With avisynth installed this miniscript should cut somevideo.avi from frame 2000 to 3200 and add capture.avi to the output - use virtualdub to play the script and save the result:
Hm, not much choices in windows for cheap video editing.
-Lightworks: http://www.lightworksbeta.com/ might be a good one, tho it seems to need lots of time to get used to it. Pulp Fiction, Batman and Mission Impossible were made with it, only to name a few... Standard SD and HD codecs in the free beta.
-VideoLAN Movie Creator: http://trac.videolan.org/vlmc/ more intuitive but unluckily not very stable.
-Videopad http://www.nchsoftware.com/videopad/index.html not free but easy to learn and fully functional for a limited time. Home edition for ~30€
-You could also try to use virtualdub http://virtualdub.org to cut scenes and save the results. Avisynth (http://avisynth.org/mediawiki/Main_Page) can be used then to combine the single clips and reload into virtualdub again. But thats a very hard way, some scripting needed. On the other hand it allows you to do things other solutions wont provide for no money - like color correction, slow motion effects, deshaking and lots more.
I continued playing with avisynth - and found out what line it needs in its script to read in a sequence of bitmaps:
# Read files "001033.bmp" through "001150.bmp" into an 25fps clip.
# the '06d' part below seems to mean: 6 digits. if your bitmap-filenames
# has 3 digits only (ie. 001.bmp) you should set '03d' here.
source = ImageReader("D:\lfsvid\bmp\%06d.bmp", 1033, 1150, 25)
I wrote a lil howto and posted it in our teamforum: http://www.team-redline.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=3702.0. It includes a 'quick´n dirty' script which reads bitmaps sequences, renders interframes, creates an 10x slowmotion effect and finally renders out quicktime files.
For the VirtualDub users (which can also read avisynth input): since ive installed the x264vfw codec from here http://sourceforge.net/projects/x264vfw/ i can choose it in Vdub´s compression dialog. It seems to be more efficient (= smaller files) than the xvid codec with similar processing time. With other footage i often get around 25% size compared to xvid.
MeGui was also my preferred tool to convert stuff from avisynth sources - till i met all those mac users. They rarely could read what ive converted on my windows xp machine Actually im testing mediacoder for conversion to mac stuff - using x264 codecs in .mov or .mp4 containers and mp3audio: http://www.mediacoderhq.com/index.htm. But no clear results yet.
We would like to say thanks to the organizers and racers at track, we had a lot of fun trying to find a smooth solution for both, fz5 and gtr. We have practiced a lot before, all cars, almost all combinations of passing maneuvers on RR4 before. Thanks to all racemates who let us some space to survive
Yes our engine blew too, and it seems that was me bliplover who killed it, okok i hope i can learn it in the remaining week... anyway, we managed almost 5h before blobo gave up. Good experience for us for the upcoming Dop 24h where we hope to meet you again.
We also had an incident, in lap 60/72, time 2:53:47.21 where a gtr tried to pass inside exactly at split 1. We not only spinned, the car also slammed into the wall, where the susp broke... still 20 laps to do and lost 2 sec per lap. Pls understand that i post the following pics, not in order to official protest (since we lost the race due to my rough engine handling) but to give gtr drivers for the 24hrs some information where our problems are. Thanks for fair thinking chaps
hehe yes, its a while ago... anyway, ofcourse i found a set with bob´s tool, had a nice lap with it, guess its posted at lfsw. But the tires are at their limits which is quite uncool for a long race.
So i took race_s, adjusted gearings, learned the new turnspeeds and suddenly i did the same time ... but not in 1st lap
Hello, you Lfslovers
I thought that someone might be interested in what's happened to this subject. Since then i felt ready for S2, got a licence and a few laps under my belt.
Bob's funny remark further up this thread brought me to his great VHPA tool, which i tried to thoroughly understand, with great success i must say ! At least i learnt everything i understand from sets with it. I have always passed them on, and all who werent already within 1-2 sec of wr improved across the board. If you want to look: i even saved them here: http://www.team-redline.co.uk/forum/ goto 'car care'
Now i don't wanna bore you with my long stories, but we are training on RR4 for the DoP 24hr race coming up in 2 weeks. Combo is AS4R with 3 classes: GTR + NGTR + LRF. I guess we'll be driving the FZ5 with (honestly) a only lightly modified version of race_S. Whoever wants to try: Its also available there (above link) or ask on server.
