Because this where it happend and that is also why the topic is "off Topic.... "
And i was thinking that maybe not the users i was directing it to would read the other forums..
I think we go to hard on a demoracer as soon as he ask for any licensed car.. i meen he could have tryed it at someone elses home..
I have seen it happend way to many times.. and it is not the way to get demo racers to buy a license.. Ver. u+ cant be cracked so i dont get it.. why even bother.. he cant play online if he uses anything before V.. master server has moved
hehe thats exacly what i meen.. AA AF doesnt have any impact on fps unless ur alone on track.. anyways.. your cpu is ALOT faster than mine.. and u get 48 fps.. im around 40
my cpu is a old amd 64.. no x2 or dual core just plain old x64.. accually so old it isnt sold anymore.. its a 2 ghz..
i still think something is wrong here.. do u have a G15 keyboard? if so how much is your cpu load running lfs? mine is 75% wich tells me that my cpu isnt even being used 100 %
Make a backup of your cfg.txt file or simply rename it. (main lfs folder)
Place one of the cfg.txt's included in this zip there. ('/min' and '/max' folder)
Copy the FPS_TEST.mpr file to your 'lfs/data/mpr' folder.
Start LFS and view the replay.. Select the car Thorburn use the in car camera
do this for both Max and Min and report it on the forum
Only check fps at start as soon as cars start to spread out fps will raise
CPU: AMD 64 3200+
MEM: 3 GB DDR 400 (Pared)
GFX: GF 7600 GT (256)
OS: Windows XP (32 bit)
Max: 140
min: 37
Test it without any AA or AF as i did here.. anyways i get 37 if i have 8xAA and 16xAF on aswell
I didnt know about that site.. thats a great site but thats not with a full grid.. so its pointless for me as it cant test what this tread is about.. i have alot of fps when im not on a full grid.. the problem is its verry low on a full grid.. and 40 fps seems verry common on a full grid no matter what hardware.. yes there is exeptions and it isnt the best way to compare it like this.. but my point was that it looks like maybe lfs is causing the 40 fps at a full grid.. maybe because the render loop cant execute before the psy is calculated and that makes the waiting longer if there is several cars.. i dont know how the devs made the render.. but its strange in my opinion that i get 40 fps max at a full grid in lfs and i dont get more fps if i turn off the AA AF only if im alone or there is less cars do i notice a difference.. and overclocking my cpu does not help ether.. same fps no matter what i do
i didnt meen it to be hard coded.. i ment to have the ability to turn it on in the game instead of doing it in windows.. i just belived alot of ppl wanted it since so many are using AA and AF in lfs
hmm i just tested lfs on my dads computer.. has a ATI x700 and a core2 duo doesnt look like its up tot the cpu.. had 30-40 fps there to when running a reply
as soon as cars disapered it went back up
I also tryed clocking my cpu from 2 ghz to 2.4 ghz.. didnt help me at all.. no change at all.. exept it started windows faster lol
oh and the 3 gb ram i have is pared aswell..
2 users above here has both the same gfx card and same cpu.. the guy with 2 gb ram gets 40+ fps the guy with 1 gb ram gets 100+ hows that possible
And alot of ppl here are reporting the fps i was affraid of.. 40 fps seems to be verry common..
i think if you could upload/download sets to a database or setupfield from ingame there would be alot more setups to chose from.. as racers wouldnt have to go threw alot of trouble to upload it.. just press a button and its done.. could be great for new racers that possible dont even know setupfield exists
Maybe if it was rated by a category like race set and hotlap and so on that would help abit aswell
yes u can.. u turn on aa rendering before u render the object and turn it back of so to speak.. or its more like u select to render it on AA.. hard to explain lol
Not everyone knows how to edit it in windows.. like making those profiles.. most ppl are used to changing it ingame.. and it wouldnt be that hard to add in to the game ether.. not if ur gonna aplly it to all renders like windows do.. but if u do it ingame u can choose to only apply it to some stuff like cars ++ it takes less of ur fps away
Would be nice to get AA in lfs so i didnt have to change it in windows everytime i play another game..
looks like alot of ppl are doing this so i gues all of them want it implemented in lfs
I have already sent a mail to the devs about it.. it did get forwarded to scawen.. but it might have a better chance if ppl show him they really want it by saying so here..
oh an since we are on it already.. how many would want AA implemented in lfs.. i sent a mail to the devs about wanting it ingame.. but if alot answered to it here aswell it will probably be a bigger chance for it to be implemented
Just trying to make a point here that maybe it isnt our hardware that is the problem to lfs running at max 40 fps on start with a full grid..
Would be nice if ppl could post hardware and fps at start with a full grid.. just to check if im right about this.. it looks like 40 is max nomatter how fast or slow pc u got
It may be the memory that is corrupt due to overclocking or overheating.. my card became like this after i touched it while taking it out of my computer..
that was a 9800pro aswell.. think it was a Powercolor or Saphire.
it can post corrupted characters on screen if it is corrupted and those lines over the screen is normal to
nice what do u meen if it is 3d.. is there objects in there that is 2d.. and why didnt victor mention this in the specs for the file..
i got it to render now but it looks worst than a junk yard.. i tryed changing abc and xyz nothing helps.. checked code for missing bytes or so.. nothing..
