There have been misunderstandings about the source code in the past time. This project is NOT OpenSource. The source code IS and will REMAIN for the oncoming time copyright (c) of Ruud van Gaal / Dolphinity BV. The source code is provided for general interest, and to build platform-specific versions (for Linux mainly) in case the provided binaries don't work.
All suggested changes to the source code will be reviewed by me, but before you do that, realise that the source code will remain copyrighted. Fixes are appreciated ofcourse, but I would advise against putting much into bigger things.
Worked fine on Ubuntu 8.04 with Wine from repository last time I tried, so it must be something wrong on your end, probably your client can't see server (bad routing, bad server configuration) ...
And isn't there a tutorial for this somewhere in forum?
Shadows in this patch (Z15) work fine when i switch to TEST, I don't see them in STANDARD (low res shadows) or I see that weird black square (hi res shadows). Shadows worked fine in official Z patch.
Using wine-1.0 (latest autodelivered Ubuntu package - I got lazy with these modern distros ).
in a loop you receive UDP outgauge packets (look for specification in LFS directories), you decode them and extract the information that is in your interest. Then set LPT data pin 0 to 0 or 5V (write 1 to corresponding bit in data register, lots of info on net, you will need driver to control LPT pins from your code, such as inpout32)
some links (there are much better ones, but for starters...):
I never (lucky me) used VB so I can't help you in details. But if you don't have much experience with programming, you will probably spend more time on receiving packets than controlling lpt
You can get needed info from outgauge interface. But IMO the biggest problem is to program USB device to put voltage to data line. Maybe you can get some examples for user space USB programming on net. Google is your friend
It would be easier to use parallel port, where each pin can be easily programmed to 0/5V.
I don't see why he would need special controller ? USB host (or parallel port) itself is already a controller (unless he is going to use it just as an external voltage supply, but that makes no sense for simple project as this).
And that would help him find racers?
Since XRT was put out from demo, it's impossible to find server with even one XRT racer on it. I get occasionally to classic BL1/XRT and I am always alone, and even if someone comes, he takes other car (possibly the least challenging and the fastest one). I think XRT needs to go back to demo. Demo players at least appreciated it and used it also for racing.
I did. To fit a 128 Mb USB key for rescue missions (when Windoze failed at work we always had to rescue data with Linux)
Not usable as a desktop solution imho, at least not in its standard form. So far I only tried following distributions: (X/K)Ubuntu, Slackware, Debian, Fedora and DSL. Of all these I recommend Ubuntu for newcomers. I am not newcomer, but I still use it for desktop. When you get too old you can't be arsed to remember all the hacks you have to make in other distros . I liked slackware for its simplicity design though.
Actually that may be true. Probably that is why there is total under. But only for toe, camber doesn't fit. In that case rear looks fine, but front is still 0.22 degree error. Doesn't seem to be big difference tho. At least right tire will last longer .
Probably you just need to add 2 codepages. But I am not sure, haven't looked how Scawen implemented stuff, maybe new alphabets need more bytes for one symbol...
Dunno what they used tho... Well next time at registration I will just look stupid like I always do and hope it passes If it doesn't I'll go visit those punks :arge:
LFS doesn't use UTF8 for encoding unfortunately, but code pages. And even code pages are not completely standard. So it's not easy task to make completely accurate conversion from and to c# internal UCS16 unicode representation.
I had my car checked for wheel alignment and this is report. Can anyone comment on that, cause it looks strange to me. I kind of expected more symmetric stuff, and toe a bit positive on both front wheels ? And initial measure is almost exactly same as final. Does that mean they didn't fix anything or they just measured twice the same thing lol. Pic is crappy (phone cam ftl), but numbers can be read
Last edited by MonkOnHotTinRoof, .
Reason : updated pics
I didn't mix anything. Just said that language without rich standardized libraries is PITA for productive cross platform development. Hmm, .net libraries afaik are not standardized, but at least mono covers most important classes.
I have very bad experience with portability of STL. Even in wxwidgets they decided not to use it...
It's cross platform C++ OO library (abstraction layer to OS - minimal subset with optional superset ). Coding looks bit ugly (indeed classes look much like MFC), they stripped some C++ features like exceptions, namespaces, etc (cause they obviously are not supported by some compilers and/or are too differently implemented - precise standardization ftw :rolleyes
C# is a nice modern language (and I tried a lot of them :nod. It just has some misplaced namespaces, some shitty libraries tied to Win crap OS, and I see no reason why there is no native compiler...
C++ is so unproductive that I haven't touched it for a long time. That (and upper post) probably explains why there is no insim helper library available for C/C++. I did plan to make one tho, but I got sick of Insim, and I am waiting for wxwidgets 3.0.
Problem with C/C++ is, that standard libraries (or better lack of them) are useless piece of shit. Which means if you want to produce something as basic as dealing with threads, synchronization, timers, network communication, you need to use nonstandard cross platform libraries like boost, wxwidgets, sdl... Each of them have their weaknesses, but still better (faster) to try to use one of these than to implement your own compatibility layer...
I guess there are more farmers than racers. Also farming is a bit more useful to human kind than just polluting air and burning fuel for the sake of it .
Here is a legend racing sim that we oldies played a lot:
+ awesome graphics (for its time) and stunning sound effects (falling parts (triangles) off the car are so funny I always end up driving in reverse )
+ first sim with ability to modify setups?
+ very good immersion (try to drive backwards with full grid :razz
+ good, aggressive AI
+ doesn't require latest HW !
- your FF wheel probably won't work
- only one oval track
- single player only
DOSBox emulator is recommended to play
And no one mentioned Racer, free simulation (well, free as in free beer):
+ free
+ nice clean gfx
+ ability to easy create new cars and track (never tried myself tho)
+ tons of cars and tracks if you have time to search through all the broken links and different versions
- hard to get good ones, specially those that actually have cockpit view
- tyres feel like bricks (at least to me) and collision system is not something to call home for
+ native win32, linux and mac (hey, it must be rewarded for x-platform programming)
I changed from alt+alt (default) to alt+shift, and added US layout. Switch works ok, but that has nothing to do with changing colors in LFS. Problem is that when clicking on color or code page button, nothing happens.
Is there any way to change colors in nickname (or anywhere else) ? Clicking on colors below doesn't seem to work... neither clicking on code pages selection
Using ubuntu 8.04 and wine 0.9.59. Everything else needed works surprisingly well, but I got used to have colors.