At the moment things are looking good, after some decent practice my best lap in a 10 lap race was at wr pace, hehe. (sorry arrow, i know you haven't the time to shave off time due to your special event). I then started to try and make the tires last with a much slower pace but the left front tyre still blew at lap 45. We're still working on it.
If you fancy training with us or just to spec: RR4 is always open, mostly with admin present. We try to follow the motto; "as little rules as possible" and are in the process of giving all registered racers Marshall rights. (this could take another couple of days)
And finally, whoever doesn't know yet, most bans are lifted on RR, except of course the most severe cases...you know who you are.
What i usually do to find an appropriate gearing: First im checking the cars data, where is the torque max. and where the power max. Those values also change when moving the intake slider. I prefer to adjust the gears directly, not only finaldrive.
Then i do a normal start, of course in 1st gear, and check how much the rpm drops and adjust it in a way that it doesnt fall below the max. torque rpm. Next step i find out the last gear: driving some laps and checking if it comes close to max rev at the fastest point of the track. When adjusting i always let some space for drafting...
Final step after that: i load this set into VHPA and let it calculate the rest. Maybe i have some points at the track where i want to drive in a specific gear: i note that gear ratio if i already have the correct value and move the 'progressive slider' in vhpa gearing calculations box till it fits. Of course i try to adjust specific gears after that, so for instance i want to have max power when it goes uphill, or i want to have the best accel out of a key turn, i try to find a ratio where rev are between max torque and max power.
The curves and tables vhpa offers also shows you then when to shift (after we lost the shift indicator light lately)
Wow Jens, great job m8. Guess i will load it into my handy and if the next one asking me why the hell im always playing the same game - ill just show your vid and smile
Im using Bob´s great tool for more than a year now and got best results with following ideas: First im checking the car in the Live Settings page. Im thinking about: which is the most important turn and what speed i should drive there as minimum (like 140 kmh at bl1 for instance - last turn). Checking tires analysis it says it would understeer when applying 50% throttle. Amount: half of one box. Back to Vehicle Settings page im setting static values like springs, rollbar and wings to neutral values. I personally like values around 3Hz for the GTR´s, maybe softer for bumpy tracks, maybe stiffer for flat ones. For damping i check weight distribution and at that side where most weight is (at front with XRR, rear with FZR) i begin with bump values at 70% and rebound values at 80%. Remembering the live settings value of understeer i try to find a combination of the remaining side in such a way that the effects of the tires getting equalized in the CornerExit bar. This will show half of one box oversteer now. I dont care if sometimes values result over the critical point, like it happens with FZR most times for me. But this are only values i start with. Checking tiretemps over some laps i often notice problems like overheated front tires for example. If camber and tirepressure changes doesnt work to avoid that without loosing too much speed in corners i begin to change damping at rear (with the XRR) - less rebound, if it understeers when turning in, and more bump damping if that happens out of a turn. Or i add wings front and reduce rear rollbar. Or i change steering. Or ...i try to learn driving smoother Since this is my approach for almost every combo, the cars always feeling similar and are easy to drive for me. Its amazing how i cant drive any foreign sets, even sets ppl have done WR´s with.
Once i have my quali- or hotlapset and found my line and driving style, i mainly focus on tire management for a longer race. Like you said, next tire compound and adjusting pressure and camber. With winged cars i often increase rear wings.
Color of tirebody: With slicks i got best results with all tires getting light green after a few laps while with roadtires i prefer them dark green.
Color of tiresurface: Since tires begin to cool down after 10 laps or so, im adjusting camber or speed in turns in a way that temperatures show almost red at the inner side and ~ 4° less at the middle part in this lap. Somewhere ive read a suggestion about max. 10° difference between inner and outer temperatures. Which i can approve as very helpful.
