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S3 licensed
I did a quick test about the new command "/setstops USERNAME Y" and everything looks working fine.

S3 licensed
I'm trying to think some improvements about commands:
  • Being able to set the number of pitstops done by a player. (that’s my original suggestion)
  • LFS should allow to specify a number of required pitstops, instead of current yes/no values for mustpit.
    So it would be yes(1)/no(0)/<number>. But perhaps that's much work.
  • Add extra optional parameter to /track <track> <layoutName> to avoid loading the track with a random layout and then having to run /axload guessing when the track finished loading the track with the random layout. But again this might be quite some work..
I think just with the first bullet it would be enough for race organisers, second would benefit the whole community, as servers without special insim could have races with multiple pitstops required and last bullet would be just a convenience thing for server admins.

In anyway, thanks for considering all this Smile
New LFS command to set pitstop completed for a player
S3 licensed
I would like to suggest something that I think it would be very interesting for all league/championship organisers.

Implement a new LFS command similar to the "setlaps" but in this case to set mandatory pit stop completed yes/no for a player

Something like:
/setpitstopcompleted <license> <yes/no>

Some use cases:
  • After a timeout, it would make possible to restore if the player did the mandatory pitstop. Currently we can restore the laps but there is no command to set pitstop as completed.
  • Create complex pitstop rules with insim, and mark the pitstop done or not (require change all tyres, require change compound, insim would reset completed pitstop to no if required) which also would be visible in F12 for the driver.
  • Require multiple pitstops (also controlled via insim, reseting completed to no until conditions met)
I hope to see this soon as I think it would add a lot of possibilities.
S3 licensed
Edit: I understand. I have created the suggestion on the right subforum in a new post: New LFS command to set pitstop completed for a player to keep this clean.
Last edited by NeOn_sp, . Reason : Move suggestion to a new thread
S3 licensed
I just created a pull request implenting all the changes required for version 0.7E and some missing things from previous insim updates..

I hope @DarkTimes approves it soon Smile
S3 licensed
I don't see the option to create a 32-slot server. Was it removed intentionally or is it a bug?
S3 licensed
We just discover an issue with the speedometer not showing the real speed.

You can check with a set limiting 1st gear to 80 km/h, it will indicate 70 km/h in the speedometer, while the real speed indicator from LFS is 80 as expected.
S3 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :Guys, keep it test patch related please. Suggestions go to the vehicle mods forum or improvement suggestions forum.

Sorry, I couldn't contain.

I wasn't going to suggest it at all until I saw in the patch notes that some similar commands were created, like /h_mass username X, so perhaps its possible to do it now, fingers crossed.

In any case, superb work Scawen, this test patch serie is huge and big improvement in general
S3 licensed
Would be possible and easy to implement a new LFS command similar to the "setlaps" but in this case to set mandatory pit stop completed yes no for a player?

My use case is to restore if the player did the mandatory pitstop after reconnecting, currently can I restore his laps, but he is forced to do another pit stop even if he previously completed it otherwise LFS will disqualify him.

I would use it also when we have a race with 2 mandatory pitstops, it would be good to set it to no so the player knows that must do another pit stop instead of showing OK in the F12
S3 licensed
Perhaps an idea for open configs could be to have new object type like the circle which has an index and radius, lets call this new invisible object "minimap path circle item".

It would be a secuential, so after adding the item 1, the next would be number 2, and so on.

LFS would then draw a the mini map based on the "minimap path circle items", straight line from 1 to number 2, then to number 3,4....20 and once in the last, link it to the first "minimap path circle item" to close the track / or perhaps leave it open for a single stage course. Radius would be used to have a race lane width, but perhaps thats not needed as most likely this would be used in open configs, not in square parks (or even car parks?).
S3 licensed
Quote from xspeedasx :Hi, a bit late to the party, but could this also an option to be enabled in other tracks as well?
I've had similar idea 12 years ago Big grin

I have something like this working on PHP:

I think this idea would be good also for representing open configs.

Quote from Scawen :
Someone else said something like this but what do you really have in mind?

Is it:
- remove the open config small map and display only the "layout square" type of view? (plain rectangle + concrete objects)
- draw concrete objects over the existing small map?

I think drawing objects over the existing map its the best. In my example in PHP above, you can see that you can understand where is the race track with those circles that I draw there, and I used just a few of concrete platforms.

