I made a success!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You were right I had two file LFS and I saved my skins in the bad!!!
Thank you very much to have helped me!!!!
Oki, thank you very much.
If they are indeed in the EPA "data" " skins " but it does not post them in the list of the new colors for the XRT..
I am going to try to reinstall games(sets) to see
Nothing has to make, I do not manage to convert the JPEG jpg, either with paint.net, or with Microsoft paint..
I could send it to you by e-mail, you try to put it in JPG and I make to see if it is good its the problem?
oki, And how modify performance of a car in lfs s2, as booster the engine, add a turbo (As to make a xr gtr of 600 or 700hp) ?? Sorry for the subject not authorized..
Hello, I would like to know how to drive with , nissan skyline, subaru and the other toyota supra and ae86, please help me, i'm new players with LFS S2.