Who cares about a new physics model anyway?
After this long wait, I for one would just prefer S3 to be released with the damned Scirocco, Rockingham, and whatever else they had planned. Screw the tyre physics, who cares if the Scirocco doesn't handle exactly like its real-world counterpart... such detailed simulations aren't the main feature of this game anyway, and shouldn't hold everything up, especially not for several years now, its getting beyond a joke, its almost like the developers have lost the focus on what makes a good game for the sake of getting everything "perfect". Well guess what? It never will be "perfect", so just make it "good" and playable, and keep people interested. Those are the things that mark a good game.
Quote from Flame CZE :https://www.lfsforum.net/showt ... php?p=1764267#post1764267

Developer doesn't justify the real reasons for not just releasing anyway... "not realistic or safe"... again, who cares? This is a game, not real life. People will play it and learn ways of getting round the problems, they won't care because they're playing with new content, it'll keep them happy for a while, giving the developers more time to tweak it and get it right so when the players start to get unhappy with the "unrealistic" handling, they'll be able to release a patch to fix the problems. At least it'll be something for players to mess about with in the meantime.

Comes to something when the developers of a game are too scared to post because of negativity about their end product, and the way things have developed. Says a lot about their attitude towards their customers... no wonder this game is practically dead, I personally haven't played it in God alone knows how long, I check the website once a month to see if anything new is here, and surprise surprise, month after month, nothing new... might start limiting it to visiting once every 6 months, I'd get the same result... no doubt the day will come when I won't bother checking at all.

At the end of the day I'm not actually bothered if this game ever gets updated or not, I've found other (non-racing) games to play, I just find it a massive shame that a game I once played and enjoyed is going down the drain because of developer attitudes. I play other games by small groups of individuals, not large companies, and they manage to keep development up and post updates, they keep fans interested, they interact with the players... they're in the same boat as the LFS devs, just a handful of guys who do a bit of work on their game in spare time.

I hate to see a good project just go to complete waste. Why should players have to keep playing a game without updates for years on end, on the promise of "more to come"? Just mark it as dead and move on, at least have that much respect for your players!
What made you think this morning to start topic number 56743 about this? Originality price? Not going to win it.
The sarcasm is strong with you. Just don´t feed the troll
ill have to admit its getting boring.
Quote from Bigbob1993 :The sarcasm is strong with you. Just don´t feed the troll

why is every unhappy player always a troll?
However we can agree with the OP's opinion, it's not likely it will change a damn thing. Scawen won't change his mind, he'd have done it ages ago had he listened to some of those posts. He's expressed his attitude to the situation many times, and no matter if we like or dislike it, he stands up for it.

So we can go on creating thread after thread, but I think it's not going anywhere, really.
Expecting LFS to be developed is the same as you trying to convert a prostitute into a nun. It's possible, but when it happens its already too late.
Too late for what?
You guys are too young to understand
I enjoy the physics in LFS but when you look at what Kunos is doing the shortcomings of the LFS tyres are pretty obvious. I can understand why they don't want to release the new content without the tyre update.

Hopefully there's a visual refresh in the pipeline too because the sim is looking very dated these days. I won't be disappointed if that doesn't happen - it's not important in terms of gameplay - but I think if the sim is going to continue to attract new players it will need a spruce-up.
What I don't understand is: Scawen has said he has never stopped Eric releasing the new content he has made. So this means Eric thinks it is best to wait until after the new physics. Which for a car I can understand but not for tracks?? Why a new track couldn't have been released in the 5 year wait I just don't know. I know it's their hobby & they only do what they want with no pressure etc but why start something this good to begin with and then let it slowly die with limited new content. Beyond my business brain....!
Dont worry guys, Asetto Corsa has modding support so someone will eventually convert LFS's tracks and it will be a fresh experience with totally new cars.
Quote from kimd41 :Dont worry guys, Asetto Corsa has modding support so someone will eventually convert LFS's tracks and it will be a fresh experience with totally new cars.

Quote from kimd41 :Dont worry guys, Asetto Corsa has modding support so someone will eventually convert LFS's tracks and it will be a fresh experience with totally new cars.

This. God knows who will make a better statement
The only thing I will say is, the "new" tracks are not affected by the physics, so why hold back on some new content.

Get the Tracks out, updated cockpits what ever, and leave the physics and cars for S3.

But an answer to the original OP...We all Do

Meanwhile Samsung has Relased Galaxy S-S5
By the time the physics get released, that will be the tip of the iceberg for bringing LFS up to date. Graphics, weather, tracks, cars, sounds, textures of old contents, etc all needs updated still.
Quote from edge3147 :that will be the tip of the iceberg

Remember what happened to the Titanic?