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S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :It's worth upgrading to S3 if you think that amount of money is worth it to drive on an accurate laser scanned version of the real Rockingham race track. If not, then it's not worth it, and you should stick with S2 until we release more S3 content.

I sometimes wonder if people think they need S3 in order to be up to date and find anyone online... but that is not the case at all. You only need S3 to go to Rockingham. S2 is fine for all other purposes and is the best value for money at the moment.

I know I'm gonna be just one more of "those" guys and I'm gonna get hate for this but here it goes. I completely understand and salute you for the honest answer, but at the same time I'm kind of sad for it. After all this years I'm still reading the forum on a regular basis, waiting for that big update we've been promiced and actually enjoyed your post on the latest test patch where you said you were still working hard on the tire physics. I guess I was expecting a different kind of speech.

Don't take it the wrong way. You, without the help of the major "players" in the business were able to create what is in my opinion the best online racing simulator by far. Massive respect for that. I'm yet to play a game that allows the "bumper to bumper" racing the same way LFS does. Please don't let it die even more before it reaches V1.0
S3 licensed
Quote from edge3147 :They might care about the program and their plans for it, but they lack respect for the community, it's been another year and again we get nothing in the form of content updates.

Don't get me wrong, LFS is a good sim, but it's content has been the same for years now, the rest of the community as well as myself would love to see something new for a change. I support LFS but the lack of updates is a real pain in the behind.

Exactly my thoughts. But i don't even argue with the time they need to make as good as they want it to be. What pisses me off the most is the fact they don't even care anymore about making us interested. And yes, like you said, i also think it's disrespectful, when they can lock a thread opened 15 mins before because some dumbass was asking for a crack. Then with a whole community asking about a progress report (last one was in january), they are unable to say anything to us. So, do we need to be complete jerks around here to get any kind of answer from them?
Since it's not the first time he behaves like that (not even close), it makes me be a little disappointed with them...
S3 licensed
I was, and still am a hardcore Live for Speed fan. I played many simulation games and for me there is no other like it, so the first time i read Scawen talking about an update, like everyone else, i got very enthusiastic about it. We all know the story and what happened next so there's no point on saying anything else about it, and I am one of the "give them the time they need" kind of guy, but because I was so excited about it I was always expecting some kind of progress report even if it didn't say too much it made me feel they were still putting their minds into it, so I added Scawen's profile page to my favorites that way i could track his messages in the forum and mostly his reports, and I'm not joking, as ridiculous as it may sound, since that day, I got used to open that page along facebook and all the other sites I'm used to read when I start my computer in the morning, so I open it almost everyday.
So it's with a bit of disappointment that i see today some dumb*ss's thread asking about some cracks or whatever and Scawen's response half an hour later. But still since 9th January 2012, 10:43 he couldn't take 5 minutes to tell us about the progress report . And don't even start with the "there's nothing to tell" speach since I don't believe that in 8 month there is still no progress at all.

And i want to make it clear, i'm not whining about how long it takes to make things done. I would just like to see from Scawen the same promptitude and enthusiasm in telling us news, that he shows when closing the thread of some guy that comes here to say stupid things.
S3 licensed
lol tks for the answers, but what i want is some proper ones i play lfs for some years now, so i think i know the keys. as i said the problem is a bit more complex then that. i can only see the mouse in windowed mode, even in the main menu....
Last edited by Resu, .
Mouse Pointer
S3 licensed
Hi, first of all i know there are some post in the technical assistance about this, but.... if this is happening to more people then me, i guess something should be done because this really gets on our nerves... my problem is that the mouse pointer just disapear when i change lfs into full screen mode. Let me try to explain a bit better. In my old PC the mouse pointer just flickered i could see where it was if i moved the mouse slowly, so it didnt represent that much of a problem I used to run a P4 with an ATI 9600Pro with win XP pro. In my new pc, a laptop I5, win 7, with a ATI HD 5470, i have 2 options, i put every settings to low, and i barely see the mouse (still a pain in the ass), or if i max out the graphics settings the mouse pointer completely disappear. The only thing i can do whenever i want to use the mouse is to Press shift+f4 to change into windowed mode (no problem with the mouse like that), and then switch back to fullscreen again. However with my old computer i tryed out for some time a Nvidea card for a couple of month and i had no problem with the mouse pointer.

