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S3 licensed
Team Name: Born 2 Race
Car Number: 29
Driver 1: B2R Skattle (Thespeed10)
S3 licensed
Entry Number: 29
Entry Name: B2R Skattle
Entered driver (Ingame name / LFSW name / Country): B2R Skattle / Thespeed10 / Chile
S3 licensed
Honestly I think it looks good the way it is. That "claustrophobic" interior suits the modern style of cars.
S3 licensed
### team ###
number: 29
name: Born 2 Race (3)
car: XFG
+++ drivers +++
--- drivers ---

PS: [STAND BY MODE] [It's not certain that I can race, but you never know.]
S3 licensed
I'll be sincere with this: Although I like the optimism showed by the different members of this community, I think the communication between the developers and everyone else has been poor to say the least. The process of developing should include the community. Informing us what is wrong and what is needed to fix it (in great detail) should be the norm. Being radio silent it's not -in my opinion, of course- the way to go.

Also, it's understandable that you are working hard enough to give us a test patch that works. But you don't need to give us an estimate, just release some date when you are EXTREMELY sure that it will be released in that timeframe. If the developers are not cautious with this, it will only backfire and it will create frustration inside the community once again.

Although I must say that at least some right steps has been taken: to say "Soon" is better than "Next week" and end up in frustration.
Last edited by Thespeed10, .
S3 licensed
Quote from bb2203 :Hi I'm new here just starting the training. I found out about live for speed from Jimmy Broadbent Youtube channel.

You can join us at our official (Unofficial) discord here:

We have weekly leagues and a friendly community that you can join around here, so enjoy LFS and welcome again!
S3 licensed
Quote from Thespeed10 :Skin for car #23

Updated skin for car #23
S3 licensed
Skin for car #23
Last edited by Thespeed10, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Thanks for the testing.
Do you know any simple and reproducible ways to create the worst looking effects, in these situations where high latency is not the cause of the problem? You mentioned the BF1 at high speed in corners, which I remember seeing.

BF1 Oval works. High speeds all the time and you can see the "jerking" of the car due to the high speeds.
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
I agree too with the testing of higher pps. We are in 2021, and the majority of us have decent internet connection to play smoothly. If you want to test some people with high pings like myself, then I'll gladly give some feedback on how it feels for me.
I think changing the pps will improve the gameplay for us and at the same time, it will look awesome on stream.
Last edited by Thespeed10, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Thespeed10 :#29 Skin

Updated skin for car #29 Big grin
S3 licensed
#29 Skin
S3 licensed
LFSW name: Thespeed10
In-game name: B2R Skattle
Full team name: Born To Race
Nation: Chile
S3 licensed
29/Thespeed10/Cristóbal González/Chile/FZR/Born To Race/4091
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
29/Thespeed10/Cristóbal González/Chile/Born To Race
S3 licensed
Race 2, timecode: 8:11
Half of my car (#29) was next to #83, but he didn't gave me enough space and pushed me onto the grass, causing me to lose control of the car.
S3 licensed
Quote from Thespeed10 :YES/29/thespeed10

S3 licensed
Last edited by Thespeed10, .
S3 licensed
Quote from jueweb :Feature Race

Knocking my (39) Back Car 29:
Lap 4 time 11:55 Turn 8
Lap 7 time 18:19.20 Turn 8
Lap 8 time 19:54.10 Turn 4
Lap 9 time 21:53.30 Turn 5
Lap 9 time 22:15.55 Turn 8
Lap 11 time 26:14.60 Turn 8

Usually I see these bumps not as a reason to protest, but here Car 29 hits so often my back, and talks here about that I have dangerous driving.

At the time I wrote that I was a bit pissed. Anyway, for now I agree that is not enough to report, but the way you defended your position so aggresively and the numerous times you blocked me when I went for the gap is when I was annoyed.
I'll delete my post since for now I don't think is enough to justify the report, but if you want to know where I was pissed here is a couple of videos:

1.- (You hit me there, but instead of backing off a little bit, you kept your foot in the gas)
2.- (Braking late, yeah. I tried to go for the gap and half of my car was along side you, but you still went for the racing line)
3.- (Small touch, yes. But the way you steered into me -and at the time of driving- I thought that it was a dirty tactic. For comparison, the guys ahead of us respected each other. Car #26 didn't steer into ##66 even though he had an overlap over him.) (I took the same lane as #66 and didn't steer into you, I simply kept my line)
Last edited by Thespeed10, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Thespeed10 :29/Thespeed10/Cristóbal González/Chile/RB4/Born To Race.

S3 licensed