Relevant objects used:
Last edited by NeOn_sp, . Reason : Attach layout file
S3 licensed
It would be great to have a command for adjusting the brake balance. Even if its called also /pitreq BrakeBalance+-
S3 licensed
I don't see any reason to hide the engine health. If you opponent has engine damage, your car will perform better, that's it. It doesn't matter if you can see the exact number or not. You wont be faster by knowing your opponent has engine condition of 96%, 80% or whatever just for the fact of knowing it, so I would show it always.

I would at least propose the folowing:
  • It should be possible to see engine health with exact percentage in replays, SPR and MPR.
  • I would apply this previous point also to tyres temperatures and fuel in MPR, there is no reason to hide exact temperatures in MPR, and its good for learning ways to improve your driving or your set, or seeing the fuel for race analysis after race.
  • Display engine health percentage always, or at least make it server side configurable, just like the /showfuel=yes/no
Again, knowing the fuel of your opponent gives you a strategy information that can change a race result, but knowing the exact engine condition doesn't give you any strategy information that you can use or that will affect to the final result.
Last edited by NeOn_sp, .
Scrolling fast the in the upcoming events crashes LFS [FIXED]
S3 licensed
Scrolling fast the in the upcoming events crashes LFS.

Version: 0.7D

Replication path:
  • Open LFS, and wait until is loaded
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the events quickly
  • Once at the bottom, scroll up to the top quickly
  • It should crash before getting to the top, if not, scroll down again
Crash report:
Quote :Faulting application name: LFS.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x62596d7f
Faulting module name: unknown, version:, time stamp: 0x00000000
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x00000000

Edit: I just noticed the first crash report says Fault offset 0x00, strange. Here is another:

Crash report 2:
Quote :Faulting application name: LFS.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x62596d7f
Faulting module name: LFS.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x62596d7f
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x0016899c
Faulting process ID: 0x5b38

Last edited by NeOn_sp, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :And one more question, I think TeamSpeak or Discord was required in an event I saw once. Is this common and if so, should there be an indication about that? Maybe on this new events display or at least on the website if you click the link? It could put some people off certain events.

It deppends on every organizer, in CESAV for instance is not mandatory to use TS or Discord. But even if it was mandatory, the list should be an overview of the events without specific rules, because every event or organizer will have a whole set of different requirements to participate. If you are instested to participate in an event, you will/should follow the button to get more information

Quote from Scawen :And should there be an indication like beginner / intermediate / expert? That could help people choose an event.

Honestly I don't like this kind of indication as it depends on the registered drivers for each event, and large grids or rounds with multiple divitions, you will be able to find other participants with a level similar to yours, no matter if you are starting or you are a veteran. So I wouldn't include it either.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :
I'd be interested in some more opinions about this. Is it best to show always in your local computer's time and not UTC?
That would look nicer and could leave space for VladM's suggestion.
But is there any value in showing UTC time, e.g. for telling other people?

I think that most of the time, the people you may want to talk about an event will have the same time zone as you. In those cases that the time zone is not the same, most likely they will know to make that conversion.

On top on that, the point with this addition its to see what events are going to happen soon so I can register/attend. For actual planification with friends, the most logical would be to use the calendar in the website. So I think VladM's suggestion to display time until event will be more useful than UTC.

The mockup looks nice in general, really a good addition to LFS!
S3 licensed
As owner and admin of CESAV, I think will be really good for the all the racing community, both drivers and organisers.

Although, I have some suggestions:
The hours should be displayed in your machine current time zone, not UTC.
The clikable buttons should be clearly identified.
I would remove the second event datetime. Less text its more clear.
The more info should be by clicking the image, but it needs some small text or icon to be noticed as clikable
It would be great to be able to add events into the calendar with the REST API, I know this is not directly related to this quick patch, but its good place to mention it
Last edited by NeOn_sp, .
CESAV - Mods CUP Presented
S3 licensed
Hello everyone,

We would like to officially present the Mods CUP:

Along with the League, we will have another championship called "Mods Cup" where we will have 1 race every 4 weeks, where we will use different mods. This series is starting this next Monday February 28th at 22:15 CET ( 21:15 GTM )

On top on that, the first race will be broadcasted by

If you want to participate, registrations are now open at CESAV website

We hope to see you there!



Registration process
Quote from Gutholz :
0) Open this link to set website to English, you can also change the language by clicking on the flag on the right side of the website
1) Create a new user with email and stuff at sign up
2) Activate you account if needed
3) Log in at site (menu at right side)
4) Go to registrations for the next race
5) Click register
6) It says something about "blabla license", click the link and fill in the details in the profile-page that opens..
7) Click register, now it will work
8) Now you should be pre-registered Omg omg omg You can check it in registrations page, you name will appear in the botton of the list, in the Pre-Registered list.
9) To complete registration, you must set a laptime by qualifying in any CESAV #Q server, this is to divide people into several divisions according to time.
Server password: gemelas
9b) If you connect to server #Q server, but the insim does not let you join track, most likely you didn't complete the pre-registration. Repeat steps 4 and 5 again.
10) Once you set a time, in registrations page you should see youself with a time in a division.