Thnx for linking to the source.. im gonna need some time looking threw that.. im not an C# expert :P
take alook at the picture
in my opinion it looks like they are overlaping each other and isnt in the right direction or position for that matter.. any known error that could make this happend.. i checked twise now that i read the right data from the file.. anyway i needed to turn the ABC to CBA or it was even worse.. any other combination was totally messed up.. not that this one isnt.. looks cinda weird.
K i just checked the dimension byte in the smx file i have i asume thats what u where refering to.. its 3 so i asume its 3d..
NM its working 100% now
i mixed a Single for an integer
Heres a screene
If u have a spec for the ZModeler File format i could give it a try..
Last edited by SamH, .
Reason : Several consecutive posts merged
hehe ya i tryed some software drawing myself at first.. Waaaaaay to slow
Thats why i changed to dx.
but it looks to me like u are using textures or is it just colors? really look like its textured
Looked at that page Lesson 2 is missing its lesson 1,6 and up
Oh and i forgot to mention im using VB.Net if u know any tutorials on opengl for VB im gonna run over to u and giveu a big big hug :P
ok that hug is otw found the vb code on that page
ok i got that opengl and the .net stuff needed.. i got it to run with the sample and then i changed it to draw the track..
This is how i do it..
For each object block i do this:
gl begin.
then i get all triangles in that onbject and loads them setting color and xyz
then i do GL.glEnd
and do this for each block
it loads without errors but the screen is black and no objects are shown.. am i doing something wrong? i do call the gl draw func after im done adding the objects
hmm.. just noticed the values for x y z are extremly big.. maybe this is why it wont work.. any idea how to make them smaler without destroying the layout of the track.. i tryed x / 150000 that made it visible only if also used the translate and moved it in to my screen.. but it was still waaaay to big and i know that if i use a number higher than 150000 its no good cause using integers it will round it of so most triangles will have abc at the same value
How in the world do u manage to render it.. my gues is u dont loop threw every triangle for each render.. is there a function that takes arrays that im not aware of ? lol
could u make the source for the function where u load it in to directx avalible plz.. im totally off here.. or maybe Victor could make an example.. this looks really confusing to me..
u displayed the whole track at once... thats alot of vertex to load.. did u add each object as a mesh or did u load all vertex (triangles) under 1 mesh / object..
I get memory error and stack overflow all the time i dont know how u managed to load all that... im using the indexbuffer and vertexbuffer atm.. and it aint going to well..
did i miss something.. its over 200k vertex on bl1 thats about 90k+ meshes and thats waaay to much.. or maybe its just me being stupid..
Anyways.. would be great if someone could give me a hint on how to load it cause im pretty sure im doing it wrong..
For X = 0 To (SM.Header.Objects.Count - 1) Step 1 o = SM.Header.Objects(X) mymesh(X) = New MeshClass
ReDim mymesh(X).Vert(0 To o.Points.Count - 1) ReDim mymesh(X).Tris(0 To (o.Tris.Count * 3) - 1)
For Y = 0 To o.Points.Count - 1 mymesh(X).Vert(Y) = New Direct3D.CustomVertex.TransformedColored mymesh(X).Vert(Y).Color = RGB(o.Points(Y).cRed, o.Points(Y).cGreen, o.Points(Y).cBlue) mymesh(X).Vert(Y).X = o.Points(Y).X mymesh(X).Vert(Y).Y = o.Points(Y).Y mymesh(X).Vert(Y).Z = o.Points(Y).Z ' mymesh(X).Vert(Y).Rhw = Next
cc = 0
For Y = 0 To o.Tris.Count - 1 mymesh(X).Tris(cc) = o.Tris(Y).VertexC cc = cc + 1 mymesh(X).Tris(cc) = o.Tris(Y).VertexB cc = cc + 1 mymesh(X).Tris(cc) = o.Tris(Y).VertexA cc = cc + 1 Next
Track(X) = New Direct3D.Mesh(UBound(mymesh(X).Tris) + 1, UBound(mymesh(X).Vert) + 1, MeshFlags.Managed, Direct3D.CustomVertex.PositionColored.Format, mobjDX9) Next
For X = 0 To UBound(Track) Track(X).SetIndexBufferData(mymesh(X).Tris, LockFlags.NoOverwrite) 'memory error here if array is 500 or more maybe abit below that.. but it crashes at object 27 and 28.. they are extremly big compared to the others
Track(X).SetVertexBufferData(mymesh(X).Vert, LockFlags.NoOverwrite) Next
Last edited by SamH, .
Reason : Several consecutive posts merged
That looks really nice u made it in 3d i just using it in 2d atm.. but that really rocks nice work
What language did u program it in? if .net would it be posible to get the source.. what im interested in is the part where u draw the track in 3d.. as im new to dx it would be a great example for me to look at to learn more about it while trying to rewrite my own program in 3d
Last edited by SamH, .
Reason : Consecutive posts merged