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For how long do you have LFS installed? / How many versions did you install?
S3 licensed
I was updating the 0.7.54 version and realized a new README.txt appeared in my LFS folder. Then, thought "damn, I joined LFS in 2006 but according to these .txt I have kept my last LFS installation since 2014". I must have formatted by then and didn't copy the game folder
Here we are now

S3 licensed
sad to read, sorry for the loss
Discuss about the AI drivers
S3 licensed
LFS is a great game and many many times I have played around with AI. Sometimes I enjoy simulating races with AI under different conditions. I noticed from years ago that AI are not stable commiting to the overtake and usually drive into an error.

I ran a various tests on Fe Black, etc. Similar results are obtained for each test, but differences are spotted depending on the details of each track.
My last test was on KY Long, 42 laps, default setup, restore car available, 1 AI driver per each car (20 cars total). Which do you think won the race?

EDIT: Uhm, I wanted to upload the race onto a LFSStat program, so it could extract all data. Is there any way to upload the .spr somewhere to get the Stats of the race?
Last edited by josemspain, .
S3 licensed
you might add a chasis that almost touches the ground like here

dragster should be looooong
S3 licensed
I tried to do something but I completely suck at this.
Scawen, is there any chance of adding moving parts? I wonder if there is the posibility to build gears capable of turning a propeller.
I wonder if it would be possible to build a rim adaptor, connected to a gear which connects to a propeller. Therefore each tyre revolution would match a propeller revolution and... it might generate a push
first step to build some sort of aeroplane
S3 licensed
Can I test it? Was just a car I wanted to build
S3 licensed
Quote from Ziomek21 :Suggested it some time ago:

AFAIK some CS:GO analysis software works like that, you put yourself onto the map in the demo, so that you can practice tactical setups, etc. Can't remember the name of the thing, but 100% it exists.

EDIT: ESEA Refrag is the name

I considered the idea so weird that I did not check if other threads were open, my bad.
So yeah, some other people agree with your idea, Big grin
S3 licensed
looking forward this
however I expect hosts won't go crazy and add 12515 modded cars to a server which, certainly, will make LFS heavier
S3 licensed
I could unlock the S2 but whenever I select a car from the S1 or S2 the 0.5F version crashes
S3 licensed
Well, not exactly a ghost from a replay. It is not possible to get drag from a ghost.
A replay does not record every detail it happened. I think it records the position, speed and direction, then the game simulates with physics what should happen and matches pretty well with what actually happened.
I can conclude that since on "single player" races you can edit your replay and add objects. Then you'll see that cars will crash/interact with objects and change the prerecorded behaviour. Sadly the replay will return an error and stop playing since it did not match with what is recorded.
I think in previous versions you could do the same with "multiplayer" replays. Therefore, it leds me to think it could be 100% possible to "test drive" (add yourself last to the grid) and play.
That way you'll enjoy the replay from inside, taking part on it.
For example "could I take part on the world series?" >> Play the last race of an LFS world championship and check if you could keep the pace fromt he inside
Last edited by josemspain, .
Redrive a replay?
S3 licensed
Hello there.
I came up with this f** crazy idea that I have never ever seen implemented in any game: regame a replay
Maybe my english not strong enough to explain the idea but, I know "Test drive" option exists in single game/hotlap replays since the replay contains all details from setups, so you can drive the car with same setups.
I wonder if this could be implemented on a multiplayer replay. You'll start always last and you'll race other cars that are predefined on replay, they will follow the path they did on the replay and they'll be invulnerable. You'll be able to race yourself or others, try to enjoy the race you liked from another point of view. Check if you could have done better, etc
Obviously since it is a replay, cars will not be able to defend themselves while you are overtaking.

edit: I enjoy watching replays from years ago, when I used to race on leagues, that's why I came up with the idea
S3 licensed
Could be it possible to fix this kerb? Or is it done on purpose?

The tyre usually gets stuck there and the car turns 180º
Westhill, minor box structure render problem
S3 licensed
Look at the difference of these 2 pictures

Just by moving the car a bit you go to the picture 1 to the picture 2
Last edited by josemspain, .
S3 licensed
I have find there's a limit of objects that "can be draw" in the shift+U menu.
Look the amount of elements that disappear from the shift u menu, just by turning the camera

Quote from Bose321 :Wow that's sick! How long did it took you to build that?

about 3-4 hours

Quote from Eclipsed :
Quote from Alric :will anyone ever try it in real life or dare?!

(as you know,car needs to build up some speed before it generates downforce that exceeds car weight)

Yeah, thats true.
nearly 300kmh and look out how small is the normal force that keeps the car upsidedown (wheels forces)

with 100% fuel and 110kg added mass

Also, it must be very dangerous losing the car control there
Last edited by josemspain, .
S3 licensed
Thanks to you, Scawen and Victor, we could finally test if a Formula 1 car can be driven upside down inside a tunnel XD

You can get it or do a testdrive from the attached SPR
Last edited by josemspain, .
S3 licensed
I've found there are some trees in which, when you are close enough, you hear some engine reverb
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :
Quote from mbutcher :
Quote from josemspain :
Step2: Get RB4 car, do the same. You'll appear above the concrete

Fixed in G16

Not fixed in fact. Try his layout with a default RB4. You start below it. When you reset the car it goes on top. It's not the same as the thing that was fixed. This one is to do with car height. Probably this will not be fixed. If you want reliable car reset (space bar) below concrete, the concrete should be a bit higher or you may jump on top.

It also depends on the height setup, not just by the default one:
Give it a try on that layout (RB4)

I wonder if by damaging the car the inherit height parameter is modified
Last edited by josemspain, .
S3 licensed
this has been already reported, but it can be seen also from other car view

It just appear on those concretes that are overlayed and a car is near (their shadows I assume)
If you want to try it join the server I PM you (my teammates want to keep the layout in secret for now) Edit: Ok, you have PM unabled. Can you join our server even so?

Also, I have found a problem. If you restore your car under a concrete, where you appear depends on the cars height
Try the layout I attach below (WE1X)
Step1 :Get the RAC car, restart the race. You will appear under the concrete, restore the car, you'll appear under the concrete.
Step2: Get RB4 car, do the same. You'll appear above the concrete

Why is there a marshal inside the building? XDD

PD3: One advertise has a shadow, the other one nope. The same with the wind-flag-post
Last edited by josemspain, .
S3 licensed
Great Scawen, well done.

I don't if someone understood me before. I wish to say that the trees collider have tremendous height, you can collide with them even if you are far away from the tree (in Z axis)
S3 licensed
nickname text loses quality with these trees

S3 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :Oh look what I've made

your looping looks awesome. I've made one but it sucks. May we try yours?
thanks ;C
S3 licensed
Even when you are floating in the sky (really high roads with concrete) you can collide with a tree which is .. ¿10 meters? under you
S3 licensed
Getting errors + fps drop

And if I just move a bit, a new path is found... fps gets ok again
S3 licensed
A friend of mine is always saying that the entire game loos like real but the driver is too old fashioned (poor sides poligon sprite). She just hate the game because of the driver, all feels fine for her, but she says she can't understand how can be that poor driver design in this outstanding simulator
S3 licensed
Uhm.. my first lap and I tested a kerb by accident. My car turned 180º just because the wheel stack into it

Look at me (josem) in the video at 5 minutes 53 seconds