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Quote from S14 DRIFT :Where is the hypocracy?

The post you made in the other thread.
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Quote from Inouva :Chuck norris is the only one who can divide by zero

I know classic joke of chuck, hater gona hate

You're so sexy and don't you know it, we should hook up, I'm coming to Israel soon.
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Quote from S14 DRIFT :Read my blog as to why I'm up so late.

No they split up and I'm now pretty close friends with her. Funny...

so it's hard being friends when she constantly asks me to pee on his face or punch him or whatever...

Then don't be a hypocrite, what I do is no less worse than what you do, and to say I have nothing better to do is not right, it's late, I rarely sleep and I have no college etc, I'm hyper as anything and wanted to check up on the forums

Also don't live with him, move back in with your parents or find another job ASAP!

Also didn't read all of the blog, you write too much.
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Quote from S14 DRIFT :Go away AMB don't you have anything better to do

*Looks at post count*


So my life sucks right now

I am suddenly £1,200 in debt and I’m probably going to get fired tomorrow (even though I don’t deserve it and have done nothing wrong, put a lot of effort in, etc).

So if that does happen, I’ll lose my car, then house, then I’ll become a homeless drunk, then I’ll just jump infront of a bus.

‘Cause frankly I can’t keep fighting life anymore. I don’t have the energy.

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I have [IMG] tags turned off.

Anyway why are you up so late?

Your room mate still smashing his girlfriend to bits ?
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Quote from Cornys :"No Longer Welcome" forecast: 95%

They should make a new usergroup/title.

"Never Welcome"

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Quote from bunder9999 :i like popcorn.


Troll sensor = over 9000 trolls.

Go, if you dare.
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Quote from bunder9999 :oh boy, is this another spam thread?


Troll sensor = Over 9000 trolls.
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Quote from shashdev :Infinite divided by zero is still infinite.

You're just looking at infinite the wrong way. It is not like a counter that is going up. It is really just a matter of though. Kind of in the same way that square root of -1 is not a real number. You can't comprehend it (not knocking on your intelligence, it's just not possible). By saying it's a counter that's going up, you are stating that is has a real number at all times, but it's just going up. that's not possible since infinite is the highest number (which isn't possible) which means that you couldn't count any higher.

Also, this is all a mindf**k. Here's a smiley face to make you feel better:

Correct, I knew it wasn't a number but I saw it as a infinite counter, I know it's wrong to see it as that, and yes it's a real mindf**k.

But still it's like the unmovable object VS the unstoppable force.
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Anon assemble!
Dividing by 0?
No longer welcome
OK so you cannot divide by 0 right?

And infinite is not a number but something continuous, like a counter going up and up, it will never stop, so what happens when you divide infinite by 0, is it infinitely nothing or does it just start counting and going up, although infinite is still not a number.
Noobs can't triforce.
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