SEC: Sector is better as Sector is a commonly known word in Dutch Racing language
I have a "problem" though
I use Logitech Z10 speakers. It has the same display and technology as the Logitech G15 keyboard. I tried this plugin and it works on the Z10 too.....well...halve
Let me explain: all timing related stuff works. So the page with Best Lap, Current Lap and Best Possible lap works flawlessly. Also, on page 1, your position, gaps to the racer in front or back and the elapsed time works like it should.
All car related data however, doesn't work. Fuel and the page with the Rev.counter, Gear Indicator and Speed indicator doesn't work. It just shows --.
I find it strange that only halve of it works. Logic dictates that it should work like on the G15 or not at all, and therefore I take it that the Z10 is not at fault. I can understand that the timing stuff is mayby taken from a file outside of Insim and that the Insim code for the car data DEMANDS to be connected to a G15 or something, but that's speculation.
Z10 work with every other LCD mon thing with every other game I tried that has it. To be clear: I'm not demanding it to be fixed, but I hope someone has an idea of what may be wrong.
I use LFS S2 Patched upto Y18 and Live for G15 0.9.3.
I sometimes get a error message in LFS saying: IS_MTC only for multiplayer hosts or something similair.
Has anyone got an Idea?
Other than that. Thanks for Live for G15 and keep up the good work!
L56 Out...