The Server doesn´t function in the right way. I was driving on Aston Historic with 30 other people and in the last round on the third position i had to leave the server and after that i cant joined it. That dont makes fun. illepall
With white background and black writing one can read it well, however the "online" does not look then so good.
But it should not be so difficult actually to represent the entire text in such a way that it is well readable.
Sorry for my bad english.
I´ve made a sound file and hope that you can hear the problem. In the sound file you can hear the XRG, but i have this problem with a lot of cars but not all cars. ??? It´s only if the engine in CSR is ON.
The 30 seconds aren´t the problem.
I have the problem, that often friends are showing as offline, but they are online and often friends are showing as online, but they aren´t online. And not only for some seconds or minutes.
And I can´t edit the friend names.
Although the program is very good.
grrr, the "friends" of Browse for Speed 0.7 does not function smooth, too.
I want have back LFS Manager :weeping: it was so good.
Can someone make this program work with pubstat 1.3?