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What do I want to see?
S2 licensed
I have used LFS since around 2003-2004.

I'd love to see the following.
  • Custom Car Specifications (Like the suspension list but in its own page for each car)
  • Full tracks (open config) for all finished. South city has some interesting roads you can jump too
  • Continued support for older windows / wine
I am looking to build legal version of LFS inside wine and will send to developers if I make it properly. It'll be for OS X versions Mavericks, Yosemite, and maybe older versions if I have time will be tested.

It's pretty simple, it contains its own wine instead of people needing separate and I can preinstall all the winetrick needed stuff, tada. I love how I used to play liveforspeed wine on FreeBSD 6-8, now I use hackint0sh OS X- and it works flawless even better FPS then windows almost depending on scenery.

I loved that NASCAR mod, it made everybody have same "different" car after 5+ years of LFSing....why not go offical where servers can limit. Give each car a PP rating with X variation of HP, etc. Then they can make server with 300-400pp allowed and thats under 200-300hp X cars per example. XFR, XRR, etc have a PP of like 400-500 range without mods.

Joining certain servers of LFS, putting to a 9litre slow power, high psi engine just feels so diesely... or going inline 6 rb26 with 18-22psi. Just so fun to do lap after lap with the engine sound. Rotary is hard to replicate would be cool if you guys allowed us to model out engines if server allows.

Sure I can de-tune cars, but not make the limits pushed more. The RB4 with 40-80 more hp is a lot more interesting.

Hope nobody offended by my love of "modding" I love mostly stock LFS just change engine values and suspension is all I ever enjoy

Notice no mention of the yet to be delivered new stuff? I'd love just this slowly implemented too would be awesome sauce
S2 licensed
Quote from MadCatX :It'll run just as well as it does on Windows when bootcamped, WINE's performance will be considerably worse.

Not true, I get near same performance OS X or windows

I use CS:GO, etc on OS X and prefer it on OS X over Windows

System admin of 9+ years
S2 licensed
Quote from Matrixi :Yup, was thinking along the same lines. Will have to see if these wine bundling programs have any options to get the required DX9 files included.

*Edit: Copied D3DX9_43.dll to the LFS folder, all textures load now. Maybe including the DLL with LFS would be an idea to make it easier for people on Wine?

Getting 60 FPS at 2560x1600 with integrated Intel graphics so performance is great with Wine on OS X.

Correct performance is good on OS X

If someone can ask LFS dev's I'll bottle a Wine + LFS application for OS X that they can redistribute !

I need permission to include LFS witht he wine files for an OS X all-in-one application
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :DISCLAIMER : I haven't been following the thread

I also love the wine support. Please test on Win8/Win7, but enjoy XP. I recently installed Windows 7 for a Source engine game that feels "off" in OS X. Yet Wine/LiveForSpeed feels great, and I ended up being terrible at that compeitive Valve Source engine game when switched back to windows.

Very glad the new patch worked great, required some directx9 install unlike prior patch though.

Quote from NotAnIllusion :In LFS it feels as if road cars response is quite progressive when compared to AC. In LFS I can throw the steering wheel around and feel that the response is "slow". In AC road cars want to respond RIGHT NOW, it feels very different around the centre of the axis. I don't know if that is because of tyre deformation, load sensitivity, weight transfer, physics loop resolution or what. Netkar was somewhere in between LFS and AC in that respect, from what I can remember.

Most def. I have used LiveForSpeed since rather young and it just feels right. Forza is only one I feel had similar feel (Forza one/maybe Forza two alittle)
S2 licensed
Quote from Mustangman759 :Not for nothing but I hve always had a ping less than 150 to europe on my own servers that I have rented from 500 , qservers and 110 to bwhosting. This is from ct to either GB or NL. So a 180-220 ping is quite high. That said internet in arizona takes the worst routes I have ever seen from past experiences... So seems like a solid ping for the location. I'll test it in 2 hrs when I am home

Yeah I've mostly been on West Coast, I believe when I was located in North Carolina, USA pings were a bit better on LFS europe servers.

The mass ping list Chriship posted actually looked decent in some areas.
S2 licensed
Quote from Danoon24 :Wow.. just reinstalled it all and now im getting a message wich says LFS.exe doesnt work at all must be win8 i gues? haha

could be

Install LFS into Drive:\LFS\ is what I always do. See if that works
S2 licensed
Quote from Chriship :Hello cmanns

You might want to use this website

Makes a ping to the desired IP from 90 different locations.

Quite helpfull


Thanks m8!

Looks great on my end, we may end up going forth with this for USA Clients
S2 licensed
Quote from Mustangman759 :So you are saying there is a correlation between language and internet ping? A little geography, Spain is really close to Portugal...

I never said that, and having been to Spain, and 12+ other countries, plus hosting web services for nearly 10 years now thats just silly. They either answered to Portugal or Brazil so I put "Portugal / Brazil: 250-300"

Glad to see USA people so bothered by a location being posted, we're mainly looking for USA pings, however 99% of people who have joined are from another country so it's nice to see what they are getting.

