GeForz (Kamel) in Germany, has created this program for Live For Speed which displays infomation on your Logitech G15 Keyboard and Logitech Z10 Speaker System LCD! 

Wulle is the modder/updater. (He keeps this awesome program alive, good on ya

Works with:
Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP - 32-BIT and 64-BIT SUPPORTED (Remember the 32-Bit and 64-Bit are seperate downloads though!

>>>WORKS WITH V1 AND V2 OF THE G15 KEYBOARD it also works with the Logitech Z10 Speaker System<<<

How to make the G15 apps into manual switching instead of it automaticaly changing on your LCD screen
Follow the steps below:
1. On the right side of the taskbar (startbar) double click the icon that is circled in red in the picture.

(If you can't see the icon... Click on the "Start Button>Programs>Logitech>Logitech GamePanel Manager" as shown in this picture:

2. Tick/enable the selections that I have circled with the red circle.

3. Close that window and you should be able to change to the program you want without it changing constaintly. (Done!!!


I made something for you to do that... but it requires ALOT of configuring

Anyway... here it is...

There is also a "ReadMe.txt" in the zip file that contains the same instructions.
- Install ".NET Framework 2.0"
- Extract "" into temp. directory and install them via Control panel/Fonts (Install New Fonts from the File menu)
- Extract "" into any folder
- Update insim port in "configuration.txt" if required (default is 29999)
- Update installation directory of LFS (default is "D:\Spiele\LiveForSpeed") in "configuration.txt"
Start of the application:
- Start LFS with the commandline option /insim=<port> (where <port> in the
port number specified in the "configuration.txt")
Example: LFS.exe /insim=29999
Alternative: Within LFS type T and enter "/insim 29999"
- Run 'Live for G15.exe'
- Press LCD-Key 3 on the keyboard to connect to LFS
- log4j messages can be found in file "LFS.log" and should be provided when
reporting issues.
LCD Keys:
Key 1: Switches between different screens (availability depends on race mode)
Key 2: No function
Key 3: Connects/Disconnects the application from LFS
Key 4: Closes "Live for G15"
LFSLib 0.16b by sdether (
DotNetLCD by "Is mise le meas" (
.NET Framework 2.0 by Microsoft ( ... 5e04f5&DisplayLang=de)
Screenshots: Running information, round times and gauge (Click on the images below to see a bigger image

Update 26.12.07: Camel running information is again indicated,

Additionally I added a nice feature, which to beginning of round the refueling quantity computed, which would have to be stopped with a box stop in this round, in order running to terminate (naturally only >0 will be, if the fuel amount in the car is not sufficient).
Update 29.12.07: Version 0.9
- Screen “LapTimes” added again
- Best round time (+Splits) as well as optimum round are stored and stand thus also after restart again for the order.
- Gauge indicates now the turbo to load printing (with cars with turbo)
- Small Workaround for problems with special characters in the player name
Update 29.12.07: Version 0.9.1
- Introduction round in Quali/Practice was rated as very fast round and overwrote the personal best lap
Update 29.12.07: Version 0.9.2
- Bugfixes
Update 29.12.07: Version 0.9.3 for 32-Bit
- Fixed for special characters in the player name
- Recommended fuel amount considers now that any more than 100 does not fit fuel into the tank,

- Case the tank to be only empty driven must, in order to terminate with only one tank stop a running, is now indicated, how many rounds still on these early / first pit stop possible tank stop be waited must.
Update 07.11.08: Version 0.9.3 for 64-Bit
- Updated Version 0.9.3 for 64-Bit support, because of a new "LgLcd.dll" found by KochFolie
LCD (File size:79.9 KB)
Direct Download Link
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Live For G15 v0.9.3 for 32-Bit (File size:211.3 KB)
LFS Forum
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Live For G15 v0.9.3 for 64-Bit (File size:215.4 KB)
LFS Forum
MegaUpload Mirror
If you have any problems, send me your messenger address through a personal message and I will try to help solve your problem

- I am usually quite busy due to exams and tafe (year 11 and year 12), so I may take a while to respond...