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S3 licensed
I encountered the same problem on that server, a Turk started the ban vote and all Turks complied, maybe it's a national mob mentality I do not know . I was just looking for some no fuss fun and it was the most populated server at the time
Framerate issues with nvidia's 301.42 driver
S3 licensed
I've had issues with the game ever since i upgraded the driver on my video card, they drop to 22-30-ish in game on almost all circuits/cars and vary depending on the amount of cars on track . My system is a triple core amd athlon x3 with 4 gb of ram, windows 7 x64 sp1 and a gainward nvidia gts 450 1gb . Has anyone experienced this with the new driver? Should i roll back ?
S3 licensed
Thank you all for your support, I did log on at a time on the MRT trophy server but had to leave due to a coincidence, I'll make sure to revisit and maybe join in.

S3 licensed
Quote from pries :Im full support him good racer and fast

Seen him too , nice guy and good racer
S3 licensed
Quote from :Why do you think you can drive top ace on S2 level within a week?

I...did not say that...
S3 licensed
Quote from rockclan :Well mate, I really hope you will enjoy S1 enough to be convinced to buy S2.

For myself the step from 2002-2007 Demo to S2 in 2007 was amazing, best decission I ever made!

However, LFS has got me under this addiction, that I can't nor want to stop playing.

I did it!

But i completely and utterly suck with all the cars except the demo ones.
I mean, the level of suckiness is black hole-ish . I'm "that guy" that gets lapped all the time

I feel discouraged to enter a calendar race
S3 licensed
Hey man, here's a nice setup to make the xr gt go maaad faaaassst sooon.

PS:waaaaait for iiiiiit
S3 licensed
Quote from Kristi :Well dude, it might be slightly disappointing but everybody prefers S2 cars over the S1 ones nowadays. At least, those are the ones getting priority in leagues. S2 came out like 7 years ago now, so why would somebody even bother buying an S1 at first place? As I see you registered after it was released, so I don't really see the reason for not getting the licence.

Well man I first registered for demo when i was a kid ( been playing long before 2006) and i did not have the finances to buy it, i bought S1 because I read all the talk here on the forum about lfs being dead and all and did not want to shell out the whole amount at once (did no have it also) as i am very money conscious nowadays
S3 licensed
Thank you, will look out. If anybody else has any suggestions please do tell, i'm sure there are quite a few s1 players looking for racing
Events for S1 license holders?
S3 licensed
I have recently acquired S1 and was slightly disappointed that i could not find one server(except maybe literally anything to join and I was wondering if even such a thing exists . Are there any events organized for S1 license holders or should I give up and race around in single player?
S3 licensed
^Thank you, I will try and see how it goes
S3 licensed
Quote from Silverracer :Hi, there - congrats on your purchase. Yeah, there are quite few active S1 servers these days compared to S2 servers (which aren't as active as they used to, either).

However, there should be some servers during peak hours. At least S1 server should be up with a number of active drivers...

Make sure that you've not enabled any filters on the host page (which might somehow filter out populated S1 servers).

As far as I am aware, LFS is built in a such a way that if, on a S2 server, the host configuration is set to match S1 limitation, it WILL work as a S1 server. Therefore, you would be able to join in if a server is setup in a simialr way (S1 cars, tracks etc.).

Thank you for your response, won't allow me to pick other cars besides xfr and xrg i'm not quie sure why but i did find some drift and cruise servers ( not really to my liking i was looking for racing) .

About the way lfs is built, i came across a server with one of the tracks i unlocked (south city i think) and all cars allowed yet it had the s2 mark next to it and would not let me join.

It's too bad that i can't really do anything with my s1 license in multiplayer as i was used to wheel to wheel racing on the clean demo servers for..6 or 7 years now , guess i'll just have to pucker up and go for S2 at some time , my financial situation won't allow me another 12 so fast
S3 licensed
Been playing since 2005, just an hour ago got S1.
Amazed that that there are no S1 servers, slightly regretting getting S1

I don't want to make a new thread to ask, but is is possible for S1 players to race in S2 servers if the car/track combo allows it ?
S3 licensed
Now i'm on cable 512/256 kbps.. in a few days FTTB ( Fiber to the building ) with 1024/512 external and 50Mbps/30Mbps in town
S3 licensed
Question: Has the latest patch changed the turbo modeling of the XRT? I get a little more boost shown on the gauge AKA the needle goes a little off the scale
S3 licensed
Quote from MAGGOT :

If N2O ever sees use in an upper-tier racing series, then I am all for it to be included in LFS. Until that happens, it has no place in this sim, unless exclusively on the dragstrip.

Corect that about sums what i wanted to say . As i said i'm not against or for the use of n2o in LFS.... but as this is a simulator that tries to mimic real life racing it should stick to that and include n2o or any other crazy contraption that might be invented.

Tristan, I highly doubt that fitting a n2o system to one's car qualifies as a certified IQ test but if that's your opinion go with it
. And no i don't have a system like that and i think that they are more for flashy than useful.