I almost never have below 240ms ping to LFS servers in over 8 years, it was neat to see some people having 180-220 and playing smooth on our test server.

Thanks for bringing this off topic Bmxtwins and Mustangman759 I suppose you guys failed to notice others are (thankfully) posting pings instead of nitpicking. I'll start tracing IP's before I post them to the list.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bmxtwins :Brazil shouldn't be that high. You are aware that Portugal is in Europe and not near Brazil, right?

I was going off their language used, not all reported location nor did I feel like tracing anyones IP

Most of all players I've seen logged in had 180-280 ping that wasn't from connecting from USA.


It seems the pings everybody gets, is what USA folk would get connecting to 90% of the current servers out there. I also raced with a few people in BFM that had 180-250 ping, it was semi-smooth occasional. The current smoothness is 5 I believe, not sure if 4 or 6 would be better for higher latency.

Thanks for testing everyone
S2 licensed
Quote from Mr. Kninja :I'd be glad to help you out, I should be on later today.

Thanks, maybe I'll throw up the s2 by then
USA Test Server, Please Try Out!
S2 licensed
If you are in USA, Australia, Mexico, and Canada please try out - of course everybody is welcome to come try (and race!)

Server: USA Test Server

It's currently in demo mode, if the demo server fills up a bit day to day I'll add s2 server on same system. Mainly just want to see wine's CPU usage- if we provide some USA LFS servers we will utilize Windows & TCAdmin.

Server is located in Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Quote :Utilize this if you are curious about global ping times, thanks to @Chriship

Ping: @

If you have an active server and mostly USA people- ask me for FREE test server too, must have proof of existing activity.

Quote ://User Reported Pings
California1: USA: 50 Steady (me)
Argentina1: 250-500*
China1: 200 Average
France, Nord: 170 ~ 180
The Netherlands: 160-170
Italy: 200-220
Mother Russia : 270~

*Ping spikes, may be related to LFS Racers internet connection
Last edited by cmanns, .
S2 licensed
Quote from misiek08 :Now we have control panel with such functions:
- name, insim port, server type(demo,s1,s2) change without looking into config files
- start/stop/restart server
- WebFTP - access your files via www browser

Airio hosting - 5$/month regardless of connected servers number with www access to files allowing hosting server stats.

Airio stats hosting - 2$/month per Airio instance.

Possibility to run UK location (London) if there will be interested people.

What panel are you using?
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Dear Forum Readers,

Test Patch 0.6E19 is now released and is hopefully the final test patch before we release the full version 0.6F this weekend. It would be great if you could give it a go if you have not done so already, in case there are any problems we have missed.

Its main focus is 3D device support, so it's not the most immediately exciting patch for everyone. But there are useful fixes and importantly it has been moved to DirectX 9 which allows for many graphical improvements in the future.

For now, many people have reported higher frame rates, the mirrors are antialiased and the CTRL+S screenshots can be saveg in JPG, PNG or BMP formats. There are several fixes and the interface provides cleaner transitions between screens.

Test Patch:

After this release we will be continuing with the substantial updates that we have been working on. We'll write a progress report to go with the 0.6F release.

It seems to work great.

Haze effect though is flashing (on both versions)
Please Don't Hate: Engine Sim/Drift idea
S2 licensed
What do people hate about LFS?

What do people like about rFactor, etc?

LFS is not open source

LFS will never be open source?

Why not half open LFS, similar to "LiteSpeed WebServer" recent action

Now before you flame to hell post, etc (I'm not reading replies, this I discussed with new LFS'ers I got into it recently, old ones of years, etc)

You NEED LFS license, there will be diff website, etc (Helped by LFS creators maybe)

In this new "game" sim, we get the fallowing

Ability to use custom models, car engine tunes, sounds, etc and all parties hear what "yours" sounds like, feels like, etc.

with as LITTLE changes to the LFS engine/program/libs, to do this.

The goal is not to be "Racing Simulator" but "Engine Testing/Drift/Race" with the bonus that why don't "we" test the new physics, etc that LFS is always waiting on- so then it's widely used, known to work, etc.

hell ALL major LFS patch's, if this version fallowed closely coding/program wise, could be pushed through this sub-version, before LFS. Thus eliminating the beta testing on LFS/diff server versions.

The main goal is to let people "tweak" separately from LFS, and nicer.

In the end it'll bring LiveForSpeed more license buyers, players (People would play both, if this one doesn't focus on all the LFS tracks, etc- maybe just the new track to give it attention (the sub sim- remember it'd require LFS license to "play") and the new physics too would draw tons of attention. Then when LFS releases with their new tracks/cars/physics in half life terms of coming out- people will enjoy LiveForSpeed RACING on those tracks with lfsworld stats, etc....and maybe by then the dev's will settle on a "fair" world based engine modified setup.

I don't see why we can't setup engine bases, and make people able to choose those based on server settings. I've used LFS since 04/05 as demo, and to this day I love it as an adult who builds race cars and drives fast cars- however limiting us to the same cars, tracks- it's been a god send being able to change the engine values.

