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S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Yes i will be there !

U 2 dennis?
S2 licensed
Shit No time to join in tomorow
S2 licensed
Amazing setup scotty! Thank you!

48.50 now
S2 licensed
I did couple of laps with my KY2 set. 48.9. Didnt feel to bad.

I saw some major splits from Scottybear though! Share that set !
S2 licensed
LFS Licence Name: NickC
Real Name: Nicky Catsburg
Preferred Car Number: 177 (last year's number :razz
Team Name: Sonicrealms Racing
Last edited by boothy, .
Dennis Lind wins Formula Ford Festival 2010!
S2 licensed
Amazing peformance. Brings him in a list of names that made it very far in this sport.

S2 licensed
Thanks for all the messages guys! Was an amazing season.

And about my teammate testing WSR, that was just for fun. I can test F1 if i want. I can do everything, if i bring the money

But thats not the way is it ?
S2 licensed
I think it's funny to read all the "You can cut the whiteline stuff" "And the cerbstone is part of the track"

In all the official driver briefings (Megane trophy ) this is always an issue. T2 at Spa, T1 hockenheim, T1 Silverstone, Budapest etc etc. I even got a penalty once for going to far on cerbstone in eau rouge!

Somehow they (organisation) can never be completly clear about it. I think officialy it's like this; You always have to have 2 wheels within the whitelines! So a cerbstone is not extending the track.

But alot of times they just dont monitor it, and everybody will do it. Strange.

But about getting a wr with doing that? Wtf is the problem, its allowed for everybody.
S2 licensed
Quote from Glenn67 :I also know or know off many that have died because they were very comfortable with speed and haning the tail out, these are mostly kids in there 20s although one prominate example which happened not less than 10km from where I live was Peter Brock who had vast experience. While it can be done irl and often can feel easy or look easy if you take it for granted it can also kill, so perhaps is not as easy as it feels or we believe.

The fact is if you are well within the traction limit of a car and you hang the tail out its a whole different kettle of fish to being at or near the limit of adhesion before the tail steps out.

Some other facts are that road cars are designed to be 'safe' i.e. to have more predictable and controlable responses in emergency situtaions than race preped cars, even race engineers set up cars with their drivers ability in mind.

We also know that to detect a slide and react in a sim is never going to be as quick reaction as we can irl. Every hundreth of a second delay in reacting is a step closer to not being able to recover the slide, hence why in sim racing to be fast I am constantly pre-empting slides by semi correcting before they even happen.

Another fact is irl most drivers start well below the grip limit and slowly work up to the limit of adhesion, in Sim racing most tend to do the opposite we drive too hot and reduce our pace until we can stay on the track. That alone gives the impression of funcky physics compared to real life simply because our behaviour is so different.

These points all have been brought up in the past with LFS physics and aply to any sim physics. With all these things in mind I find that the physics are pretty good. I mean once you are in the right ball park with speed and line in a corner, if you do slide it is entirely catchable and if you spin it will not end up in a wall it will be semi controlable/predicatble.

I mean if you drive at 9/10ths on a track your familiar with you can drive it all day and control any slides that may happen, if you try do a whole race at 10/10s then the chances of you making an error of judgement and spinning are probably 10x higher. LFS physics and track environments are a little more predictable than iRacing atm and therefore will allow you to drive closer to 10/10s.

Irl I do not believe that drivers are able to drive that close to the limit as the 'limit' is different for every lap they do and so they can't get it perfect, which is why you do see the odd lap which is sometimes refered to as an 'lap of the Gods' as with Greg Murphy at Bathurst 2003 where he put it on pole by a second! If you look at that video that is how most Sim drivers try drive all the time then they wonder why the tyre physics are funky and they spin out more than irl

Were the reality is when a driver drives that close to the edge for an entire lap and pulls it off (i.e. it is actually quick and he doesn't crash) everyone shacks their heads in disbelief, were if you can't do that in Sim racing your slow

Seems to be well said, but not always correct. Im not sure if for example iracing is so spot on with the physics of car behaviour. What i can is, for example, ive been driving 2 seasons in the Mégane Trophy now, in this season i think i've spun out 1 time. And i'm sure i'm on the limit, im winning races and if you check my onboards you can clearly see it.

And never when i hit a cerbstone my car inmediatly spins out to be never recovered! It's just less hard IRL. Same if i touch the grass. Iracing seems a bit to hard in those things.

And i have to agree with you, maybe LFS is to forgiveable. Maybe they build it knowing that we don't feel with our body in a simulation. But just with our sights and hands. Maybe Iracing is more realistic, but you can't do anything with it because behind your pc you dont feel a thing :P!

I'm not sure which one is the better, but for sure i can say LFS feels better. And in both sims i'm quite ok i think. (just started with iracing again)
S2 licensed
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :So when you turn your steering wheel in your real car... I suppose nothing really happens there too? .

I don't think i completly understand your post! Explain please.

But, for sure it's a big big big big difference because simracing is alot on sight and not on the feeling in your whole body. It's just a whole different thing.

And i don't know why. LFS has just a bit better "feel", Iracing and Rfactor seem way to "hard" when a car gets in oversteer sometimes its impossible to correct. In lfs thats just a bit better.
S2 licensed
Whats more fair?

1 guy who can cut the track more then others and get away with it?

