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S3 licensed
Hey guys, lets determinate a time for we all race tonight...

i got iRacing too: Márcio Campos
S3 licensed
From the remote acess a friend of mine could control the cameras on the GUI acessing my IP?
S3 licensed
To get the GUI working you should open the GUI and connect to TV Director, using the port 32301.
Then open the TV Director, enable GUI acess and Start.
Now is just type /insim=32300 and Activate TV Director.
S3 licensed
I got problens running the GUI too, but I realise that to get the GUI running there is a right sequence opening the TVDirector and the GUI.

Tonight I will see what is the sequence to do.

This tool is great!!!
S3 licensed
Good addon...

I liked a lot, thanks...
S3 licensed
Digital Speedo
S3 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :Have you configured your browser to block CSS? I see lots of default Times New Roman font there, which doesn't show up for me.

E: Forget what I said. It's screwed up on IE.

E²: Victor if you're reading this, there is apparently a workaround to make this IE bug disappear. Adding special/weird code to fix IE bugs... NEVER seen that before :rolleyes:

Thanks for watching us...
S3 licensed
Good job...
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Like...what?

Track updates, pictures on the menus...
S3 licensed

But I need a custom instalation, there are so many things that i dont like...
S3 licensed

We should use it in our league.
S3 licensed
I got to rename the setups to open...

In my LFS settings folder the name was FORMULA XR_xxx.set

I got to rename to Formula XR_xxx.set

S3 licensed
I cant open FOX setups.
S3 licensed
Somehow this bug is not with me anymore... I didnt change anything and it dissapeared...

But now it is with another racers on the league...

From that we could say that it is not a connection or a LFS (install) problem...

It is a problem on the LFS netcode, so please Scawen help us with this.
S3 licensed
Quote from SpikeyMarcoD :Well it took you long enough...trouble recognising yourself?

S3 licensed
It is ME on the screen!!!

God, I look great...

S3 licensed
Quote from dcToro :do you have other steering devices at usb ports like pads or joystick. if so try to unplug them.

No I dont have.

Quote from dcToro :
and second try some laps without force feedback and watch if there is the same problem.

Tried that and still the same shit.
S3 licensed
Lag? ok!

So tell me why when I race with manual clutch it is gone?
S3 licensed

Here is the mpr.

Note that at lap 4 and 5 I change to manual clutch and the problem disapeared.

Please someone help me.
S3 licensed
Quote from 128MB :Maybe something is wrong with your shifting settings.
Try going through every buttons and axle again.

I did that.

I think the problem is not with the buttons, because the clutch is not pressed to me but to others racers the sound is like it is pressed.
Clutch BUG in LFS Netcode
S3 licensed

I got a problem im multiplayer races, not to me but to other people.

It is like I am with the clutch pressed but I am not, in my computer it is all ok, but at the MPR and to other racers it is like the clutch is pressed, you can see it in the video.

I tried turning on and off a lot of LFS options, then when I turn off the auto clutch the problem disapeared. I tried also assigning the clutch to a button but it dont matter, if the auto clutch is turned on the probleam apears.

I dont have connections problems and my latency is ok.

And I use a G25.

The other thing you can see at the start of the race. I got hit by the car behind me before the race start. So I take a drive through, that was not my fault. It was not supose to the car go to spectate before hit anothers?

Sorry about my english.
Last edited by Campos_MIC, . Reason : Reason found. (edited only the title)
S3 licensed
This program just work in a server or a client could use it?
G25 Paddles problem
S3 licensed

I use the paddles to shift.
When I press the paddle for gear up it won't change cause the paddle did not come back to press the botton, so i have to push it back and the press.

My friend have the same problem.

There is a solution for this?
S3 licensed
Quote from Jamexing :True, aggressive driving is necessary to compensate for the unbeatable FXO syndrome somewhat. If well setup and driven, it should wear all 4 tires nice and evenly.

I agree with you.

I dont understand why the RB4 eat more the tires.
S3 licensed
What about the TBO class?

I drive in a brazilian league LFSBR ( and we now have a XRT and RB4 championship.

I am in first on the championship using the XRT. The RB4 is a lot slow on all the tracks. And that happens because their tires get hotter easier than the XRT.

So I think that the XRT should have at least 35kg.