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Quote from richard dk :
Pool 4,

(400) PaulC2K: mb Eng
(239) El Presidente:RESTECP Mex
(97) FienDi: TwinCam Fin
(26) Louis : NOTRON Ita
(391) golgoth777: GO777 Fra
(339) Banzee: Banzee Can

I think I still remember this one - or at least the grid. Good times, thanks Richard!
S3 licensed
First race start in about 45 minutes; Any news about getting servers back alive?
S3 licensed
Our servers not running:

OLFSL 1 by 500servers
OLFSL 2 by 500servers
OLFSL Qual by 500servers

First two are really badly needed by tomorrow evening, preferrable much earlier.

...and TCAdmin says I'm using wrong UserID or pass, which I'm not as far as I know.
Last edited by varjsa-9, . Reason : more data
S3 licensed
Well, I'm just getting invalid UserID-stuff *blah*

I really thought, with this new improved communication during cutouts, that the servers would be running as promised. Really disappointing yet again, but all there is to do is to hope that they get sorted out eventually - before Sunday.
S3 licensed
There are really too many names that have gone since 2003 I really started with LFS. Good to see some of you are still around.

Who I miss... First I would love to thank the guy that recommended in some chat site I should try Live For Speed - I did't even have a wheel those days, the game was good enough to blow my mind even with mouse. Also, I do miss André who is mainly the reason I'm still here with OLFSL. Through that league I've connected with numerous great (both on and off track) racers and had the most fun time I've had with a computer ever.

What I miss the most... is all the time I used to have around to spend with LFS - it seems extinct these days

...and I do have the Vykos-dancing video somewhere
S3 licensed
Still the most valid explanation for the error - maybe it's just some little thing missing?
S3 licensed
Sorry to kick this up but was this ever solved?
S3 licensed
Oh my.. I can instantly recognize every name on that list Richard - including the hosts. Those were the days the racing felt more simple and "pure" I think.

God I miss those days
S3 licensed
Quote from JJ72 :how come no one mention: Andre's original LFS league?

I think LFS is the first racing game where there's a league when it's still in demo stage?

I just saw this earlier today and got into digging some archives built up in past years - had to post this image from past.

If you've seen this before you must have been here for a long time

P.s. ...and sorry about some "parsing" I had to do - some images had vanished during the ages.....
S3 licensed
If there's some on track racing, you can count me in - Tampere ain't too far from here
S3 licensed
Quote from Solar Hydro :One more link to put the Prius vs Hummer story to bed... ... udies/hummer_vs_prius.pdf

Solar Hydro

Thank you for this Sol - saved my day in a way. Now I god some new material for our "coffee-table" conversation at work

About the more recent conversations... how come no one mentioned nuclear fusion as future energy source? At the moment it seems as realistic way to replace fossile/conventional nuclear power as do those green alternatives mention above - meaning that it might happen in future, distant future.

While this topic is on table, China and India seem to be doing huge leaps to economic wealth - which also leads to increase of emissions (sidenote: did you spot the announcement of words cheapest car a while ago? great news ). And while that is happening, old "giants" are still heavily using coal/oil to produce energy - the very same energy that this laptop is sucking from my "wall". Suddenly, it all seems futile - in fact, I strongly believe that absolutely nothing serious will be done untill something really catastrofic happens and most likely then - if this all is even caused by humans - it will be too late for action.

Not pointing fingers here though, nor am I saying I'm any better...
  • I have PC running 24/7 and using 200 watts in here just to act as a server
  • I live in old building (1970's or so) which is really not that energy efficent - no heat recovery technology used for example
  • My car is from year 1999 and definately uses gasoline to move around, though it's a bit better than the previous 1985 model that didn't even have catalysator - not that it would alone make it perfect. And am really reluctant to sell my car and walk or use bus
  • And so on...
...just wanted to say something with my limited knowledge, that had not yet raised up here - and maybe do a confession to feel better
S3 licensed
Quote from t1ger :the answer to (3) from FienDi! Houses in the UK are generally not AirConditioned so we probably don't have this problem.

