The online racing simulator
"Live For G15" - LFS infomation displayed on your Logitech G15 and Logitech Z10 LCD!

GeForz (Kamel) in Germany, has created this program for Live For Speed which displays infomation on your Logitech G15 Keyboard and Logitech Z10 Speaker System LCD!

Wulle is the modder/updater. (He keeps this awesome program alive, good on ya )

Works with:
Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP - 32-BIT and 64-BIT SUPPORTED (Remember the 32-Bit and 64-Bit are seperate downloads though! )

>>>WORKS WITH V1 AND V2 OF THE G15 KEYBOARD it also works with the Logitech Z10 Speaker System<<<



How to make the G15 apps into manual switching instead of it automaticaly changing on your LCD screen

Follow the steps below:
1. On the right side of the taskbar (startbar) double click the icon that is circled in red in the picture.

(If you can't see the icon... Click on the "Start Button>Programs>Logitech>Logitech GamePanel Manager" as shown in this picture: )

2. Tick/enable the selections that I have circled with the red circle.

3. Close that window and you should be able to change to the program you want without it changing constaintly. (Done!!! )



Quote from Liquid Li0n :works great on 64bit Windows 7 but can anyone help me with making a .bat file or a addition to the shortcut to boot up the Live For G15.exe together with the Lfs.exe /insim=29999" tool

I made something for you to do that... but it requires ALOT of configuring

Anyway... here it is...

Quote :LFS and LFG (Bat File)

1. (a) Put the file "LFS & LFG.lnk" (shortcut) on your desktop (or wherever you want).

2. (a) Copy the file "Bat File" into your lfs directory.

3. (a) Right-Click the "LFS & LFG.lnk" (shortcut) - from step 1 and click "Properties"
(b) Change the "Target" to where your lfs directory is and link it into the file
(that you copied in step 2) to the "LFS & LFG.bat" file (e.g. "C:\Program Files\Live For Speed\Bat File\LFS & LFG.bat")
Note: The "Target" box has to include the ""s in it.
(c) Click "Ok".

4. (a) Go to your lfs directory and then into the "Bat File" folder (e.g. "C:\Program Files\Live For Speed\Bat File")
(b) Right-Click the "Live For G15" shortcut and click "Properties"
(c) Change the "Target" to where your "Live For G15.exe" is... (e.g. "C:\Program Files\Live For Speed\Live For G15\Live for G15.exe")
Note: The "Target" box has to include the ""s in it.
(d) Click "Ok".

5. This is almost exactly the same as step 4, except for the Live For Speed exe (LFS.exe)...
(a) Go to your lfs directory and then into the "Bat File" folder (e.g. "C:\Program Files\Live For Speed\Bat File")
(b) Right-Click the "Live For Speed" shortcut and click "Properties"
(c) Change the "Target" to where your Live For Speed exe ("LFS.exe") is... (e.g. "C:\Program Files\Live For Speed\LFS.exe")
Note: The "Target" box has to include the ""s in it.
(d) Click "Ok".

6. (a) Go to your lfs directory and then into the "Bat File" folder (e.g. "C:\Program Files\Live For Speed\Bat File")
(b) Right-Click the "LFS & LFG.bat" and click "Properties"
(c) This is what it show by default:

start "Live For Speed" /D C: "Program Files\Live For Speed\Bat File\Live For Speed.lnk"
start "Live For G15" /D C: "Program Files\Live For Speed\Bat File\Live For G15.lnk"

Those are the commands to open Live For Speed and Live For G15 together.
The "C:" is the drive name, you only have to change this if your lfs directory is on another hard drive or partition besides C:\ - Most people shouldn't need to change this bit.
The "Program Files\Live For Speed\bat file\Live For Speed.lnk" and "Program Files\Live For Speed\bat file\Live For G15.lnk" are the parts which will need to be changed...

