Is there not gonna be a safety car? Also you might wanna add a rule about when we can over take after green flag, whether after the line or at the flag, after quite a few people received penalties and complained in the 10H race.
Driver 1: Gabriel Carpreau/Vaknar
Driver 2: -Need to find driver, may drive alone-
Car Numbers: 22
Nationality: ENG
Used F1 car: Ferrari 641/2
Year: 1990
I'm not arguing against you (or for you) here, but in real life, greenflag/lights are given before the line, and that's when you start accelerating, then you can overtake when you cross the line. Hardly enforced though...
Real Name: Gabriel Carpreau
Age: 15
Wheel ( Y / N ): Y. G25
Microphone + TS ( Y / N ): Maybe, if I can get it working (most likely can)
Racing experience: Racing online since June 2011, Get close to WR on some tracks/cars. Race karts In real life (not hire karts, race karts. 70mph-80mph) excellent car control
Sorry I put it here and on email, wasn't sure which was best >.<
What kind of team are you looking for? Drift Age: 14, almost 15. Country: UK Preferred Car/Track: FZ5, Like all tracks equally for drift, but mainly Fern Bay Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track: n/a for drift.. How Active Are You? I'm on most of the time after 17:30pm GMT What Kind of Control do you use? Wheel + all three pedals Time Zone: GMT
I really like the 2nd one! But the first one, you kinda motion blurred the edges of the car aswell :P I'm not sure how you stop that though, been trying to not do that on my picture for an hour :S