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S3 licensed
Quote from piggy501 :Hasn't it already been done? And the logos matched up on the doors?

quick search.... oh yes:

but its missing the driver list and proper numbers. and a bmw grille.

still, if i'd spotted that before, i wouldn't have sat a freeze-framed my way through the 24h race episode. oh well.
anyone want a dds to replace the ambulance with James May's courier van?
FXO Top Gear "BMW 3 Series" 24 Hour Race Skin
S3 licensed
A bit bored at the moment, so I thought i'd finish the "Top Gear 24 Hour Race" skin.

Its supposed to be on a diesel 3 series.
One door is supposed to say "Penis", and the other "ARSE BISCUITS", but when lined up with the doors on the CMX they looked even worse.
S3 licensed
Quote from funnybone2 :or make a south city WAYY longer. but hey im a demo racer what can i say?

you could say "here is my usd equivalent of £24, can i be S2 licensed please?"
S3 licensed
So.... how about taking one of the South City courses and making the cul-de-sacs a bit longer. this would go part of the way, but still leave the "one path" intact. If you see what i mean.
S3 licensed
Don't know if this has already been suggested...

How about an off-road autocross track? Basically a large grass area with hills & depressions, maybe muds areas?

Just so some of us don't have to try and build our rally courses on the outskirts of Blackwood Carpark
S3 licensed
If LFS Desktop can show it, then it must be possible for us all.
Server status on website
S3 licensed
I might be rehashing something old here, but i've trawled through the board and can't find an answer...

Is there a way of checking the status of a server from a web page, in the same way you can see if a certain racer is online?

S3 licensed
Quote from Tweaker :lol, well there are a few city driving servers out there, and after playing on one, the layout they use on the Autocross lot didn't feel much like a city track where you could have fun chases and stuff.

I'm playing about with a similar idea on FE3, but with a more "Mad Max"-type thing. (Can't help it, i'm a massive MM fan).

If anyone feels like helping along this frankly weak effort:

My plaything will be sitting at "MFP - Anarchie Road" (but in technicolor) on the track list, with the webshite at
S3 licensed
Quote from tonyblews :sorry... when i think of austrailia, the first think that pops into my head is the mad max series

replying to myself here.... but i'm setting up the Main Force Patrol Chase server...

webthing at
S3 licensed
Quote from aoun :I dont get ya man..

sorry... when i think of austrailia, the first think that pops into my head is the mad max series
S3 licensed
Quote from aoun :Top skins on this page!! .

you would say that. aren't the Mad Max films your primary export?
S3 licensed
Quote from Prodromoi :This thread, in the XR skins section includes the other car skins from the (first) Mad Max film that I've just done. I've used the FXO GTR as a base for the March Hare car, on the basis that it was a less powerful car than the other interceptors (it was a V6 whereas the others were V8s).

(Note for movie buffs... I'm not 100% certain that the roof number is MFP 10, but it's the best estimate I have so far. If anyone has a photo that clearly shows the roof number, please let me know!)


alas i don't have a copy of the film handy, of i'd check. glad to know i'm not the only one with a mad max obsession!
great idea
S3 licensed
i'm in