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S3 licensed
Quote from DANIEL-CRO :Donating money = Buying licences

Win a £12 voucher code! (Dem ... S1 to S2 license upgrade)

By this you are doing good things on both sides, donating money to developers and bringing more people to S2

Good idea, thanks for the suggestion Daniel! I will endeavour to recruit more whenever possible and dish out some free (to them!) licences.
Possibility of Merchandise/Donation for Scawen?
S3 licensed
This is literally just a thought, but just in case anyone else was interested I figured I'd give it an airing anyway.

I remembered there used to be an LFS shop run by Vic before it moved? closed?

Basically, I think it'd be a really good idea if we could find some way of donating money for Scawen and co. so that he doesn't just have to work on LFS as a hobby. For the kind of impressive programming we're talking here on this he needs some kind of consolation to keep him going, having S2 is great but it's a one off payment and even if only a donation thing was opened I think it would be a good idea.

On the merchandise note though, I seriously would still love a LFS sticker/t-shirt/mousepad/insertrandomitemhere for my collection. Heck with 3D printing now it'd be cool if we could have our cars immortalised into a small 3D figure.

Any comments/thoughts are appreciated (apart from trolls naturally).
S3 licensed
This tends to happen when you continually state your plans and how many people are working on it etc. and people continue to shit all over you.

I'm very shocked by your behaviour too Becky, considering your post count and time here I would expect you to be a little more respectful of Scawen and the team considering the level of work placed in this.

If all you can do is pop up on every relatively recent thread and support them with your pointless moans then I think the best thing you could do is to leave this forum well alone so that Scawen doesn't have to wipe the metric ton of directed negative posts off his inbox every single day when he could be living his own life and working on LFS.
S3 licensed
I thought I'd just stick my two pence in~

8.1 is great, very solid and now (took long enough) on all the numerous systems I own that are in regular use (some are broken lol).

Anyway, about LFS, DX9 is fine. Yes, it's a little older (okay a lot older) but it's programming so it doesn't affect things quite the same way as if it was a piece of hardware from the same year. I understand Scawen for wanting to use a version of DX on a system that gives him a debug. I could suggest a VM but I realise this just doesn't give accurate enough results being that it is emulated hardware more or less and really not a great idea when he wants to know how it runs on native hardware.

Realistically, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and many need to learn this. If Scawen (and anyone else) wishes to use XP/DX9 and understands the risks (and benefits yes in DX9's case) then that's totally fine!

All I wish for is for LFS to live on with more work done to it. I view LFS as an ongoing project, this isn't a standard crappy game, it's a simulator with a LOT of hard work and love poured into it with a metric ton of brain grease from Scawen (and the others when they were still around).

@Scawen: If you see this, please, please, please give people a reason to stick around. I'm not moaning or raging. I'm just very sad after looking at the server list today and seeing barely two dozen servers, half of which have one or two people on. If you do give us a decent patch at some point this year I for one am FULLY willing to actually pay you the cost of another upgrade ticket for it (or two if it's larger), purely because I appreciate your work (and because LFS is literally THE reason I bought a DFGT and then spent £220 on a G27 setup barely 6 months later).

Regardless, I shall return to racing & cruising in my LX6 *cough* Caterham SuperSeven *cough* end of May when I finish this year of university so I wish you all good racing in the time being.

Rambler out!