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S2 licensed
hahah awesome comic...

and the white stripes on the car... are uumm... reflective painting *scratches his nose*

heh, no, seriously, the image was edited to make the car standout of the scene... fake lighning like that it's often used in publicity, although it's usually smoother so it would appear a shot with a soft filter or something. try to look at any point of the image and you'll see that the car attracts your eye wheter it's because it bothers you or because it draws your attention.

not to that level, i insist that if lfs ever gets a graphics engine improvement, lightning improvements are a must. if you take a serious look at lfs... it looks like it's always a cloudy day, sometimes not even the reflections of the cars can cope with that.
S2 licensed
it is toned down yes.. nothing like the usual HDR usage in games, but it's the difference to get closer to the real perception of the scenario and cars.

i think it's time to get out of the SGI era... SGI graphics "WERE" great... they are not anymore HDR or some equivalent technology should be used to get closer to even more realistic looks.

and i mean that LFS looks like SGI graphics, it looks extremely great... i like it a lot, but it's time to move on, closer to reality. windshields are not perfect... specially after a few laps.. on trackdays, after 15 or 20 laps i can't see a thing thru my windshield if i screwup and i don't remember to use some detergent on the water deposit to clean it up. there is oil, coal, dirt and a lot of stuff that IS going to make what you see thru the windshield or the helmet visor blurry. I can tell because i had to stop that day to clean up my windshield cause the guy in front of me had troubles with his engine and started burning oil gradually.

PS: i'm not saying that LFS "NEEDS" HDR or something badly, i'd rather have physics improvements, features, and a lot of stuff that it seems scawen gives priority with good reasons... but it'd be nice to have HDR if some visual upgrade ever comes to have priority during the project... dynamic enviroment mapping would change the game looks too.

one last thought... why do i care so much about how LFS looks?... well, i have a little simcenter here in Santiago de Chlile (, we have a couple of cockpits, and people enjoy racing, as much as they do watching other people race... for that, we have a 120'' projection where the race can be seen live while you wait for your turn. LFS has the potential to become a recognizable professional racing enviroment for the media... that means maybe live tv broadcast, or something. the better the game looks, the more people get to enjoy it without even racing.
S2 licensed
that's what i mean about "photorealism"... we don;'t wan't photorealistic scenes... we want realistic scenes...

dirty, foggy, blurry (heat). shiny, and blinding sun is a must... it's been a desicive factor in a lot of races... although it's one of the reasons racedays are around 11:00am is to avoid blinding sunshine.

it'd be nice to do dirty tricks like side dirt tapping to distract drivers behind but it might be too much to ask
S2 licensed
come on... they are an example, and they are meant to be seen as how a camera would capture the scene with certain speed for exposure...

anyways, have you guys been at the least inside the track along with the cars, 10am in the morning summer with the sun on top of your head, your shoes feeling like glue into the asphalt, specially white cars, they blind you. I've been really lucky thanks to a friend that's sponsoring a couple of argentinian formula renault cars to be in the pitlane, and in the presentation show for the cars pre-race.

come on, stop being cheap although anyways if you don't want this feature you can disable it. but let those who spend on hardware experience lfs as in the real world... from inside the cockpit of a car, after a few laps, the ambience and the track is dirty and foggy cause of the heat and dirt in the air (depends on amount of wind and location anyways), and even when you are inside the car, white cars will reflect the sun and they will shine, the sun is going to blind you too.

i don't want "photorealistic" images either... i don't want to see like a camera does.. but i would like to see how real pilots see inside real cars in real racetracks. and for that you need HDR.

i forgot about the helmet... the helmet visor film is going to get dirty... and it's going to shine too reducing and amplifying reflections unless you are using special coating..., wich will get dirty too, only thing to do is to remove a film layer...
Last edited by vf1-xj220, .
S2 licensed
those icons are ment for the nice guys anyways...
if noone tells you that the author doens't want his skin modified without his approval, then how would you know?
S2 licensed
anyways it's ment to be disabled for anyone who wants to save some performance to get additional FPS.

and the overexposed image it's what you get with your eyes when you see something with a high reflection... try looking at a car with the sun on the windshield, see how everything else looks like. HDR it's ment to make images more life like, not prettier.
S2 licensed
I strongly agree with ReVVeD back there... honestly, the only thing i think that LFS needs is HDR and the sun to blind you, everything else is nearly perfect.. it's very clean and comfortable for driving...

although there are something that have always bothered me.. the people in the galleries.. they just don't look light... sometimes id rather have an empty track, against looking at those people that look like a billboard.

maybe some animated 3d marshalls would be nice too

but i find LFS perfect as it is now for it's stage of development...