PS: As for old vs. new dispute...I own a carbureted car and it feels a lot more responsive than fuel injection IMHO. Though I must admit carbs eat a great load of fuel and that's what killed them

PS2: again can someone tell me why i don't have an avatar and sig anymore?
Last edited by Cirozel, .
S3 licensed
TagForce you are right, difference in opinion doesn't give you the right to call another stupid and so on, IMHO anti-"nos" is not a personal opinion anymore it has become a "go with the flow" option, it's "trendy" and fashionable to be against the use of n2o. Do remember that there are purists out there that hate turbochargers, people that love carburetion and hate fuel injection, people that think " downforce is for sissies , no downforce is what real men used to race", H shifter vs sequential ...and so on.. get the idea? AT some point in the history of everything there will be a change that will cause turmoil and split the community, insults will fly and all of that. As for this situation, in the end everything will settle down and it will be a choice: use it and risk blowing your engine or don't use it and risk losing the race. I'm not for or against "NOS" , if it will be implemented I’ll use it, if it won't I don't mind. Just because "real racers" don't use it now it doesn't mean that it won't be used sometime in the future

PS: Can someone tell me why I can't use an avatar and/or signature anymore?
Last edited by Cirozel, .
S3 licensed
I won Counter Strike: Source because I'm a stupid fanboy.

Wait..that can't be right

S3 licensed
Quote from nutty boy :Cirozel from what I know about girls (which isn't alot) and past experiences, your not giving very useful info.

You say keep trying but if you do keep trying the girl will not actually like you but you keep telling her, then she'll get really irritated with you telling her constantly and will lose interest gradually.

Now the better thing to do would be get great friends with her and then wait for her to realise how nice of a guy you are then tell her your true feelings and if she really liked you, she'll feel the same.

Now, the girl Forbin was waiting for probarbly doesn't have the same feelings as you do because you have waited a long time, you have become great friends with her and when you finally let it out she didn't feel the same. Maybe it is just best to stay friends mate.

True, you're right, maybe i did not make myself clear enough.... i did not mean to say that he should irritate her or be a stalker..that would be creepy , if i remember corectly i said "to be laid back and confident" that doesn't meen beeing an ass and invading her life. Sorry if I expressd myself badly

I have to totally agree about the above (and is preety much what i wanted to say in my first post...but somehow the meaning got lost), with one statement, i did not say that he should tell her directly how he feels, I said "let her know" which is a different thing from "tell her" .

In the end i must say that if she's not responsive it's better to move on, I think staying friends would cause him more pain on the long run
Cheers and good luck
Last edited by Cirozel, .
S3 licensed
Forbin i say don't give up..... . My current relationship started as a friendship in which none of us would show each other what we were feeling even though we liked each other to the brink of desperation . So IMO she is just holding out out of fear, maybe her last relantionship ended badly, so my advice si to be present in her life and compliment her, let her know that you like her, but be laid back and confident . I know you must be shy, this also happened to me until i said" f it , what happens, happens " .
PS: Don't be sad if you don't get any response and try to at least be seen with another girl..that might trigger some response from her..but only after you're tried to persuade her for a period of time
S3 licensed
Wow, sweet car i don't especially like the looks but the power is killer illepall
Here in my country we don't have drag strips, we don't have leagues, we race in separate events on airport runways, with no timers and no way of knowing what we did

Anyway, here's a vid just to show you what's going on... me in the winning car , first and only race, car's busted now.. ( timing belts jumped and the pistons hit the valves...imagine )
Last edited by Cirozel, .
S3 licensed
@sgt flippy...
It might seem odd now but, dump yourself told us that she is coming to you when she's having a fight with the other guy , and that's not normal. I mean if she did this one( dated,kissed, slept.. whatever) with another guy there's a big chance she'll do it again. I can assume you love her since you ( excuse me) take so much BS from her but seriously you shouldn't, and you should stop.
Well about the thread.. i have one..for about a year now, we've had our hard times but it's working out and i see a bright future, but about what i wanted to say... i also had a very big fight with her and she told me she will see another guy the next day, and all i told her was " do what you want and feel but if you do that the door with me is closed forever" so in the end she didn't do it.
Maybe i think differently .. i dunno but i would never accept something like this, not even seeing her holding hands with another guy. God knows i love her and i would do almost anything for her but not cheating and i told her from day 1 "if you screw me we're done".
Last edited by Cirozel, .
S3 licensed
err..i've send a PM but Frost_More hasn't responded
S3 licensed
What they did to that engine is vicious and cruel, they are probably people who don't know the work and effort that has been put into those engines. Most would say "ah it's my money what do you care? " but imagine if someone would buy something that you hand made for a long time and then smashed it into your face even though he payed the right amount of money for it (or even more). I for one respect the work and engineering that has been put into any car whether it is old or new.
My family owned an old Fiat with an 1100 cc engine for more than 15 years just because my dad loved that car. We bought it with 150.000 km on board and drove it daily and the engine had no problems, compression was spot on and it wasn't eating a drop of oil . At ~380.000 one of the cillinders started loosing compression because one of the sealing rings on it had cracked , we went to great lenghts to buy replacements for all cilinders and after the operation the car again just ran fine. It diet at 680.000 because one of the connecting rods failed while iddling in front of my building, probably metal fatigue and we cold not get replacements. After that we sold the car at a scrapyard that deals in used car parts. The car had its share of abuse mostly from me at age 10 trying to learn driving on deserted roads and flooring the car on many ocasions illepall

PS: We did not keep the car because we did not have the option of buying another but we all loved that little bugger

"sry for the bad english"
Last edited by Cirozel, .
S3 licensed
I was wondering , when will we get those "speed" sounds and feels, let's say when you're passing at really high speed near a slow vehicle or stopped one and you hear that "woosh" , or when yo are in that car an hear that same "whoosh" and feel your car beeing jerked around by the other's "wall" of air being pushed by their car. IRL when you're stopped by a road and some car goes very past by you you feel the effect of the air that's beiung pushed by that car, your car rattles for a second or two

T -2 Months 'till my S2 license