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S3 licensed
Keeping them. They are just too good to sell!

Thanks to everyone who has shown interest!
S3 licensed
I've used it with a MOMO and later DFP. So why not? It can even connect to the DFP for use in a playstation 2/3! ;-)
S3 licensed
@dadge: Pedals are 549 new and racing rack basic is 109 euro. Excl shipping that is. This is 475 for the set (including spare parts which should settle any ones mind for years and years to come eventhough I have not replaced a single thing on the pedals since I had them). And it's asking price so...

Make me an offer I can't refuse!

Though 30 quid does not cut it, Shaun! But thanks anyway!

Btw: thanks for all the replies gents, but is it really necessary to keep commenting on how glad you all are with your clubsport pedals when I'm trying to sell my (equally excellent) VPP's!? Give me a break here! ;-)
For Sale: VPP Pedalset Pro 3 and VPP Racing Rack Basic
S3 licensed
Hi All,

After spending less and less time racing I have decided to sell my most dedicated racing gear. It's gathering dust at the moment and I want someone to enjoy it as much as I have.

Therefore I am selling my VPP Pedal-Set Professional 3. It has been used but the quality of this gear is really tank-like built. You cannot break it. It's heavy high grade thick metal. It's working as it did when it came from the factory but has since only gathered a few specks of dust.

As an extra, I have 3 linear potentio meters (known as "faders" to some audio/music heads) that er brand new and from VPP. Also a complete new and un-used spare USB electronics is at hand.

I'm also selling my VPP racing rack basic. "Racing rack" is maybe too big of a word. It allows you to connect your desk chair to the vpp pedals so neither will move when you STAND, STAMP or SLAM the brakes. It's the most stable racing experience pedals wise bar a full racing cockpit. Mine is yellow because I don't like red. VPP had a red one painted yellow, but the red shines a little bit through. Could have been done better. You can also use the racing rack basic for other pedals (logitech etc) with the flat metal board.

I'm looking for 475 Euro for the set or 425 for the pedals and 75 for the racing rack basic. I would advice you to buy both if you don't have cockpit.

Preferably local pick up (Southern Netherlands) because of the weight (esp the pedals, they are heavy. 15 kgs for pedals and rack.

Esp the pedals are super adjustable and only the imaginations should stop you. As you see in the pictures I have turned the throttle pads upside down and back for easier heel and toeing.


S3 licensed
Quote from mantis9 :
Ignore me, I wasnt here, you didnt see me right :hide:

O Hai Mantis, yer hidin is not doin so gud! I seez u under teh tabel!!


On topic: yes progress is slow, but it IS being worked on. YAY!

Yes also need to take breaks from LFS because I get frustrated without no any real newness, but hey....LFS stays my baby seeing I am with it since new players joined on grid on the middle of the track during races. That was fun!

If you don´t like it, take a break, come back later. I´m going to follow my own advice! I feel I already had my 24 euros worth, everything else is extra.

Does anyone care about my opinion God I hope not!
S3 licensed
Quote from Feffe85 :Hehe, okey!

Ontopic then: I´d love to try the Z-10's, cause im a big fan of logitechs stuff that has built-in displey :P That's like the only reason for me buying the G15 awhile ago. But i like it and will continue use it

Hope u start looking at the road soon and not on the displ

Huh what? Was looking at me speakers again.

OT: I think the Z10 are one of the best sounding 2.0 speakers around. Only remember that it basically are speakers and sound card in one. You can connect another sound source to it via a 3.5mm mini jack plug input (like analog out from another sound card or mp3 player) but you obviously need the USB plugged it to make the screen work. And if you do that, your pc immediately has another soundcard to choose from. Other than that: I'm very pleased with them. Good basses (both speakers have a bass port that literally breathes air with bass sounds) and sparkle if you need it and everything can be finely tuned.

L56 rating 9.5/10

0.5 points be distracted because of the glossy surface that show my fingerprints all over them. A wipe to get those off is included btw! A wtf....10/10

L56 Out...
S3 licensed
Don't worry, Feffe85

Outgage, Outsim and Insim are revolving around my head and are hard to keep track of what's what when trying to trouble shoot. Esp for me as normal user that really is not so interested about ports and IP's and modes in a cfg file.

But I really think I typed Outsim when I meant Outgage so I will stay sorry with you!

Apart from that, everything is working A-OK on my Z10 speakers with only one problem: fellow racers warn me to look at the road instead of the speakers if they see me veer off toward the grass!

L56 Out...
S3 licensed
Sorry, I meant the OutGage port.

I just re-extracted the demo and checked:

After starting a fresh LFS and typing /insim 29999 the outgage port default 0 changes to 30000.

Outsim port always seems to stay 0

Honestly, my main installation of LFS is so old that I don't know what has changed when and why. Also Outgage mode (or was outsim mode?) was on mode 2 and not mode 0.

Sorry as this gets a little incoherent, but maybe someone with trouble connecting to Live for G15 can check this stuff in cfg.txt out in the mail LFS folder.

All I know is that when I changed the Outgage port from 35555 to 30000 it started working. For the record: I'm using the default insim port 29999.

Soz 4 teh c0nfu5i0n

L56 Out...
S3 licensed
Problem solved.

