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s3 omg
S3 licensed
I personally think everyone should stop posting spamming and making posts that a grade one would find unintelligent. We have S1 and S2 What about s3??? I love s2 doing 60-100 laps. Its extremely fun but I bought the game as is and that is how we play. Everything added on is extra but those are great too. Man A long time ago like almost when these forums started up I recieved sh!t for bad grammer and not making sense. The DEV'S should take more control of these forums and their game that us, the consumer bought. P.S. Im sorry this is a post to all the communities and the DEV'S on my thoughts. P.P.S. I have been in LFS since almost day one and have seen patches almost die but have bounced back! So lets have patience, fun and enjoy some kick @$$ races! Dont forget lets try to have more intelligent conversations about the game and patches. Such as what would make it better etc. Cmon people im here to have fun and to converse with people on a higher lever than that of an elementary student.
Edited by; Barret's & Videogamez
Last edited by BarretOocR, .
Thankyou DEV's
S3 licensed
Love Patch z 10. I really enjoy all the physic's ABS, I would like to see ABS in all road cars or the option to. LX4 licence plate! take it off (FIXED) Disk brakes flash on movie mod.

I so love lfs (demo to lfs since 2002) (S2 2007)

Travelled distance:235297 KmFuel burnt:76675 LtrLaps:58312Hosts joined:4362Races won:1834Second:965Third:587Finished:4273Qualifications:644Pole Positions:300Drags / Wins:261 / 122
Lfs maps
S3 licensed
ok here is what i think . sorry for the grammer and spelling (i Race not typ) well with what maps, we do have and tracks, pitlans .how about taking all those cars skys building make its own pic and list. well i can't tell you but i can show you, like my old map editor with delta force Landworrior

i think this is what he means
Last edited by BarretOocR, .
can't choose laps
S3 licensed
can't choose laps 5 laps default, is there anyway to get source code? I think it could go good with LFS lapper...
S3 licensed

What are you doing . Ok this is my problem. I do have internet. I called my isp server host made them rest my ip, and i still cannot download new patch log into lfsworld or even lfs its self

The connection has timed out
The server at is taking too long to respond.
* The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few moments.
lfs lapper
S3 licensed
Hello lfs.

Well strait to the point: is the a source code for lfs lapper5 on this forum if so link me PLEASE
Fbm Csr
S3 licensed
Hello all is the going to be any update for the CSR sound mixer, or are we stuck making it are selves. Just a question no ranting please strait answers ty
as if man
S3 licensed
Come to my Team speak and i will tell you better with real life words, then my dumn @$$ grammer.

Im sorry.

Pro Racing Rooms TS Server
Server IP:

LTC server is cool, but its not the kind of program I want thats all i typed sorry if you miss undersand me, i was only complentmenting LTC. its because i never finish school. Went to work,i do kick my self for quiting but i will never do it again. i love how things turned out. if you guys don't come to my team speak i will get my wife to edit ok there i said it. don't let that hang over my head please last post is really uncalled for don't you think small little sentence would have made me get the point.

p.s last post i typ, will get someone to edit it at all times.
omg so rude
S3 licensed
Dudes a simple no would be great, not all this crap here.
Im no noob!!! I do race in LTC servers its ok but that not what i want.
I want is a programer to get ahold of the prr admins, and we can work somthing out.
We teach people how to drive fast and clean but we can't be there at all times.
I need is a bot admin for are newbee server like lfs lapper but it has a few more tools like lag for one thats the biggest problem in X10 right now i say. map changer. car changer . sky . penilties .

What I would like to see really is, all mods in one there all usfull.
But the is my problem im not a programmer.
Please just visit are forums, we are a very active team DON'T be shy lol:bowdown:
Last edited by BarretOocR, . Reason : grammer :(
S3 licensed
Im from we hold enduros & run 2 servers.
I would like to see Becky's programing skills into proracingroom i love her system.
Becky if you read this, please post on are forums we would really like some fun and more player to join in the fun.
I race mostly by my self waiting for people to join if there was an app they will come.
grip & tires ware
S3 licensed
ok dudes I do make sets that go a long way!

My server is Pro Racing Room, we have 2 servers, one for the new driver, and the other one is for are enduro's.

we hold these every saterday go here to see what race you want to join us. There are months of races we have picked out for are team and others Drivers are very welcome to join in these races Pro Racing Room

Anyways i use clutch pack for long distance racing.
I am on line as much as possible and we do have team speak join us there we will help. call for ninja469 hes there @ all times
Last edited by BarretOocR, . Reason : grammer :P
S3 licensed
some replays are not working lfs W , LFS X
pit spotter
S3 licensed
I think the dev's should have the pit spotter inputed into the game. For the fact, there are people that are not to smart, and have problems getting these app's going.
(/insm=29999/exec pitspotter i think thats not hard)

It is true i hate teaching people, they can be so blond at times, once starting to teach it never stops.