CESAV Season 2022 - League and Mods Cup presented
S3 licensed

Year 2022 has come, and so has done our usual racing schedule!

As usual, our year long season is divided in smaller championships. It can be a 'league' (meaning that each week we race with a different car) or a 'cup' (that usually has some theme to them - GTR, RallyX, single-seaters...).

For this first half of the year, we will have the 2022 League and the Mods Cup championships, plus the a 3 races pre-Seasson event that will be a preview of what you will be able to find in the year.

Every 3 league races, we will have one mods cup race. 24 races of packed fun each Monday 21:15 GMT.

In case of a late incorporation there is no drawback, as your 3 worst results are not computed into the total score for the league, and the worst result for the Mods cup.

Remember as well, that in case of not being S3 licensed you still have the same chances to fight for the League, as there are only 2 S3 races in the league. In other hand, to participate in the Mods Cup, you will need a S3 license.

You don't need a team to participate, you can drive without team, joining an existing team, or even register your own team for cesav. Check out this to register your team

Schedule (Every Monday):
22:15 CET (21:15 GMT) Qualification (1 lap or 10 minutes)
22:30 CET (21:30 GMT) Race (45 mins, approximate race time)

We hope that you enjoy with us this season, see you on track! CESAV WebSite

Registration process
Quote from Gutholz :
0) Open this link to set website to English, you can also change the language by clicking on the flag on the right side of the website
1) Create a new user with email and stuff at sign up
2) Activate you account if needed
3) Log in at site (menu at right side)
4) Go to registrations for the next race
5) Click register
6) It says something about "blabla license", click the link and fill in the details in the profile-page that opens..
7) Click register, now it will work
8) Now you should be pre-registered Omg omg omg You can check it in registrations page, you name will appear in the botton of the list, in the Pre-Registered list.
9) To complete registration, you must set a laptime by qualifying in any CESAV #Q server, this is to divide people into several divisions according to time.
Server password: gemelas
9b) If you connect to server #Q server, but the insim does not let you join track, most likely you didn't complete the pre-registration. Repeat steps 4 and 5 again.
10) Once you set a time, in registrations page you should see youself with a time in a division.

Last edited by NeOn_sp, .
S3 licensed

I'm retrieving the hosts list, but I noticed that every host reports 'laps' to 0, which is incorrect.

I hope this can be fixed soon, thanks!
S3 licensed
I can't find the documentation Shrug
S3 licensed
Quote from lucaf :Btw just for other non-spanish speakers, I noticed I have got penalties from my two last races for blocking messages during races. So if I understood correct, that is prohibited Smile

That is correct, blocking messages and speaking are both prohibited during qualify and race.
S3 licensed
Lucaf, one comment about the point system, not all your race points are taken into the final point calculation, becase we discard from that calculation the worst result for every driver ( usually we discard 1 race per each 5 races ) .

That is why in clasifications, you can see some red squares. In the current DTM championship we have just results for the 1 race so you can't see those squares yet, but next week you will see it.

In this link you can see the clasifications for the previous championship . That championship had 10 races, so we discarded the worst 2 results, so we support that kind of behaviour to spectate instead of making a bigger accident.

About crashing, sadly there are big differences between 1st division and 2nd div, because in second div people have less control over the cars thereby there are more accidents, I think this is no different from any other league.

About my accident with Rik97, I think it wasn't my fault or him, our cars just touched, and he spinned hard :/
S3 licensed
Once you register, you can post here and I will activate it.

Gutholz, you wrote on license name "s3", instead of "Gutholz", that´s why qual server didn´t allow you to drive. Now you can join qual server and drive. As you can check on registrations, for the next race "Registration type:insim with 4 AVG laps"

So you must do 4 laps in a row, and your time AVG time will be calculated. That time will be your registration time.

Our insim for race is fully translated, but not the one for qualy. Anyway I will do it ASAP.

Tell me if you find any other problem, and I will help you Smile
S3 licensed
I don´t play on cruise servers, but yesterday we had our first 2017 league race in cesav. It was Open Config Track and It was a nightmare trying to check where I was and If there were someone joining track after his pit-stop without map rotation ( I always play with map rotation turned on ).

So please Scawen, don´t remove that option.