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S2 licensed
:-) Yes exactly that's what I mean. But I only know the C64 version. The 20 laps of professional race were very exhausting :-) And I'm sure I still have my best lap times noted anywhere (around 1:25.4) :-) I remember Max Throttle and Dave Behind were very good drivers ;-)
S2 licensed
Hi! I'm just wondering if here is someone who knows and played "REVS"? It was the racing simulator I spent the most time to improve a round time (silverstone). But I think LFS will beat this now :-) Regards, OpaJo
Last edited by OpaJo, .
Replay Viewer
S2 licensed
Hi! I just wondering whether there is an advanced option to view replays. With the ingame replay viewer you can only watch replays from the beginning and speed up/slow down them. So if I want to watch a specific curver in the 13. round I have to wait until this round is reached and can only watch it once. So, it is possible to rewind the replay or jump directly to a specific time in the replay (like in GP3 or GP4) ? OpaJo
S2 licensed
Hi spikee, sorry for answering so late. I was on holiday and after that didn't play LFS for some weeks. Meanwhile I'm tried some setups and my times get better :-) Now I can guess how much skill comes from a good setup and how much comes from driving experience ;-) I think setup tuning is a great part of this game (for many people) and I'm not sure if it would kill some of the fun allowing only default setups? How was your event? Regards OpaJo
S2 licensed
Hi There, Mazz4200 is right, i ask this question in general and wondered whether there is also a list with default-setups wr's. But most interessting i am in the most driven combination (i tinkk): blackwood + xf gti + race_s Yesterday i drove 10 hours or so and could make my time down from 1:38x to 1:36:40 (with a downlaoaded setup). But compared with the others this is furthermore really slow :-) I bet you can beat me with race_s :-) OpaJo
S2 licensed
after working through the whole thread I would like to add following:

I think the topic was not complaining about whether the price is too high or not. This depends on every single user. If you earn enough money it's cheap, otherwise it's exensive. If you use the game everyday it's worth the money, if you play it 1 time in 4 month, perhaps it's not. But this is so with all things in the life and was not the initial topic question.

So in my opinion there is no reason to complain about the LFS License system and prices.

But there is another point than money! Why not let S1 users race on S2 servers (sure only with S1 cars and tracks) as mentioned above. No one would experience a disadvantage. But everyone, S1 users, S2 Players, the whole LFS Community and even the developers would benefit from that, I'm sure. Let's explain why:

#1) S1 users could play furthermore online -> wouldn't be frustated -> more likely would upgrade to S2 when they always be overtaken by S2 cars

#2) S2 users would have more competion racers on S1 cars and tracks

#3) Offering the S1-License again would make sense again -> that would provide a less expensive start into the community for people who can't pay the money or only drive very seldom -> you could upgrade step for step

#4) The number of online racers would increase -> that means more popularity -> that's what a online community like LFS needs

#5) The developer would get more money for their work and more fans/popularity (money is not the only thing that counts, is it?)

#1) ? don't know any
#2) perhaps difficult to implement? but wouldn't it worth it?
#3) perhaps there is a security reason? but when the not registered demo racers are furthermore on seperate servers only, where is the risk? all other players are registered, aren't they?
Best times possible with default setups?
S2 licensed
Hello LFS Community!

There are enough possibilities to download good setups for all cars and tracks. And also the world record times for all combinations are available.

But: What lap times are possible when driving with the default setups? Is there a ladder or something (especially for blackwood standard + xf gti) I would like to know, what time you can drive without alter the standard setups. So I can see whether I have to improve my driving or my setup tuning.

Are there servers where only default setups (or one setup for all drivers) are allowed? That would nice to compare driving skill (and not tuning skill).
