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S2 licensed
if your bonnet looks like that i doubt downforce would be the thing you worry about...

i think eye candy for crashes can wait till the actual damages are modeled
S2 licensed
i guess it would be nice if the different volume of engines/cars is (also) heard through some kind of relative loudness, like how much you can hear the wind/tyres etc, and how far and loud you can hear other cars around the track.
S2 licensed
Quote from ayrton senna 87 :in karting we have a punishment where by if u do something naughty, you are sent to the back of the grid...

and I was wondering, would it be a good idea for the admins to have this power in LFS..?

i think with insim admins can control the grid order now. nevertheless a built-in admin command or UI for reordering the grid would be nicer.
S2 licensed
Quote from mcgas001 :i cant get this to work . when i load the porgram it connects fine but i never get anything on scrren or any sign of insim any help please?

did u press shift + b? that should bring up the UI in multiplayer or mpr.
S2 licensed
Quote from nikka :Just in case you didn't know, there is a bug in the compcar struct when a player is in pit, so you shouldnt rely on the compcar.Info alone..

wow i didnt know that, that is one dangerous bug, thanks a lot for the info
S2 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :It does this when it gets an incomplete packet and reads it in from the global buffer, into the local buffer. It should really only be a debugging message - I've changed this in my copy.

I've not looked at your modified api yet - so forgive me if its obvious, but is there any reason to not use the originals? (If so I'll happily include them in the next update).

i loop through the compcar[] in a set of MCIs, and when the last compcar is met (info: 128) i fire a custom event to signal a complete new set of MCIs has arrived and the UI can reload the buttons etc.

i find it easier to do this when the compcar table uses an index rather than a PLID key.
my 1st lua toy :)
S2 licensed
hi, this is my first try with Lua, it's fun to use, but it gets harder to debug as the thing gets a little bigger tho, so the code might get a bit messy

anyway it displays some timing info for qual and race, and a track position list (sth i've wanted for lfs for some time) showing info on
laps, flags, penalties etc. (see pic) all buttons are created on local machine, and simple text commands like '/o page timing' or '/o page track' can be used to switch between the two pages (so that no mouse clicks are needed, as text commands can be bound to F-keys)

i use a slightly modified version of luaLFS 1.0 api (nodelap[i] and compcar[i]) for this. In tests luaLFS generates a lot of 'BUFFER read in x bytes' output (maybe for evey mci packet there is one BUFFER output) and i don't know why. Doesn't seem like i am missing any packets tho.
Last edited by icyocean, .
luaLFS:sta bug
S2 licensed
in current api luaLFS:sta() does not return 'viewplid'
S2 licensed
i've added/modified these api functions

function luaLFS:scc(viewid, ingamecam)
local omsg = bpack("bbbbbbbb", 8, ISP_SCC, 0, 0, viewid, ingamecam, 0, 0)
luaLFS.sendmsg(omsg, string.len(omsg))


function luaLFS:bfn(...)
if(table.maxn(arg) == 1) then
local imsg = arg[1]
local n, psize, pty, reqi, subt, ucid, clickid, inst, sp3 = bunpack(imsg, "bbbbbbbb")
return {reqi = reqi, subt = subt, ucid = ucid, clickid = clickid, inst = inst}
elseif(table.maxn(arg) == 4) then
local subt, ucid, clickid, inst = arg[1], arg[2], arg[3], arg[4]
local omsg = bpack("bbbbbbbb", 8, ISP_BFN, 0, subt, ucid, clickid, inst, 0)
luaLFS.sendmsg(omsg, string.len(omsg))

S2 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :It shouldn't be as, if I remember correctly, bit.bor should return a character array, not a number. I'll have a dive into the code when I finish work this evening, but it should be fine as I'm fairly sure I tested it quickly with setting the ISP_MCI and NLP flags...

Bear in mind that I didn't test the BTN code at all

thanks in advance
S2 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :Since the flag should only be a 1 unsigned char, rather than a number I cheat and read in a string, and then only make sure I only use the first character.

