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S2 licensed
55 for me with small adjustments depending on certain cars.

I pull my 19" CRT up to the back of my DFP, so I am sitting pretty close and then I use a fresnel lens to magnify the picture so it's like I have a 22-24". At ~55 everything feels pretty close to life like in size. That's the most important thing for immersion. I also use TrackIR which makes it a million times better. The only thing lacking right now is peripheral vision, which will be somewhat solved in the future when I'll have a 3 monitor setup. That and TrackIR should be damn good.

BTW, thank you kegetys for the 5DOF. I'll be trying your triplehead software when I upgrade my computer with pci-e.
Thanks again
Last edited by Rg7621, .
S2 licensed
Quote from AE86drifter :It seems like LFS-Torque has got their "lifes" back!

RX7 FC Lights

Now no need to ask again.

That file that is posted over there is actually mine, yet I wasn't given credit.

Anyways, enjoy.
S2 licensed
Yea, I just tested that also. I have been wondering what that setting does (it does work with TrackIR btw). This effect only deals with pitching your view up or down depending on g-force, correct? Not leaning or any other movement?

I see that if I do turn off all the "1g" settings, there is "some" head movement/shaking when going over bumps and other things. I'm not exactly sure how this is implemented, but an OPTION SETTING that allows you to control how much head movement would be nice.
S2 licensed
I thought that, but I don't see any difference with that setting with or without TrackIR. If your head/view does tilt with that setting it must not be enough.

If there is a proper way of using that setting, let me know.
HEAD MOVEMENT - X, Y, and Z axis
S2 licensed
I think an option needs to be added for actual head movement based on g-forces. This is where part of the feel of immersion lacks.

The actual car chassis movement is fine, but there needs to also be head movement, so that your view isn’t always locked on axis 0.00 for X, Y, and Z. Your head needs to move/shake along those axes (however small), so that it can react to the physics and simulate head movement that is affected by g-forces.

Sure it makes for more brain processing to counteract this effect, but it will make for a much more real/intense/raw sense of actually being in the car and I for one would rather feel immersed then be a few 10ths of a second faster.

Also, I DO use TrackIR, so I don't know if this will even be possible for TrackIR users. I would hope head movement/shaking could be combined with TrackIR.
S2 licensed

I called them today and they will take care of it. It turns out my wheel/pedals are about 3 years old, but I just bought it from the store 5 months ago. My manual say REV B., but hopefully I will get the newest set when they send it.
S2 licensed

I've been having the gas/brake problem on my DFP PRO for a while now. I actually haven't used my wheel in about a month, because it's too frustrating to do a race when the pedals go whacky within a few laps.

I bought the DFP back in May at CompUSA and got the 2-year replacement plan. I just recently went back to that store and saw that they only carry one wheel now (something cheap like madcatz or something), so if I did go back to exchange this, I don't think they would have a DFP PRO for me. My guess is they would only be able to give me store credit. Even if they do the exchange, I only get one exchange per replacement plan, so if the new pedals were to break on me a few months down the line, I would have to pay for another replacement plan. Now, if they were to carry the G25 sometime soon, I could pay the difference and upgrade to that, but I seriously doubt they would ever carry that product.

If I contact Logitech, are they still sending out new pedals or complete wheel w/pedals? Do you actually have to cut the wires off and mail them to logitech before they send new hardware?

Right now there is no reason for me to open up the pedals, because I'm still under warranty, so I just need to figure out what I should do. Any advice?
S2 licensed
Anybody know how loud turning the wheel would be compared to the DFP PRO if drifting in LFS or RBR? I think I read it is a little bit quieter, but I don't know by how much and what kind of sound it actually makes.
S2 licensed
Wow........just wow.

I hate you.....but I'm happy for you, lol.
S2 licensed
Damn, it's a shame.
IMO thats the biggest thing that hurts the driving experiance
S2 licensed
Thanks for the help
Car Engine Sounds?
S2 licensed
Is there some way to change the engine sounds to something more aggresive?
The car skid sound that was posted sounds nice. The only thing now that is needed is a more powerful engine sound.
Online Physics?
S2 licensed
I guess this has to do with car physics and net code, but is there a way to set higher physics for the other cars when in a server online?
If you watch a replay of a past online session, the other cars movements are smoother then they were when you were online.
Be careful out there when racing/practicing at night!
S2 licensed
I was doing a few practice laps at night. After the second lap, I was picking up speed as I hit the straightaway and I saw these glowing eyes ahead on the passenger side and before I could act, BAM!! I hit a deer and a racetrack straightaway! Apparently the deer exploded and flew over my car once it hit, because there was a lot of blood, but no damage to my windshield. This is still going to cost quite a bit to fix, but luckily my car wasn’t totaled. As for the’s gone
Be careful out there when racing/practicing at night!
Here’s a picture of my car after the impact.......