Or everybody can cut the track the same amount and get away with it?

Zeug ?
S2 licensed
I tryed it once. Must say: I'm not really convinced. I like it, in some ways, but the feel of LFS is better. For me nothing beats LFS in realistic feel.

It's a judgement just based on feel.

Since i drive IRL alot, i think i can make a good comparision.

LFS all the way.

But, never really tryed Iracing for a long period though.
S2 licensed
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :Yea, anyway, everyone willing to get a WR set can get it on LFSW with the Hotlap Analyser, just take more time... So the tool only makes everyone's life easier(at least, nowadays, was a different business before the Hotlpa Analiser's release of course, would have seen a problem back then), can't see anything wrong with that.

A bit true, but since we can not get every data from the analyzer. It's not completly the same.

Edit. Joe just said it aswell :P
S2 licensed
Quote from AMB :Yeah I know what that is, I just thought it was meant to be kept a secret.... anyway it doesn't effect me whether it's here or not because it has nothing to do with me in any way.

No but it's just. Some people know it, some don't. The same with the profiler thing. Thats just a bit, imo, weird. Make it the same for everybody, or don't make it :P.
S2 licensed
Quote from AMB :The downloading of WR sets is OLD, there was Phlos' setup pack which most teams have and there is another way I'm sure you know, but it can't be 'leaked'.

It can't be leaked :S? why not?

If i can download a set everybody should be able to do that.

Edit: oh no i can't. Read this.

What Is It
LSSE is a standalone version of Phlos' LFSW setup extractor & packer that worked for some time on re-written in Ruby and licensed as free software under GNU General Public License. This means that anyone is free to distribute and/or modify it under GNU terms. This being said, there are a few guidelines which developer and LFS developers ask of users:
LSSE should not be posted directly in the LFS Forum (requested by Vic) to avoid any arguments over are setups intellectual property of the makers and is what this tool does wrong.
LSSE shouldn't be made into an online version of the tool (even though the source code is inside the LSSE.rb file) because such a tool would also go against LFS developers wishes.
consequences for you to ponder: if LSSE is posted in LFS Forum or made into an online version of the tool like it was once before, LFS developers will change the SPR file headers rendering this tool (and many other Replay analyzers) useless.
S2 licensed
Quote from manneF1 :I havnt have clue, how this button clutch works. I know how its set up, but how it makes you faster. Does it just make the gear change faster?

S2 licensed
Quote from manneF1 :Hm, BF1, XRR, FXR, XFR, Fo8 and FOX have sequential (?)

Jep think so, so its mostly the xfg, xrg, rb4, xrt, fxo, rac etc.
S2 licensed
Quote from manneF1 :IMO, in league racing, all should use button clutch or no one, that makes it even to everyone

In public racing, I dont care if someone uses/dont use button clutch

Oh, and im not sure about it, but button clutch dont make you faster on all cars?

Correct. Some cars have sequential box. ( i think :P )
S2 licensed
Quote from troy :Can't understand that statement either, "everybody" does it so I do it too, what kind of argument is that please? It wouldn't feel right for me if I knew I didn't beat the guy behind me fair and square.

Yes but what if you are p2, and you want to be p1 and you know the p1 guy just beat you because he uses the profiler thing.

I don't like it, but, also in the hotlapleague we decided to allow it to provide the most level playingfield.
S2 licensed

another "cheat?" people don't know about.

Everybody is downloading setups nowadays. From LFSW. So al your hard work you put in a setup is wasted, because people can just download it. And then i don't mean by just looking at the analyzer. I mean just downloading the replay and let a program convert into a LFS file.

I found out there are a bunch of people who dont know about this.
S2 licensed
Well tbh, i'm quite sure they do.

I never did though. Believe what you want

If you are in a league, and one guy is using it. What should you do when nobody does anything against it? Just lose? Or beat them at the same?

Difficult .

The devs should just make the shifttime the same.
S2 licensed
Ok, i'll try to explain. The same as i got it explained i while ago.

Go to LFS. Set clutch to manual clutch. Assign your clutch to a button on your wheel.

Go to profiler --> go to your shifter pedals --> go to select assignment (? english?) and press NEW assignment. Call it whatever you want, i recommend shift down and shift up .

Go to options and tick the box with Pauses. Press ok. Press record and press your buttonclutch and shifterpedal together. Press ok. Make sure the clutch is the first one.

Start LFS and it's done. You are now doing an automatic manual shift :P (wtf).
S2 licensed
Yes button clutch.

But it's automaticly so you dont have to do anything and win time easy. In multiplayer nobody will see it, so all the guys are using it. But when you upload a lap everybody can see you used it, so thats why most of them dont do it in a hotlap.
S2 licensed
Never use anything to set a WR.

When i like a combo, i do some laps and try to beat the best lap. Why not? why always the hate against "hotlappers"?

It's the cheaters (speedhax etc) who ruin it.

And about the cutting at ky etc. Just do the damn same and beat the guy at the 8 other (without cutting) corners at the combo. Damn.

Oh and about that "macro". Like rudy says. It's so easy to set it up. Alot of fast guys used it in the hotlapleague. Always the same people though.

It works shit and i never use it to set a wr. But for example in the hotlapleague i just used the "macro" for the Blackwood combo, because everybody was using it. What do you expect? Just beat the ****ers at it.