This is all purely my opinion, I don't want to do the above- it's just an opinion, suggestion, idea. My idea focuses on keeping LFS alive, I've installed rFactor, got a refund- it blew. LFS is great, I'll enjoy being on more empty servers with cool folk who race/drift and modify their engines. I rarely get that "tweak" lag, and it's nothing that can't be ironed out

Edit: tried to make it neater but it's just a broad idea- all the long time LFS'ers (Diff replies then new folk) said "This would be so hard to get done though" it would. We would need the LFS dev team, they should do it maybe- I love LFS for the siming of racing, but theres also the door to engine and such is maybe a TL;DR to my post.
Last edited by cmanns, .
Possible new suggestion
S2 licensed
The game should be split

Competitive (Current gameplay)

Casual (This should allow modified, maybe include new physics and be updated regularly.)

I personally love modifying at least the engine and what not, nothing like ripping around tracks with different engine setups. Is like Forza but without the lame (Never liked the newer ones, nor Gran Tourismo)

Understand all the hate for modified this, or that. However if there was a separation from modified, and the regular same-ole the majority seems to want.

maybe Scawen can make logs from peoples crusing and drifting on casual with new physics and get it squared out faster.

After using LFS since bout 2005, I realize it's very limited after recent update to point I feel like I may as well get an old Xbox and go back to Forza 1 (Joking)
S2 licensed
Surprised nobody said this.

Two pedal is

Brake & Throttle

Clutch use button, or seq/paddle style.

You want brake and throttle with feel more then clutch. Then you can brake and throttle precisely
S2 licensed
Quote from misiek08 :Whats the slot price?

No pricing yet as I'd need to see a few LFS dedi's going which is why if I see interest I'll run a few free.

The price will be average, the quality superior however.
USA Hosting Interest? Also Linux Dedi's or Winbl0ws?
S2 licensed
I can provide great performing USA LFS Dedi's

I think 500Server's sells with TCAdmin on windows, however I used to host LiveToCruise long ago and such it seems linux works fine too which I can already offer/give test dedi's out.

Any interest left for USA nodes? Low ping, gbit multi-homed networking, high uptime (Xen Cloud Instances, highly redundant cloud vm's)

If I see an interest I may give away a few test servers so I can check it out, if I get potential buyers I may look into a TCAdmin system and give away a few tests but thats if theres actual interest as that'll cost me an investment, and if nobody wants to utilize my promise of good priced, reliable, low ping usa lfs dedi's then I'd waste money

We'll also be looking into gbit high bandwidth systems in europe atm, so after USA LFS released we may offer Europe Dedi's same pricing in the future too.

We're looking to outdo 500Server's in all aspects. We're a high performance php webhost for blogs, forums, etc.

I've asked a few times over the years, all I get is teams wanting a dedi for them only for free in exchange of ads on their cars of our hosting business, no thanks. Money talks, esp when I charge cheap
S2 licensed
Try decompressing LFS again to "reinstall" it. If it works then check if you got sata and if the cables bent. Possible corruption if it's more then 30 deg bent.
S2 licensed

I always get too much HDD lag and the video quality is cruddy. I've tried half size, full, without audio, etc.

I've also tried on computers since fraps was born, fraps always ran pretty dinky to me....

I can't believe thats the only recording app for windows. OS X screen records so lagless, I can play source games and record and it doens't lag a bit. Fraps on HL2 would give me like 5fps
How to record LFS in semi-HD atleast?
S2 licensed
Fraps sucks, I never get a decent record on it for years. Always shit

any better solution then running LFS in wine to play the replay on my mac and use the good performing QT screen record?

S2 licensed
Quote from geeman1 :This occasionally comes up and the result is always the same. You or anyone else can't really do anything about it. The only thing you can do is take this as a form of flattery.

Actually if you created it thats not true.

Depending on how much modified in US courts you can sue. However for internet cases you normally can't sue unless you have loss of profits. Like if someone attacks 500Server's they can record the proof of income loss and sue whoever arranged the attack, if they knew their info.

Regardless you'll need a lawyer unless you can write formal DMCA notices. I provide webhosting, I have to deal with those things. If the other person identifies errors in it, you'll be eligible to be sue'd for falsified DMCA notice. This is not a joke.
S2 licensed
Quote from 1303s_vortech :Could someone tell me why there is no "D.I.L.I.G.A.F." choice in this poll please?...

On a serious tone:

As any smart*ss (like me for ex.) would state, there would surely be more important things to get than night conditions. Well, at least on a close range.


Do/Does I look like I give a ****, not 1 L, 2.

You spelled do I like give a **** which is girly and dumb.

Also yes night would be sick in S3 - much worth more money
S2 licensed
Quote from bunder9999 :it was showing apache index pages some time ago.

We have moved our core services to a new system, DNS first.

Should load instant now, we also don't use apache (much)- shared systems use LiteSpeed