Just love that 2nd pic, awesome!
S2 licensed
Nice one there Any videos on that one in action?

@ BlueFlame; Yes we are, now cut it plz
S2 licensed
TPC - Turbo Piston Crew


Updated teamlist:

TPC M.Karlsson (jmracing1)
TPC L.Engberg (3ttan)
TPC F.Kronvall (kronvall)
TPC S.Johansson (nollan)
TPC J.Anserius (Anserius)
TPC Míké (mike_the_spike)
TPC Erlandsson (wectorswe)
S2 licensed
Standings and results updated on the website.
S2 licensed
Next race is today.

LX4 on Fern Bay Rallycross
18.00 UTC

Good luck everyone!
S2 licensed
Results from Event1 is available on our site.
LFS in Slow Motion
S2 licensed
Made this film quite a while ago, but never posted it here.

I know its kinda laggy and not so smooth as it should be, but im no DoN .

40 mb: ... 6c-48b4-9bbb-fd99e53ea4e3
S2 licensed
Quote from LFSn00b :Could i atleast have an answer for my question please?

Yes you can have an answer. You are not in the list because the servers we will use have you banned. Thats not a thing we should deal with. Contact Serveradmin if you what an explanation why you are banned on the servers.
S2 licensed
Would like to test my system to see that everything is OK. This is just a testevent, so i dont have strict rules and this event is open for anyone.

Wednesday 15 August 18.00 UTC(GMT)

Server: RXC

Track: FE Rallyx Green
Qual: Superpole
Race: After our race-system

Jokerlap system ON!

We set pass on server when we have 20 participants.
S2 licensed
We have a full grid already, but its still possible to sign up, and be a reserve, if someone dont show up or leave the league.

Drivers of RXC season 4 atm:
1. TPC F.Kronvall
2. TPC L.Engberg
3. TPC S.Johansson
4. MT Busta
5. [Elite] Joris
6. leofactory
7. [Elite] Filip
8. [Elite] Lococost
9. Stann<>shock
10. :[?R]RACER 13
11. SRS»M.Fyhr
12. Triso<>Fetzo
13. MT shark
14. |2f2f| Mateusz
15. TPC M.Karlsson
16. [TG]bark
17. [DBP] Stoney
18. |!NF|MoT3C
19. Rally
20. FTRT|AmaZon

Reserves: 1. wector//
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :That.

I think thats a pretty strange rule but Im not driving so I dont care.

Nah, thats not strange, they use it in real rallycross too. Its to get more action to the heats. On small tracks (Like FE RallyXGreen) its hard to overtake, and even if u are faster than the guy in front of u, u cant pass coz there isnt room. When we add a jokerlap, a tactical side show up. The guy on 2nd place can choose to take the jokerlap early (which is usually longer that the original layout) and then have some free space to do a fast last lap. When the leader takes the jokerlap on, for example, the last lap, the 2nd placed driver have a chance to pass, if he was fast enough on his "free lap".

"6. Joker lap
One time/ race the driver needs to take the joker lap, he decides when to take it. From the exit of the joker lap, cars that run the original track layout has right of precedence. If a driver forgets to take the joker lap he will be placed last in the heat and get 8 qualification points that round. In finals he will lose 3 championship points and if it is in C-final he will get 0 championship points in total."

Last edited by jmracing1, .
S2 licensed
Very nice teaser :P
S2 licensed
yeah, just u and tukko left :P

but havent seen him online for a loooong time :/
RXC - RallyX Championship Season 4!!
S2 licensed
Finally its time for a new season of RXC. The league that drives rallycross as it should be driven. Short intense heat with 5-6 cars, and a race and pointsystem close to real rallycross. No long 50 laps rallyx events, when the tires get red after 5 laps.
First race 22 august.

News for this season is that has worked out a jokerlap-system, which mean you have to take an alternate route around the track 1 time/race. If you don´t, you will be disqualified.

Wednesdays @ 18.00 UTC

RXC Teaser Video

If you are intrested joining this league, apply for this season in the "Join" thread on the forum.

More info on:
S2 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :It really isn't a bug! It's just so idiots can't fly over the pitwall and take people out.

S2 licensed
Quote from HEIZER :pic from me

looks awesome
S2 licensed
here you have the same thing but on Aston.
S2 licensed
I just cant export my edited avi file from after effects back to vegas. Any idea how i should do?
S2 licensed
SID metal!
Music mixed with soundeffects from the soundchip called SID. (Sound Interface Device Metal ) That soundchip was placed in the Commondore 64, for example.

That is video music

Machinae Supremacy is a very good sidmetal band.
S2 licensed
How to make those high fps slowmotion videos that DoN makes? I should really wanna now how he does it, because when i make a slowmotion movie, it is kinda laggy and not as smooth as his works. I have a pretty good computer now, so i have no fps problems or so. Maybe he records it in 0.250 speed on the replay, and speeds it up in vdub to 0.5?

Thanks in advance/ TheMask