Well I don't think the air conditioning is the only issue. I still live in believe than in UK most electricity is produced with coal plants - which will unavoidably create CO2. I'll check about this, for this knowledge is from my school days (many years ago)

Looks like I was still in year 1990 Here:

* gas – 39.93% (0.05% in 1990)
* coal – 33.08% (67.22% in 1990)
* nuclear – 19.26% (18.97% in 1990)
* renewables – 3.55% (0% in 1990)
* hydroelectric – 1.10% (2.55% in 1990)
* imports – 1.96% (3.85% in 1990)
* oil – 1.12% (6.82% in 1990)

But coal is still equal with gas..
Last edited by varjsa-9, .
S3 licensed
Interesting point of view here too:
Quote : JONATHAN G. KOOMEY: A typical home in the South would use about 4,000 kilowatt hours for air conditioning. If we convert that to carbon emitted, we get about 800 kilograms of carbon emitted per year for a central air conditioner. And that's about 1,800 pounds, which is more than the weight of a small car like a Toyota Corolla.
NARRATOR: Since each pound of carbon entering the atmosphere combines with oxygen to form nearly four pounds of carbon dioxide, America's contribution to greenhouse gas build-up is even more striking.
Taking a shower each morning produces 550 pounds of CO2 in a year. Using a computer 40 hours a week produces 600 pounds of CO2. Lighting an average house for a year emits 2,000 pounds. Lighting an large office building not surprisingly produces much more, 2.5 million pounds of CO2.
And about one third of all American greenhouse emissions come from automobiles.
JONATHAN G. KOOMEY: People drive, on average, about 12,000 miles per year, and a typical new car gets roughly 28 miles per gallon. That means that you will use about 430 gallons per year. And so over the course of a year, the person driving this new car will emit roughly 2,200 pounds of carbon per year. That's roughly the weight of the car itself. Now, if you have an SUV, which only gets 14 miles per gallon, you're emitting 4,400 pounds per year, essentially the same as having two cars on the road instead of one.

S3 licensed
Quote from Blackout :Dammit you social security, free healtcare and education system, dam you!

S3 licensed
Quote from Blackout :edit. And to just add, the finnish goverment sucks big time in these car economy and emissions things. The regulations of EU aren't made to happen and there is no use of buyig a green car, no lower taxes or anything. And buying a new (or any) car is wayyyy too expensive because the illegal payments and the taxes! And that's why we are driving with one of the oldest cars in europe. RRRRRR!

I'm positive about seeing a change to this, since we finally can buy "biofuel" (plant oil in it, or so). However, it's still more expensive than the regular one illepall so I don't think it will a success yet. It's a step to better direction anyway...

And the hybrid car prices aren't going down before the amount of sold cars is going up. So it's up to us, consumers. Hybrids is the thing day, hydrogen cars are just too far away in future.
S3 licensed
But the fuel economy isn't the only point in building hybrid cars. It's not all about our wallets but the mother nature also - emission levels.

I know the following sheet is from the manufacturers site and based on Sol's data, are a bit optimistic. But keep in mind that this likely applies to both.

..and I managed to find also Micra 1.0 CO2 level (141g/km), but I couldn't confirm which model it was so I ended up to pick up the latest model. Both cars also passed Euro IV level, which isn't that significant though.

and sorry about those translation errors in the pic
Last edited by varjsa-9, .
S3 licensed
Awesome :woohoo:

Finally this is been done.. thank you
S3 licensed
Quote from Honey :nobody dare to take some test and discuss about the results

Did. Found nothing funny
S3 licensed
Thank you Devs :revs:
S3 licensed
Quote from Batterypark :"While we finish the patch...

Maybe it's finished ?
S3 licensed
It's teh Pabs
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Quote from SniperX :But I don't think that just this fact does matter, as a part of the riddle..

Likely because they added the borders there?
S3 licensed
Can't be true.. or can it? :cry:
S3 licensed
I must agree with Vain about this. So far I've only experienced problems & lower performance with new set of drivers. Might be because I don't play the new games much - mostly just LFS

In the other hand a new catalyst version could have had an option to turn on that Transparency-AA?
S3 licensed
Okay, problem solved. AndroidXP led me into right tracks.

I just had to do some registry editing (which I don't like much), because of my old catalyst version and lack of motivation to spend my system memory to control center Now the Transparency-AA is enabled, or at least the graphics are far more better

The site I found instructions to tweak registry is here: ... -series-can-do-14829.html

Thanks for all help
Last edited by varjsa-9, .