So is it just me or lfs just hates ATI cards? lol

I hope to see a DEVs response to this, because there was no proper response on any of the other posts that were about this, and they date 2008.
S3 licensed
I know this subject has already been discussed, but i never really understood it. It's not even something relevant but, scawen if you paid a little bit attention to the lights in the lastest test patch, why don't you make a little update in the key configurations to let us be choose the buttons we want for the indicators and lights? Doesn't seem that hard, and i think it would make some people pleased. But again, i don't see it as something that important atm :P
S3 licensed
Quote from aroX123 :Hey scawen? Any news?
Could you tell us what you are doing? i think lots of people would be pleased of that Anyway, have a nice weekend.

Im not expecting him to tell us what he is doing... But since we don't hear anything from the devs for a while now, it would be nice of them to keep us posted
S3 licensed
Quote from GrIp DrIvEr :you know it's not like i am right here. ok fine, then no upgrades like that. i just thought it would be a cool idea. making your car even more of a track car. like race on other tracks, but people have different ammounts of power, grip, and aerodynamics

You want Grip and aerodynamics buy the S2 license and play GTR cars.
S3 licensed
Quote from MAE_2007 :Like I said before, stop complaining, learn to drive the FBM, organise FBM races demo style, Be happy ! Short but powerfull. No? Or an OWRL for DEMO

Problem is, a big part of the demo racers are just pseudo-drifters

What i don't understand though is, if they like the game so much, why don't they buy it? It's not that expensive afterall, and worth every cent
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
lol In Aston National, i was in third place place until the last chicane, and got the 2nd in the main str8, by 0,01s
S3 licensed
Hi there, i agree with you in some points, and i join the club

But when u say
Quote :Clutch heat is still a bit dodgy

well, i'm not so sure about that, i used to think the same, but after watching some videos i think the clutch heat is nicely done: . I count 4 seconds until the clutch starts burning up lol.

As for the digital speedo, i can't agree with you. Almost everyone who is into real track day racing i know, and got a trackday car has got a digital speedo, not saying they used it that much, but c'mon they can feel the gforces they can feel the car. As for us the only thing we feel it's the force feedback And just about 5 km/h make a lot of difference, but the ananalog speedo in lfs is just terrible, i can't even read the numbers, so how should i know if i'm going to fast or too slow lol. What i mean is that if they wan't to ban the digital speedos at least they should do some proper analog ones
S3 licensed
Hi. I also have a problem like that. at the begging the gears started to jump to neutral when i changed them. Now the shifter just assumes that the 1st 3rd and 6th are all the 1st gear, the reverse is the 2nd gear, and 2nd 4th and 6th are all the 6th gear lol. I already called logitech they said it was no problem, bcause there are a lot of people complaining about that, so they gave me like a code to send with the wheel. So they will trade the will with no problems lol. I have not done that already bcause of 3 major reasons:
1st -> the store where i bought it, pixmania, they are all a bunch of jerks, and they are making the things a lot more difficult then they should be lol.
2nd -> With the new patch i don't won't to let go the g25 ^^, so i'm wainting 4 the college exams to begin :P
3rd -> I think that if i w8 a little bit probably logitech will fix this problem, as they did with the pedals of the MOMO racing stering wheel lol, i'm not sure that will happen,but.... worth to try i guess lol

Hope this helps somehow
S3 licensed
Quote from Dark Elite :I'm in agreement with JTbo, the clutch is a bit strong in most cars - particularly the LX6.

But to take a general view on the clutch thing, what controller are you using, kABLiuks? Anyway:

At least ninety per cent (72% of statistics are made up on the spur of the moment, including both of those) of LFS drivers don't have a variable clutch with which to control the car, and so their clutch input is either on or off. If you take a 'normal' road car up to 6000rpm in reality and then sidestep the clutch - which is what you're doing, without a variable clutch input - it is going to hate you for it. Just as changing gear without releasing the throttle: have you ever seen anyone do this in real life, except as a one-off mistake? That's because it has a tendancy to annihilate clutches.

Another point is that LFS is not simulating clutch wear, just clutch temperature. So if you stop, or drive easier, to let it cool down again, you're no worse off. It's not meant to simulate permanent clutch damage, just heating, and if you're trying to tell me that your clutch doesn't heat up considerably when you sidestep the pedal at full throttle, I'd like to hear what car you drive


S3 licensed
Quote from egghed6 :Pit crews?

Updated crowds?

Chequred flag?

let me know wot u think......

I think it would be better to keep the game "graphics wize" as simple as possible, as just focus on the physics...

Just my opinion lol
S3 licensed
c'mon bring back the digital speedo....
S3 licensed
Quote from Riders Motion :Put all the gears down and roll the car over, you car reach 554+ km/h

Lolol I did something like that once... the speedo stoped at 999 km/h
S3 licensed
Quote from evilgeek :oh ya, because LFS needs to be more like GTA/SA? can we get out of our cars and shoot each other in the face after a T1 crash too?