Reducing springs and rollbars should reduce tiretemps generally, but the most sets around are usually set to or below the minimum required. So often it really helps to stiff them Use an analyzer like LRA to check suspension travel remaining and use the incredible VHPA tool to adjust settings.
For instance, if you increase rear springs keep the balance by decreasing rear rollbar. Or increasing front rollbar. Or reducing rear tirepressure.
I drove the demo around 2 years or above before i finally licensed in january this year (creditcard problem). If i look at my online stats: 122.000 km this year and calculate, this leads to almost 250.000 km demostuff. omg...
I love it to see you working on the perfect lfs-video and it seems ur getting more and more into the science of cutting good sequences. In my point of view i found the sound as a little dramatically and i missed some engine sounds for instance at the onboard views.
What about the following: You write a "storyboard" and some of us are your actors, youre the director. Hehe, lots of the above gentlemen could produce nice maneuvers in a row if they know exactly when to do what. Some Teamspeak stuff should make it easy to direct us.
I was able to do PB´s with every combo i tried out ! Even the LX6 becomes driveable
But i also have to report a problem: I was hotlapping and checking the set simultaneously with Project3. As far as i remember i saved a set directly into the settings folder which lfs was using too. A "read write error" occured in Project3 and it closed itself. After that all my *.set files in LFS\data\settings were gone. ALL ! Since then i only work with copies in a special working folder...
But - this may have a positive effect: Im reworking now all sets from scratch or from teaminferno and this made my mind clean and my times better
I have built such a thingy...its called "cdedix" . Made it some months ago, so it still runs patch_Q, but would be no prob to update to newer versions. Also an installation to usb-stick is possible , but not needed because it can update changes to a webserver.
Its based on slax: http://www.slax.org and is modular, that means, a running system can load modules at runtime. I just created the needed modules for a dedi-server with LFSLapper support.
Unfortunately i encountered the same probs as some other linux-wine-dedi installations: after a while ppl cant see each other...but chat...only a restart of the dedi helps then Solution in sight: regular restarts via cronjob, but not already included in the last version of "cdedix". I must downgrade to an older wine version, lets see if that works...
Newer versions will also support the racemanager, includes an insim-gateway, so other insim tools like the LFSLapper and the LFSSpectator can connect simultaneous
But in serious: these weeks i´m hosting a dediserver, location: 1m lefthand... If u like, we could organize an event with standard sets, hehe oldschool...
I already got the racemanager working, with an insim gateway, so Monksters great lapper works parallel to other insim tools like the LFSSpectator .
Connection is usually half of limit, when 11 racers are doing their job, thats nice. But it runs under linux and has its typical probs
Yeah, thats exactly what i do: waiting till tyres becomes green... doing a smooth line, braking early.
I only change tyretemps in such a way that the outerside of left tyres has same temp as the middle spot and lower right side untill it feels good even @last turn. Nothing else
hehe, thx Monkster - ppl often got weird, when they heard about my age Next i will completely confuse them with braking my old PB with race_S But, i guess if the bigboys would have done so much laps in blackwood as we, "fast" would mean other times
Yes, its extremely drifty when tyres are cold, grip must come from perfect tyretemps cause it uses much less camber, so why dont drift the 1st lap till they reach their temp?
This is my first post here, so let me introduce in short
I´m enjoying this unbelievable sim for 1 year now, are 45 years old, have forgotten most other games to play on a computer, left my girl ( wasn´t it 1year ago? ), host a demoserver "Domagk45", have built a "cdedix" = a dediserver that boots from cd and finally i prefer racing with, not against other racers
Ah, my english might be even poorer than my purse...i will improve that (by chatting in lfs...)
So into the topic:
What a coincidence: 3 days ago i decided to improve my line and not the set, so i took race_S, reduced tyre pressure to ~190 (original 260 i guess) and began to practice with it.
My PB in bl1 with XRT: 12351 with my own set, and 12398 with race_S
Best times between splits over all 3 days:
1st: 2791, 2nd: 3080, 3rd: 2510 and i still made lots of these damn little mistakes...