The online racing simulator
guess? [miles driven before licenced]
how many miles do you thnk you had BEFORE S1/S2? me like 8900miles VERY LOW
About 40miles
what do you mean before s1/s2?
you mean demo?

i can only recall about 25 laps max at BL, some of which were drags.. i got straight into the game lol
i must have had well over 10000 miles. I had the demo for over a year, and played it frequently. Its great to have more then 3 cars, and some faster coompetition.
I probably had a lot, but I don't remember, it was a long time ago. I had demo for a while because I didn't have a credit card and my parents wouldn't buy it, however, as soon as a got a card, LFS was my very first purchase
#6 - th84
I had thousand's of miles on the demo, and I bought a license the day... (or within a couple days at least)... I discovered lfs. The people I enjoyed racing with were still demo user's, so I spent most of my time on the demo until s2 was released and they all got a license.
I did about 30-60 laps a day at blackwood for about 2 months in Demo.

Too much content in Demo. I only bought S2 'cause DaveWS told me to. nvm, I managed to make some good Euros in Caribbean Cruise Server and buy him an XRT for all his efforts of late.

And btw: i want my life back. LFS has consumed it.
Few months, XRT on BL1. No idea on how many miles though :/. Bought S2 and hated all the other cars and drove XRT on demo servers some more

EDIT: few months S2. Drove few laps every now and then hotlapping the BL1 and BL2R combos with XRT. Liked GPL a lot more at the time...
Lest see... S1 was version 0.3. I started when it was version 0.1k I think back in late 2002. Found the forum some time later in Feb 2003, and have been racing ever since. I have no idea how many miles I had before S1. I know have 42k miles since they started keeping track. If that is since the begining then I am averaging 10k a year in virtual reality and 20k a year in reality. I think I am driving too much.
Probably... several miles before I bought the S2 license straight away,
None...jumped straight into they fray.
Same as. Played S2 at a mates house and decided to buy it immediately
Probably played for a week at the most, and not every night by any means, so perhaps 100 miles, if that? Mostly XRG, as that is a lovely little car, using my Red Momo...

No one knew me, I wasn't very quick, and it feels like a lifetime ago!
Probably more then 50.000 Km. I played demo longer then a year before I bought S2. And most of it on BL1/XRT
I've been playing LFS since S1 Patch E (december 2003) and I bought my licenses on the 21st of June 2005. That's one and a half year of demo addiction, must have been at least 15000 miles. I think that I had the same problems as most demo racers had back then : no credit card. I finally managed to get a mates dad to buy it for me, and I paid him the money.

My demo-life in short.
#16 - Gunn
Perhaps 25 000 miles before S1 was released. When it was released I got licensed right away.
I'd played the demo but was very bored very quickly; I thought it was just a car park with a hatchback!!!

I actually jumped straight in and bought S2 a long time afterwards because of comments/reviews about it when I was looking for something realistic. I didn't realise the two were the same game until I got S2, how bizarre is that?!

i'd say about 200 miles. I really liked the game.
hard to say
i tried the demo test years ago ... kinda liked the weight shifts and the physics in general but there was something very wrong about it (now i know it was mostly the tyres) so i forgot about it after some 30 mins of playing
then some time after s1 came out (patch e or something like that) i gave it another 30 min whirl and decided it still wasnt up to par
and then 2 years ago a inet buddy told me there was a s2 demo ... ran it for a few mins with mouse ask a freind of mine if i could borrow his wheel ... raced a little more ans decided i had to have it (although i was still trying to convince myself not to buy it ... ended up preordering s2)

so all in all id guess less then 500km
I had demo for about 4 months before i bought S1 way back then....I'd played for around a year before I bought S1, and I would guess had driven around 7.5k miles. Only lately have i been seriously doing any milagae, whilst practising one car/track for an upcoming endurance race, which since i have little experience in endurance is needed. My milage is growing every day
About 10. Bought S1 the same day I tried it.
I found LFS when the S2 demo was out. Bought an S1 license the same day but didn't play it much because everybody was on the S2 demo servers, bought into S2 when it was released about 4 weeks later.
Less than 5.
I think I had driven several hundred laps on the Blackwood configs over the month or so I played LFS before I got my licence.
Must be quite a lot, as I started playing LFS in 2002 Most likely I drove more miles before S1 than I have in the last year or so.