Change the ""Program Files\Live For Speed\Bat File\Live For Speed.lnk"" part to ""<your lfs directory>\Bat File\Live For Speed.lnk"" - Do this without including
the "C:\" infront (just like the examples and default directories).

Correct way:
"Program Files\Live For Speed\Bat File\Live For Speed.lnk"

Wrong Way:
"C:\Program Files\Live For Speed\Bat File\Live For Speed.lnk"

(d) Do the same to the "start "Live For G15" /D C: "Program Files\Live For Speed\Bat File\Live For G15.lnk"" part.

Change the ""Program Files\Live For Speed\Bat File\Live For G15.lnk"" part to ""<your lfs directory>\Bat File\Live For G15.lnk""

(e) Save and Close.

7. (a) You should be now ready to use the file from Step 1!

It should now open Live For Speed and Live For G15 everytime you click on that shortcut!
Note: If this still doesn't work or you don't understand, just give up now :P

Written and created by James Norman
LFS Username: Jamesisinthehouse12

There is also a "ReadMe.txt" in the zip file that contains the same instructions.

LFS and LFG (Bat File).zip (3.9 KB)



- Install ".NET Framework 2.0"
- Extract "" into temp. directory and install them via Control panel/Fonts (Install New Fonts from the File menu)
- Extract "" into any folder
- Update insim port in "configuration.txt" if required (default is 29999)
- Update installation directory of LFS (default is "D:\Spiele\LiveForSpeed") in "configuration.txt"


Start of the application:

- Start LFS with the commandline option /insim=<port> (where <port> in the
port number specified in the "configuration.txt")

Example: LFS.exe /insim=29999

Alternative: Within LFS type T and enter "/insim 29999"

- Run 'Live for G15.exe'
- Press LCD-Key 3 on the keyboard to connect to LFS


- log4j messages can be found in file "LFS.log" and should be provided when
reporting issues.

LCD Keys:

Key 1: Switches between different screens (availability depends on race mode)
Key 2: No function
Key 3: Connects/Disconnects the application from LFS
Key 4: Closes "Live for G15"


LFSLib 0.16b by sdether (
DotNetLCD by "Is mise le meas" (
.NET Framework 2.0 by Microsoft ( ... 5e04f5&DisplayLang=de)


Screenshots: Running information, round times and gauge (Click on the images below to see a bigger image )


Update 26.12.07: Camel running information is again indicated,

Additionally I added a nice feature, which to beginning of round the refueling quantity computed, which would have to be stopped with a box stop in this round, in order running to terminate (naturally only >0 will be, if the fuel amount in the car is not sufficient).

Update 29.12.07: Version 0.9

- Screen “LapTimes” added again
- Best round time (+Splits) as well as optimum round are stored and stand thus also after restart again for the order.
- Gauge indicates now the turbo to load printing (with cars with turbo)
- Small Workaround for problems with special characters in the player name

Update 29.12.07: Version 0.9.1

- Introduction round in Quali/Practice was rated as very fast round and overwrote the personal best lap

Update 29.12.07: Version 0.9.2

- Bugfixes

Update 29.12.07: Version 0.9.3 for 32-Bit

- Fixed for special characters in the player name
- Recommended fuel amount considers now that any more than 100 does not fit fuel into the tank,
- Case the tank to be only empty driven must, in order to terminate with only one tank stop a running, is now indicated, how many rounds still on these early / first pit stop possible tank stop be waited must.