So to the dev's:: make somthing that will post times laps distance of leader and pack i know there are app's for these fun addons but like i said (teaching) is not the way to go.

I feel like that s2 final will have more tools and apps
Should be in dds wish list
S3 licensed
hi ! well i have played with the dds files and it is easy to change for your

self. But the boards are mostly the same like south city. have to try it out

but it sucks for now . I say like lcd screens at the starting line for each

server (deticated) to host all their own sponcers (aka Vidio) 0r (Slide Show)

Alot of servers are haven bigger races and even have sponcer ship, I think

instead of being sponcered ( well it is ok to be sponcered) the deticated

host can make a little coin for them selves or their team. lateforums have

been made for this so i do think it would be easy. Not coming from me but

who ever can code this into the game witch it would be the dev's or somone

else .
Last edited by BarretOocR, .
to the editors
S3 licensed
I say! You all, are doing a Great job with fixing Bugs and making LFS s2 Alpha w43 possible.
Thank you ! Best Money I ever spent, was on Live For Speed! But there is one question i do have.

Are we going to get a track editor?
If so it would be so cool I think, but anyways pm me later if your to bizzy . do it later on ! Contact me on this Forum
Check out are team
S3 licensed
Hey dude try out for are team its a grip team Pro Racing Room
S3 licensed
Everyone is welcome to join in the Pro Racing Room Enduro League !

Must know how to drive no need for new people. Sorry but learn the tracks get good times, then your welcome to join in the Races.
Please if you join in race, Remember this there is no reset (spacebar) IT IS DEACTIVATED.

So we all need to drive with caution. Cause 100 or so laps and then on the roof

.......GAME OVER .......

i have time
S3 licensed
I have time to wait.
I have been doing this a few years running endruo’s , so the waiting part is no problem. I do work too! I know how it is to have no playing time lmao. And not making fun of my grammars (really sorry)
Beckey can keep it then
S3 licensed
My grammer sucks i know but if becky what ever her or his name is doesn't want to share thats ok too . I am not a programer i fix computers thats it ! and race so i do need help (((alot of it))) just woundering if anyone would spend a lil time with me and fix server up so i don't have to do it manualy that sucks
help with getting STCC gen
S3 licensed
LFS Stats
I’m the admin to Pro Racing Room
I have all the Tools To Host on the Web . I have cpanel up to 20 domains .
I need some help with making a program or trying the best program I ever seen in LFS, it runs on STCC Servers .
I love to have that program to help are endruo’s, we hold them about once a week .(visit the site?) you will see the times and dates that they are held on.
We hold about 1 ½ races , it is to much work to do it all by myself or my blind partner ninja469 , this is a aussie server please give me a hand and I promise it will be fun .

Last edited by BarretOocR, .
Game Freezing
S3 licensed
Game Freezing
Just not to bore the Admin I’m saying there is some problem in the V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, patches ever since it was released my game will freeze up to 0 Frames, Still game. I know of someone who else has experienced it at the same time as me is it your servers cause it cannot be my computer its Brand New Dual processor 64 bit media Windows .It’s really hard to get info on the Freeze ups but I think there are more out there experiencing this .
Last edited by BarretOocR, .
S3 licensed
Just good clean driving we are not a nub server we have a server in FV and demo and rule are to be followed in order to make your fastest laps ever ! need more please go here and post
S3 licensed visit Forums we are getting few people together to have a big race .

7pm League sounds good to me

If anyone's interested in a challange series where different cars used at same track.

Races would be approx. 40kms in length
with 5 mins qualify before each race

Cars would be


So let me know we have room for 20 racers so series limited to regulars to the room.
Not a regular still want in, then come to room have some fun become a regular easy as lol.

So Guys what are you waiting for signup NOW.

ps. Looking forward to some good clean close racing. Good Luck Guys

League is OPEN to all Regulars to the Pro Racing Room both demo and full versions.

Not a Regular want in.

Easy come race in the room become a Regular it's that simple
Pro Racing Room Demo
S3 licensed
Hello All This is Barret69 Demo BOY ! anyways We Welcome all racers to server. But one rule has to be followed if not will be /ban your name 17000 so this meens Clean Racing only i know its demo but i do know there are alot of good Drivers out there .
We have race manager on server . I would like to know if there are any new programs out there for new stats or even web stats in HTML or somthing like Race Manager but only for Blackwood

Well hope to see you all in demo

Pro Racing Room


Last edited by BarretOocR, .