I'd love some help with this as I'm not a computer genius..
I've been playing for over 2 years and this has never happened before. I'm now constantly getting the "Host did not receive UDP Packet" error. I have googled and searched it but all I see was turn off firewall/antivirus etc. and I have, and have my pc port forwarded aswell. All that's left is change the router but I'm trying to avoid that at all costs as it seems fine.
and for anybody who thinks im a cracker, i was playing this at my friends house and couldnt understand. i am getting s2 for xmas so im trying to figure things out,
What kind of team are you looking for? (Race, Drift, Cruise, Drag or other) Drift Age:14 Country: Ireland Preferred Car/Track: xrg bl1 Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track: about a min How Active Are You? as active as u need What Kind of Control do you use? dfgt Time Zone:gmt
I'm fairly new and hope to get s2 for xmas, but i practice a lot and im good enough at it now.