Update 07.11.08: Version 0.9.3 for 64-Bit

- Updated Version 0.9.3 for 64-Bit support, because of a new "LgLcd.dll" found by KochFolie


LCD (File size:79.9 KB)
Direct Download Link
LFS Forum
MegaUpload Mirror

Live For G15 v0.9.3 for 32-Bit (File size:211.3 KB)
LFS Forum
MegaUpload Mirror

Live For G15 v0.9.3 for 64-Bit (File size:215.4 KB)
LFS Forum
MegaUpload Mirror

If you have any problems, send me your messenger address through a personal message and I will try to help solve your problem
- I am usually quite busy due to exams and tafe (year 11 and year 12), so I may take a while to respond...
Attached files
LCD - 79.9 KB - 1160 views
Live For - 211.3 KB - 1236 views
Live For - 215.4 KB - 1115 views
#2 - scrad
works flawlessley on my rig - thanks a million..

the lap time thing is really neat too, ive been scribbling split times on a bit of paper while im driving to compare laps, this makes it a million times easier.

kudos to everyone who helped make this happen
#3 - EmilO
2008-02-23 15:48:06,890 [1] ERROR Live_for_G15.LFGConfiguration (null) - Unable to open LFS configuration file: F:\LiveForSpeed\cfg.txt

I dont understand
Quote from EmilO :[Header]
2008-02-23 15:48:06,890 [1] ERROR Live_for_G15.LFGConfiguration (null) - Unable to open LFS configuration file: F:\LiveForSpeed\cfg.txt

I dont understand

I've pm'd my msn account to you
Add me and I will help you fix this problem
Looks brilliant! Will have to buy a G15 now
nice one
*cries* no credits for me for invending it?

Glad to see that someone keeps it alive
#8 - Wulle
lol, i already had to explain this in the german forum: GeForce (Kamel) is the creator of the application "Live for G15". I'm "just" the modder/updater.

Therefore: Better change the heading to "GeForce is the creator" ...

Also take a look at the G15 buddy watcher (if not already found):
I have used this one when I had more room on table. Unfortunately my external dashboard-project takes so much space that I had to dump G15 and use my old and trusty mini-keyboard (Much smaller than "normal sized" book).

The rest of this post is a little bit off-topic: I have planned to rip the screen off from G15 to attach it to my project (Laptimes-feature is just so overly great), any ideas how I can do it so it is possible to re-attach it back into G15 (If possible at all, I doubt it...)? I know that someone have done that, because I saw a picture where G15 screen was on external dashboard.
Quote from Wulle :lol, i already had to explain this in the german forum: GeForce (Kamel) is the creator of the application "Live for G15". I'm "just" the modder/updater.

Therefore: Better change the heading to "GeForce is the creator" ...

Also take a look at the G15 buddy watcher (if not already found):

k, sorry bout that and thanks for correcting me
It is now fixed
2008-03-03 22:14:33,591 [1] FATAL Live_for_G15.LFG (null) - Fatal exception caught.
System.BadImageFormatException: Ett försök att läsa in ett program med ogiltigt format gjordes. (Undantag från HRESULT: 0x8007000B)
vid NineBit.LgLcd_Net.LgLcd.lgLcdInit()
vid Mtn.LgLcdFramework.LcdOutput.Initialise()
vid Live_for_G15.Controller.LFGLcdOutput..ctor(LFGBean aBean)
vid Live_for_G15.LFG..ctor()
vid Live_for_G15.LFG.Main(String[] args)
2008-03-03 22:14:33,747 [1] FATAL Live_for_G15.LFG (null) - Content of bean:mode=Live_for_G15.Model.NoRace lastMode= player= fuel=Live_for_G15.Model.Fuel elapsedTime=2008-03-03 22:14:33 raceLaps=-1 currentLFSState= gauge= requestConnectDisconnect=False requestReset=False isInSimConnected=False

Dont understand?
Quote from XeniuM :[Header]
2008-03-03 22:14:33,591 [1] FATAL Live_for_G15.LFG (null) - Fatal exception caught.
System.BadImageFormatException: Ett försök att läsa in ett program med ogiltigt format gjordes. (Undantag från HRESULT: 0x8007000B)
vid NineBit.LgLcd_Net.LgLcd.lgLcdInit()
vid Mtn.LgLcdFramework.LcdOutput.Initialise()
vid Live_for_G15.Controller.LFGLcdOutput..ctor(LFGBean aBean)
vid Live_for_G15.LFG..ctor()
vid Live_for_G15.LFG.Main(String[] args)
2008-03-03 22:14:33,747 [1] FATAL Live_for_G15.LFG (null) - Content of bean:mode=Live_for_G15.Model.NoRace lastMode= player= fuel=Live_for_G15.Model.Fuel elapsedTime=2008-03-03 22:14:33 raceLaps=-1 currentLFSState= gauge= requestConnectDisconnect=False requestReset=False isInSimConnected=False

Dont understand?

