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S2 licensed
I'd be interested, but could only make Sunday 19th January of the dates proposed. Great idea
S2 licensed
Quote from FL!P :I just released FlipCams 1.0.3 that adds compatibility with patch Z. Get it from the top post in this thread.

Nice one Flip, thank you for updating FlipCams.
S2 licensed
Hi, I'll no be able to attend this Sunday due to a family commitment. Could you please move me into the 'cannot attend round 3' category please.

I'll be back for round 4 though
S2 licensed
From what I have gleaned about your plans Mr Bean, this will be one not to miss (although I missed the practice event :tilt
S2 licensed
Hi Res image for my skin ...
S2 licensed
Looks like you all had a great time. I was disappointed not to go, but I had to look after 1 little sick child. I wasn't very good at it mind, as they were both ill today!

Hope you got the txt Tristan.
S2 licensed
I'll be going past J25 of the M25 and have a spare seat, if you can put up with 2 very well behaved kids in the back. I'm not sure I'll be hanging around for long after the event though.
S2 licensed
LFS Username : bozo
Real Name : Andrew Turner
Team : Driven By Passion
Eligible (Hotlap of AS6 in under 2:50.18) : bozo_AS6_FXR_24921.spr
Preferred Number : 207
S2 licensed
I can make the 25th.

I don't think the choice of track is too much of an issue. On the simulators everything feels very different to driving the same combo on a PC. It would be good to choose a track that is reasonably well known, so that there is less time needed to learn which way the track goes.

The projected screen and the rather weird FOV (well, different to what I'm used to) make it difficult to just jump into a car and drive it the same.

I can meet up in the Hut beforehand. I wont be eating there though if we start at 1pm, since they were exceedingly slow to get our food ready last time.

Quote from tristancliffe :
19. bozo (plus two spectating children that he'll probably use as weapons of distraction)

Just spotted this. My plan A has been foiled
S2 licensed
Sunday is much better for me.
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Bozo + 2 kids = 3 spaces.

Sorry, I didn't make it clear. Just 1 space, the kids aren't race drivers (yet!).

Last time at the venue there were a couple of simulators set to test a different game. My kids had a go on those when nobody else was using them. They'll be fine to just watch, and have a go on a separate machine if any were available on the day.
S2 licensed
Wow, I attended Bob Smith's event with my 2 kids. They were asking me at the weekend if they could go there again. I then stumble upon this post for the first time.

Count me in. One of the Sunday dates would suit me best, and I like the sound of food afterwards. There's a pub serving food just down the road, I seem to remember.

I won a trophy last time, but looking at the list of those interested this time, my ambitions are rather modest.
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :I've done Silverstone a few times, but not since the Mansell era. You have like road access to the track these days!

That was the last time I went also. Mansell in a Ferrari overtaking for 3rd place coming into Stowe. Massive cheer from the crowd. I was on the grass bank next to a stand at Stowe, but the view from there was good.

We parked some 3 miles away from the circuit on the grass verge, having first turned the car around. At 7am that was where the queue was backing up to. We walked into the circuit quicker than those sitting in the queue, and considerably quicker after the race. I think there's more 1 way roads these days.
S2 licensed
I fully agree with Speedway. When you know what type of riding you're going to be doing (road / off-road), speak to somebody in your local bike shop. They will guide you towards some alternatives, then get some test rides arranged.

If you end up going for a mountain bike, I would seriously warn against getting any kind of suspension. On cheaper bikes it will be worse than useless. If most of your riding is going to be on tarmac with just a little offroad, a hybrid could be the best option. Fat knobbly tyres are no fun when most of your riding is on tarmac, they just create drag.
S2 licensed
Quote from jwardy :errr if anyone has a replay check my car around the 52 mins mark lol that wasent a mistake that was a duuuuhh moment

I've not seen the incident, but I do remember Beano taking your 3rd position quite late in the race. Must have been your duuuuuhh moment!
S2 licensed
I'm Mr Consistency. Started 5th, finished 5th, and kept a consistent pace throughout. I did at one stage pass Beano when he ran wide on the first long right hander before the twisty section. That was a place he was having some problems as I saw a few yellows when following from a distance. He retook the position after the pitstops, and after that the speed differential of those ahead meant that I could only wait for a mistake, but nobody made any of significance.

I liked the format of the session, 2 mixed class races on track. Drivers were very polite too, which always adds to the occasion.

A shorter track will make everything even more interesting, I'll be looking out for the next event.
S2 licensed
Quote from jwardy :Havent seen you around for a while , where you been hiding?

I've been messing with MRTs recently, but in a rather warped way I'm looking forward to getting the Race About out of the garage next weekend. Be good to race alongside some familiar faces again.
S2 licensed
LFS license: bozo
Online screen name: bozo
Car*: RAC
Do you accept the rules: Yes
S2 licensed
LFS Screen Name: bozo
LFS User Name: bozo
LFS Team Name:
Email Address:

I can make all rounds except for round 3.
S2 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :Olanso and Haemitlon

LOL, just because nobody can spell Ryekonen or Kovalynern
S2 licensed
Quote from Gentlefoot :Super Aguri will not be able to punch above their weight again this year as they are gonna be using Honda's dreadful RA107. Force India will finish ahead this year I think.

I'd forgotten about that. Poor Super Aguri, last year they were beating Honda by using the 2006 Honda as their base. But now they're using the 2007 model for this season ... life has its ups and downs
S2 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :
High Mid field:


I agree with your view, except for Honda. High Mid field?!!! The only way that would be possible is if they've got some insider information about the Ferrari ....

Given their recent history, and the arrival of Ross Brawn not being until the end of last season (ie long after he would have any influence over the 2008 car), I can't see such a dramatic improvement. I would put them at the back of the Midfield bunch. Might see an improvement during the season, as according to the literature their car has been built with a view to having great scope for within season development - unlike the 2007 car.
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Depends if you believe the polititians (who we all know lie), or choose to look at the facts yourself. The simple thing is we are discovering more oil, coal and gas every day, and our KNOWN reserves have remained roughly constant for the last 50 years. Nuclear power is being expanded, and other decent forms of electricity are being worked on.

Don't worry, I have never believed a politician. Equally I have never believed that fossil fuels are anything but a finite resource when they are extracted at current rates. If you were in a position to strategically manage the world for the next 500 years, would you allow the population to plunder all the resources in the shortest possible time? Only a sadist would opt for that route.

I wouldn't classify nuclear as a 'decent form of electricity', but I'll leave that one for now.

Be interested to understand how geothermal heat generation, tidal power, wind power and solar heating can be so destructive. I'm always open to new thinking, but I'm not convinced by your argument yet.
S2 licensed
With finite resources on this planet, that is perhaps not the best way of living. We could do so much more to ensure there is a legacy.
S2 licensed
Why oh why is the focus still on performance? With all the environmental problems that we have, why is it that even a progressive manufacturer like this still has to promote the sporting characteristics? What is so wrong about focussing on maximising the energy conservation, using narrower tyres, or using gearing that maximises efficiency within the speed limit?