Apperrantly my outsim port was changed from the default 30000 to 35555. When I compared the cfg.txt with that of the demo I downloaded, I noticed the difference. Changed it, restarted and hey presto. Everything works!

So maybe there should be warning saying the outsim port needs to be on 30000.

Great plugin, me wubs it and everyone who made it and helped me!

L56 Out...
S3 licensed
A little bit of result:

I downloaded the S2 demo and installed it (well, extracted) it in a folder on my desktop. I changed the Live for G15 config file so it points to that directory. Start LFS, enabled insim and pressed connect in LFG15 and everything works. This demo is a "just" Y version.

So it seems that more "patched to 18" people should have this problem. I talked to one other person I know that used Live for G15 (hi Lameduck ) but he's only patched to Y16 and doesn't have any problem.

So, might Y18 be to blame? We now know it works with Y probably up to Y16!

L56 Out...
S3 licensed
Quote from Wulle : Do you have a chance to test Live for G15 with an unpatched Y version?

Otherwise: Maybe someone using the latest test patch Y18 (or higher) is able to confirm that the gauge information (e.g. speed, fuel) is still displayed?

Thanks for your reply, Wulle. I will install the demo of LFS S2 alpha patch Y on another machine tonight and see if it works there. I'll get back to you soon.

@Jamesisinthehouse12: Thanks, but I did try singleplayer mode at first. I even tried adding AI because maybe it needed other cars on track for it to work. I also tried online with my own private server adding AI, but only the timing worked.

Thanks again: will report back soon!

L56 Out...
S3 licensed

SEC: Sector is better as Sector is a commonly known word in Dutch Racing language

I have a "problem" though

I use Logitech Z10 speakers. It has the same display and technology as the Logitech G15 keyboard. I tried this plugin and it works on the Z10 too.....well...halve

Let me explain: all timing related stuff works. So the page with Best Lap, Current Lap and Best Possible lap works flawlessly. Also, on page 1, your position, gaps to the racer in front or back and the elapsed time works like it should.

All car related data however, doesn't work. Fuel and the page with the Rev.counter, Gear Indicator and Speed indicator doesn't work. It just shows --.

I find it strange that only halve of it works. Logic dictates that it should work like on the G15 or not at all, and therefore I take it that the Z10 is not at fault. I can understand that the timing stuff is mayby taken from a file outside of Insim and that the Insim code for the car data DEMANDS to be connected to a G15 or something, but that's speculation.

Z10 work with every other LCD mon thing with every other game I tried that has it. To be clear: I'm not demanding it to be fixed, but I hope someone has an idea of what may be wrong.

I use LFS S2 Patched upto Y18 and Live for G15 0.9.3.

I sometimes get a error message in LFS saying: IS_MTC only for multiplayer hosts or something similair.

Has anyone got an Idea?

Other than that. Thanks for Live for G15 and keep up the good work!

L56 Out...
S3 licensed
Quote from mantis9 :Listen to L guys, he knows

Meeeeooooowwww! Hisssssssss!

L56 Out...
S3 licensed


Come on guys. Cat fights are for girls!

L56 Out...
S3 licensed
DFP, there's no other sensible choice at this point in time!

L56 Out...
S3 licensed
Quote from L(Oo)ney :130mph is just a stroll in the park on a sports bike.

And its not really the bikers fault that an OAP was pootling along at the side of a "quiet country road" (a bikers favorite riding spot) and got in his way.

Should've been on the path.

Do you have wife? Or do you even have a mother? What if either of them was almost killed by a motorbike? What if you where riding that motorbike? What would say to her: "What are you doing in my path!!!"???? I guess not!

Frankly Looney....

I can NOT beleive you even DARE to make a comment like that. It's one thing admitting you (I mean blaccrabbi) likes to "have fun on the road" when there is absolutly no fun on the road to be had. No matter if you do it or others do it, there is no excuse doing it. Just ask your self: "what if it goes wrong." Implications, people, IMPLICATIONS!!! There are several stories here in this thread. But is it too far from home? Don't you care as long as you or your loved ones are not involved?

Then you looney, after Doorman tells his wife was almost killed by a sportsbike "having a stroll in the park", you make a comment like "OAP shouldn't have been in his path".


But you are looney. And there is no excuse for your words. Not now, not ever. I hope you get banned. THINK for feks sake. THINK about it!

Signed: a steaming L56 hope they take you OUT...

edit: some spelling errors, but frankly I couldn't care less about them.
Last edited by L56, .
S3 licensed
Thanks Bob, I'll try them out.

I have a lot of fun with your road going setups (because they are too "wavery" ). Maybe I can benefit from these even

Thx again

L56 Out...
S3 licensed
Hey KiD, nice Stuff all...

One question though: is this from LFS S9?

L56 Out...
S3 licensed
Quote from rich uk :Spam? eek! oh noes now i am spamming too , if i make this post quite long and have a point then i wont be spamming and my point is that i am unintentionally spamming so therefore i win!

If I qoute all of your post, maybe this won't be spamming either. Because I quoted what you spammed unintentionally, I spammed even unintentionaller. Hi Rich

Ooh OT: Nice fast forums. Good move. Great Job. Congrats to the LFS devs and community!

L56 Out...

"When I said would not post again in the RSC LFS sections anymore, I didn't mean you'd have to go through the trouble moving the entire forum, just for me!!" L56