I have sent a PM with my msn address, I will help you from there
Hmm.. Okay.
Ok, So.. I have my g15 next to me. And dont have a clue how to enable this marvelous program!! So please could you tell me how to install. I see in the Read me there is instructions. But im no Computer Wizz!! So id be very grateful if someone could tell me how to do this in 'Newbie' terms


Quote from JamesTheDrifter :Ok, So.. I have my g15 next to me. And dont have a clue how to enable this marvelous program!! So please could you tell me how to install. I see in the Read me there is instructions. But im no Computer Wizz!! So id be very grateful if someone could tell me how to do this in 'Newbie' terms



################################################## ##############################
################################################## ##############################

- Install ".NET Framework 2.0"
- Extract "" into temp. directory and install them via Control panel/Fonts (Install New Fonts from the File menu)
- Extract "" into any folder
- Update insim port in "configuration.txt" if required (default is 29999)
- Update installation directory of LFS (default is "D:\Spiele\LiveForSpeed") in "configuration.txt"
Quote from JamesTheDrifter :Ok, So.. I have my g15 next to me. And dont have a clue how to enable this marvelous program!! So please could you tell me how to install. I see in the Read me there is instructions. But im no Computer Wizz!! So id be very grateful if someone could tell me how to do this in 'Newbie' terms



O.k., here we go, step by step

1) become a racer (to find this app useful),
2) install application as described in 'readme.txt'
3) express your problems/issues/questions a little more detailed
4) let jamesisinthehouse12 solve your problems,

Thanks for your help. Yes i will become a True racer when i buy either my Logitech G25 or my Fanatec 911 Turbo Wheel
Aha! Got it working. Problem is i have the NEW G15 (Picture enclosed below) and its very different, Do you know how to make it work on the NEW G25?

Quote from JamesTheDrifter :Problem is i have the NEW G15 (Picture enclosed below) and its very different, Do you know how to make it work on the NEW G25?

First couple of lines from 'readme.txt':

- Live for Speed S2 Alpha 0.5Y or above
[COLOR=Red]- Logitech G15 Gaming Keyboard (V1 or V2)[/COLOR]
- .NET Framework 2.0
- LCDFonts installed

See also:
does it work with vista 64-bit
Finally got my G15 yesterday and was able to try this out. Absoultely brilliant as I had hoped! Haven't tried out the race mode yet, but it will be really handy to have the times to the car infront/behind. Excellent add-on, thanks

Gekkibi: Have you looked at the G15 forums? Maybe someone there will know
ok well im having a problem. I have vista x64 ultimate with sp1 installed. And whenever i load the program it just dies? it just comes up with the error reporting thing. help me please i have bought the g15 v2 especially for this app
Quote from Tribe :ok well im having a problem. I have vista x64 ultimate with sp1 installed. And whenever i load the program it just dies? it just comes up with the error reporting thing. help me please i have bought the g15 v2 especially for this app

Contact me by P.M. (Personal Message) and I will help
ok well me and james have worked out that this program is for 32bit only... doesnt work on 64. A fix would be nice
Quote from Tribe :ok well me and james have worked out that this program is for 32bit only... doesnt work on 64. A fix would be nice

Well ... would be nice to provide some more details about the 64-bit compatibility issue. What does the logfile say? What exactly does the "error reporting thing" say?
Quote from GeForz :*cries* no credits for me for invending it?

Glad to see that someone keeps it alive

Sorry about that, I updated it for u
I'm not good at any languages other than english