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Its probably his configuration, there is no lag for me runs baby smooth on high/ultra, all it is random game crashes but there is an upcoming update for the fix.
S2 licensed
Day 2: Rubber banding begins..

HUEHUE boat action
Last edited by FRZN-95, .
S2 licensed
Nah, I have a mate with 6970 2gb and he runs medium/high to get decent frames so its playeble. Sure you can go ahead play on ultra and have 25-40fps but its not recommended.
@Bose321: Op boats.. Im pretty sure its some glitch or **** knows.
S2 licensed
Levolution is pretty cool when you see it while you are on the water, but im pretty sure we wont bat an eye after 2 weeks.. ... Y8Fc&
S2 licensed
Bmxpls downloot gaim n plai
S2 licensed
Been using vpn for whole day to play BF4 fun but I feel like boats are OP vs Inf..
But is a lot of fun so id say its a good game.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Buy a front fender it looks hideous without it.
S2 licensed
From all the comments where you call a 50cc a coffee grinder which go 80-90km/h if it is jetted properly and will beat any 50cc geared bike in a flat straight, all you guys say is total crap.
Because in a city like London where filtering is allowed there is always traffic jams every day and if you are planing to ride around town there is nothing more needed and here those little coffee grinders are usually seen to out maneuver any big bike because they are little, agile and very nippy and people who call themselves true bikers or atleast have a passion about motorbikes should honestly respect the fact he is at the beginning of his riding career and after 2 or so years they will be on big bikes..
And then again it comes to the riders abilities.

I had the same opinion of scooters in general where i previously owned a Yamaha XJ6, and now im currently on a Aprilia SR50 R and im faster with it compared to the XJ6. Im sorry making such a big deal out of it but it bothers me so much where sods on the internet who have jumped on a big engined bikes have the decency to talk..
S2 licensed
Please, Omar1 don't be one of those "chavs" I se around my area on 50cc with a helmet and that was pretty much it, always have your gear on (by meaning at the least of it a armored jacket and gloves) you don't know how much you will appreciate those if an accident occurs (touch wood that it never happens to you). As a new rider please just observe the road be careful and not reckless, I ride 50cc to ride around London and it can be crazy depending where you live and traffic you face every day..

Ride Safe!
S2 licensed
Because they can afford them.
S2 licensed
@DevilDare @Braien93
Guys can you share where you get those bad ass wallpapers..
S2 licensed
Nova Launcher With a Wallpaper that I saw somewhere in this topic..
S2 licensed
Why are you guys crying this happened in the past where BF:BC1 was literally shit and then BF:BC2 came around and it was epic, it improved and it was also released 2 years later than BC1. So therefore if you are a butthurt stop posting useless shit and don't talk about the game.

However I also think it isn't a huge improvement of BF3 but gunsounds have more punch and bass noise, the graphical improvements aren't huge but I'm glad the removed the blue tint and THE MORDOR SUNGLARE, also loving the vehicle explosions it seems it will be like in BF:BC2 where once the vehicle gets a critical damage it will start to spin and loose control.
S2 licensed
Karkand, Aftermath and End Game are great DLC's, however there is a lot of people who bitch about them, don't really care I still enjoy the game.
S2 licensed
It is a problem from the cable and the recognition in Windows I had a similar problem with my monitor where in Photoshop the colours would be completely different but since im using VGA cable my settings may differ from yours
Go to Control Panel > Color Management > Advanced (In the little window that pops up) and change the Device Profile to sRGBIEC61966-2.1
S2 licensed
Actually I have no problems running it with 560ti my graphics setting are on High
and average FPS is 50 could be driver problem in some cases where there is massive issues with fps..
S2 licensed
The game lasted around 45mins tops it was 750 tickets Op Metro
S2 licensed
*troll face*
S2 licensed
Not cheating, just because the admin didn't blacklist the G3 it doesnt mean its cheating + there was a guy on the opposite team who was using it from the begining..
S2 licensed
Sata2 has half of the bandwith of Sata3, so I think your only problem is the Sata connector and bandwith, or if you are not sure if you have a friend or a spare PC with a Sata3 connector plug it there and see if there is still a problem..
S2 licensed
I ignored all the comments on top, so far I had a great time in multiplayer altho the video in the comments above me about the campaign is pretty stupid to me, I think the campaign is been preety awesome as a story line..
Medal Of Honor: Warfighter
S2 licensed
Hey guys, I don't know if you heard it or not, but MOH:W got released couple of days ago and I bought it, it seems that is really improved from the previous MOH. Here is the trailer:
If you have the game discuss, maybe later on ill post some gameplay