then it´s something wrong with my lfs, i got lfs v2 and bespoke, and i´m not a crakcer and i´m not using somones license, i´m a normal demo racer, but anyway, i can use bespoke and it´s works great
it´s just becuse i think the 1,9 tdi is a great engine, have a golf gti tdi 4motion, very fun car, i may be crazy but i like the tdi sound and i couldn´t make it my self
why putting it on your car, because when you have a turbo enginge and have rewed it up so you have full boost, and let´s say you change gear, then you lift up the trottle and loose the boost, then the boost wich didn´t get in to the eginge comes back, and have to get out somewhere, or else it will destroy the turbo after a while, so the boost get´s out twrogh the dumpvalve, that´s why you get the "pyyysht" noise
now you know why you would have a dumpvalve on your car
when you drift, you WANT it 2 spin, but not to much so you spin around, the XRT is perfect for drifting, many drifters, with or without licence, drift with the XRT
no, we are not going to change parts to make the nfsu noobs starting to ask for more, I want to change wings, spoilers, yu name it, even wheels, so you get more downforce, more grip in dragrace with wider rear wheels, and more setups so you can get the ultimate Driftsetup
no way!!! haha, yep, alot
I would like to have diffrent rearwings/poilers (call it what you want) in lfs, if you drive normal racing with XRT or another car, and you can´t get the grip on the rearwheels, hust ad a wing from the XRR, and adjust the angle
no, not a Ricer wing, it´s for more drag/downforce, and yes, it gives the car a sporty look 2, not a ugly aluminium wing like on ricer cars in the fast and the furious
I know that, Have a friend have license so I have tried it, and I want it but I don´t have money for it right now
It would be more fun if you could make a little of your one looks of the car (not any nfsu shit) but just with wings and other racelooking stuff, and even make some diffrens om the car, like more downforce etc.
haha, F1 wing on a XFG, that would looks pretty bad
but another rear wing and a splitter under the frontbumper, and maybe some cornersplitters, than you have a nice looking racecar :P