If you're using the bitwise library it should only produce a single char anyway.. Mind if I see how you're setting the flags?

i used: flags = 4 + 32 to set the flags
and then: flags = bit.bor(ISF_LOCAL, ISF_MCI)

SHIFT+B didn't work in either case

IIRC Lua thinks all numbers are float/double type values, could that be an issue here?
Last edited by icyocean, .
Local buttons not working?
S2 licensed
hi there~ i cannot get the local buttons to work with luaLFS 0.8, SHIFT+B in the game does not triggle an ISP_BFN event (SHIFT+I does).

i've tried setting 'flags' with LOCAL(4) in config.lua but nothing happened.

i see these lines in the C src:

p = conf_gettable_str(L, "flags");
I->lfs.flags = p[0];

does this mean that the 'flags' value is a string instead of a number like 'port'?
S2 licensed
Quote from MikeyRulesD :Do i change the X and Y positions?

i think only the max/min angles need to be adjusted
S2 licensed
Quote from MikeyRulesD :doesn't start at 0 =\ or the RPM don't start at 1

when the gauge images change, needle positions must be set accordingly in the gauges.ini file.
S2 licensed
this should not be very hard, in fact i think it's always possible to do this through InSim, and with the new button subsystem you should be able to extend the lfs ui to display timing info.
S2 licensed
i dont think LFS supports Unicode or multibyte character sets, so neither simplified nor traditional chinese is supported.
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :However, W32 was supposed to make it that any AI who can't reset, do try to drive away without resetting. I'm interested in situations where that is not working.

it seems some cars are flipped over in his screenshot. when a number of cars are in that position maybe they could get stuck.
S2 licensed
a program that relays all LFS packets for more LFS client instances could be useful. i suggested something similar in, apparently not that many ppl are interested.
S2 licensed
about the menu thing from which you choose pit actions: it'd be nice if we dont have to press arrow keys to use it. something like the 'buy' menu in counter-strike where everything is accessible through a certain key sequence would be nice. this way the driver can easily use this menu without being distracted from driving the car.
S2 licensed
Quote from BlackSheep720 :Of course you can move the car. But I'm saying that we shouldn't be revving our engines in 1st gear (without clutch) near to the end of a pit stop.

oops i think i misunderstood, sorry.

yes revving in 1st gear wouldnt be realistic, so +1 for a way to prevent that
S2 licensed
more control over pit stops would be nice, like being able to cancel some actions. so +1 for suggestion 1 or something similar.

but i don't know about the pit stop false start thing. irl can you move the car evenif ppl are working on it? anyway i doubt it'd add anything to the racing.
S2 licensed
Quote from MAGGOT :As long as it can be disabled. That pic makes me nautious just looking at it :|

sorry about that

i tried but couldn't produce the effect. anyway, it should look like a normal view in the center area of the screen, but around the edges the view would seem gradually 'compressed' so it would enable the player to see a wider range (it'd get more distorted and smaller as the angle increases) around the edges of the screen.

heres another image i made. i dont know exactly how the view is projected to the monitor now, i imagine the view is 'stretched' into a plane like the first figure. what i'm thinking is something like the second figure, the view is 'pressed' into a plane, so the center part is larger and you can still see a greater angle towards the edges. in figure 3 the center part is 'stretched' so it will not be distorted, while around the edges the view is compressed.

anyway this is just an idea, maybe it won't work. thx for your comments.
Changable FOV?
S2 licensed
this could be just a crazy idea, but would it be better if the FOV value changes for different areas on the screen? i mean now if you set the FOV to say 160 the center of the view which is the main part becomes too small, but for smaller FOV value you lose sign of what is going on around the car. so, what if we have a smaller FOV in the middle of the screen and it becomes larger and larger towards the edges of the screen?

i made a picture to demonstrate (anyway, i try to) what i'm talking about. the first image would be a screenshot with FOV varying from 160 at the edge to smaller values in the middle, while the second image has a FOV of 85 degrees.

(sorry for my english, hope you understand what i'm trying to say. and sorry for the very poor quality of the image, i hope it still demonstrates something)
Last edited by icyocean, .
Qual times
S2 licensed
i tested this in single player:

when i finished lap 1 in qualify LFS tells me my lap time is 1:00:00.00, and this result is shown in the qualify result table too. this happens even if i join (shift+p then join) the qualify after the qualify time is over.

to me this seems like a bug.

edit: actually if i shift+p and then join the qualify after the qualify time is over, i dont have the 'QUALIFYING OVER' text on the upper-right corner any more and on my first lap out i get a 1 hour lap time, then on lap two the 'QUALIFYING OVER' text reappears and i can produce no more lap times. maybe there is something wrong with player status when shift+p?

by the way what is the qualify count-down for?

edit2: tested in multiplayer and it's the same. no 'QUALIFYING OVER' text for lap 1 and the same 1:00:00.00 lap time for lap 1.
Last edited by icyocean, .
S2 licensed
+1 for more visual clues to help adms (and spectators) survey the track more efficiently.

by the way i still think a 'track position list' or 'cars on track list' ( would be very handy for adms
Last edited by icyocean, .