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S2 licensed
Nobody got any of the miriad alternative 'online' titles to test?
Not experiencing probs myself but if it was ISP related then I'd also be prevented from running the other 5 titles on my HDD.
Only 'failed to connect to master server' message for me is a pithy reminder that my Chinese-made (where else?) Linksys router has bunked off yet again hehe.
S2 licensed
Cheers Bryan but as I stated in the P.M. version, I would have been better off to save up the dosh whilst waiting for current prices to settle and go for a full P.C./PCI-E upgrade.
S2 licensed
Well finally formatted and loaded XP on to HDD for strictly racing games only and the problem has disappeared.
'nuke the lot option' wins again so unfortunately no definitive solution I guess.
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :Have you tried posting criticism or negative comments in the nKP forums yet?

The NkPro RSC administrator is an active member of the 8 man NkPro users group and (as he wouldn't know the meaning of the phrase 'conflict of interest'), has actively locked any negative NkPro threads.
S2 licensed
I appreciate the input Davo and Eleanor, but I'm thinking Quint is probably on the money. I've been well-versed on the 'nuke-the-lot-and-start-a-fresh' routine since Win'95...time to get a stand-alone 'game specific' PC for modern times methinks.
cheers, Mark.
S2 licensed
Orion: Yes, always at the exact same spot.
Dennis: Yes I did use drivercleaner and even latest drivers won't fix it.
Quint: Yes I was using one of the test patches, which is why I tried installing LFS demo on a separate drive to see if it runs...unfortunately it crashes before loading the track.
I may go back to the drawing board and start over again, but I'm sure it's an nVidia issue.
S2 licensed
No worries Eleanor, I'm always a tad disappointed with video card upgrades as the performance increase is never terribly fantastic for me hehe.
Previous card was ATI Radeon 9600 and I had decent frame-rate in GTL but had to run it in DX7.
With the 7600 I can get the same performance but now in DX8 which looks a lot better.
Yeah Quint speaking of GTL, it's the only game that crashed with 'fast-writes' turned 'on'.
I did run 'drivercleaner' after removing the ATI too so I'm painting myself into a corner eh? hehe.
S2 licensed
Thanks for the suggestions Mr. Drift.
The card isn't over-clocked and definitely no heat issue.
I've tried various drivers although none so far has made any difference.
Other sims run fine
Netkar Pro
I even tried installing LFS demo on another drive to test that my main install may be acting up but the same result.
Has anyone else got this card?
cheers, Mark
P.S. Out of curiosity I re-installed my previous card...Radeon 9600 and LFS ran o.k. with that
nVidia 7600GS AGP + LFS = crash
S2 licensed
I think this is actually an nVidia issue according to the error message but wonder if anyone else has experienced it.
LFS starts up o.k. but after passing under the first bridge at standard South City the screen locks up with looping sound and eventually the screen goes black followed shortly after with the attached error message.
P4 2.8
Asus P4S800
1gig memory
Last edited by Mark_Casey, .
S2 licensed
Yep. I apparently have an S1 + an S1+S2 licence. That means I'm a greater financial contributor to LFS than many hehe.
I finally fixed it myself with a little further perserverance but thanks ever so much for your extremely helpful inputs chaps.
2 accounts can't access S2
S2 licensed
I have 2 LFS accounts. S1 and S2.
Trying to access my S2 desktop and all I'm getting is my S1 registered account complete with my old address.
Attempts at updating my details fail due to 'email address already in use' well duuuhhhhh!!!
suggestions greatly appreciated
cheers, Mark.
S2 licensed
Quote :There's that three wheeler car (the names eludes me atm), that would certainly be a bit (lot) different.

Yep..a Reliant Robin would be an excellent addition hehe.
S2 licensed
Quote from MyBoss :yeah, do you know of sites that got more sound files? the guy starts to get a little irritating :-P

I guess as they're just .wav files you could record your own voice...but for me that would be even more irritating
S2 licensed
Cheers, Mr. angel...actually using 'some' of those sounds you can have a small team of spotters
S2 licensed
This is a GREAT if only I could replace the Nascar 2003 'stinky Pete' voice for the earlier Nascar 3 'Gomer Pyle' hehe.
S2 licensed
Is there an 'LFS server setup for Idiots'? I'd like a copy of it too.
S2 licensed
It may be that S2 is still in infancy, but I'm a tad peeved that perusal of the multiplayer list sees most people seem to prefer driving around in circles (the oval), driving in a straight line (drag) or simply driving into each other.
Then again it could be that I'm a contrary git?