HDR would be nice too, check the preview, that's how it would like only with HDR and bloom effect... some heat blur and dust fog like in real traks would be great also.
S2 licensed
Rodrigo Asenjo once he made himself a member of our Racing Club, came one day with a black car with a Punisher logo in the nose that could barely be seen in a frontal view. "Here, that's my car, i'm racing with that" he said... i had to answer "You ar not using that hideous thing in my track, i understand you'd like a minimalist car, but this is too much... the punisher can't even be seen in there". Afterwards he decided to add Puma and Opel as sponsors, and he went for a lead color.

The result was the all known by now in the race club as the Punisher Puma 2007... recognizable by the characteristic Punisher logo in front as well as the offset puma strip in one side of it. A strong will comes out of this car specially since you can actually recognize the facet of the car in the rearview mirror, a very simple, yet strong design.

The package contains both 512 and 2048 versions of the skin, along with settings for wheel colors, choose according to your pc capabilities. Skin is available at lfsworld for online usage.

more skins can be found at as they come available

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S2 licensed
they are not problems... it's just that the resulting quality of the game rendering is poor compared to Ati's

it's very dissapointing since i've upgraded to a SLI 8800gts and although the fps boost is awesome... the Ati render seems more natural and blended...

if you see the picture i posted in the post that i pointed out in the guide post, in the horizon, there are yellow lines that are caused by texture overlapping in the zones that have shadows over the track. It's not very noticeable, but they are annoying if you are not used to them. have a try... play a few laps over blackwood in the fox, and watch out for the shadows far in the horizon, you'll see that there are yellow lines around shadows when there are far away... it's very slight but come to think of it.. why there are lines that are not black, green or grey... shadows don't have yellow, yet you are seeing yellow lines in the track.

again, it's not a problem with the game nor it is with the video board.. most people won't notice them.. but when you have time playing with the ATI that doesn't have this things, switching to the nvidia then makes you feel that something is not right.
S2 licensed
check out my post in the how to make lfs look better here

Nvidia's actual videoboards Both 8800gts and gtx have problems with texture aliasing.

Older Ati graphics like the x1900xtx have better overall image quality and blending, wich "should" mean that newer ati boards should be better ingame but with faster fps.

i agree with Jakg... Ati drivers suck... and i hate ati boards, but in the end i found myself "not so satisfied" with the dual 8800gts sli upgrade that recieved one of my computers.. and i had two side to side to compare and to confirm that something was wrong with the nvidias.

It happens even with the 8800gtx at 1680x1050 at the highest quality configuration.
Last edited by vf1-xj220, .
S2 licensed
Has anyone noticed that's there is a significant difference between Nvidia and Ati Cards...

out of what i've gathered here is my thoughts:

ATI X1900xtx : Excellent overall quality detail, not as good as the nvidia in filtering, but the strongest point it's antialiasing and texture placement.

Nvidia 8800 series: Excelent quality in filtering, extremely detailed textures, but texture placement and antialiasing is not as good as ATI's... even at 16x vs 6x with the ATI, the screenshot is taken at 8x

Wich one is the best... well, in the racing experience there is little to attend to the texture filtering when it comes to extreme as it does the nvidia. but the "this is not a game anymore" felling comes at hand with the ATI, because you can't see texture pixel borders even from far away, the blending of the whole scene is smoother and more natural. Nvidia's attention to detail and sharpness resulted in poor texture blending at the horizon level with the shadows over the track, making it distracting while trying to see the next turn.

Conclusion pros/cons:

ATI X1900xtx: my choice, less fps, better image blending, ocassional big black untextured glitches from time to time. this quality is unconfirmed for the HD series of the ATI boards... but if it remains the same with a fps boost, it would be a far better choice against nvidia.

Nvidia 8800gts: great fps, excelent texture detailing, poor image blending with aliasing effect in the horizon.

PD: If anyone knows how to fix the black textures glitches from the ati or the aliasing effect in the horizon of the nvidia... i'd appreciate it alot. BTW: i'm not an ati fan... in fact i hate them, specially the control panel.. but better is better in the end

I've included a screenshot sample... take into account that while even with the jpeg compression the problems with the nvidia board are evident... the original picture it's even more sharper and the aliasing effect is extremely notorious.

ATi on the left, nvidia on the right.. REMEMBER To click on the expand image button on the bottom right of the picture when the picture loads and shrinks to the explorer's size
Last edited by vf1-xj220, . Reason : forgot to specify wich one was each, and added comment to expand the image when it srhinks withthe explorer
S2 licensed
Thanks for the comments... if you are Dr. Gonzo, i've also seen your skins and they are great... speacially the UFR ones and a series for the FZ50... awesome work.

Sebastian Castillo as a fan of Mclaren, wanted a Classic Mclaren look taking shape of the original Silver Arrows from Mercedes. I took the rough looks of the original Silver Arrow, and i tried to take some of the slim and simplistic concept of the Mclaren signature. Although it didn't turned out as i expected, The "57 West Mclaren 2007" came out with a strong yet passive look, ideal for the "iceman" driver rather than for an aggresive one.

It goes the best with original Cromo Tyres, Hope you guys enjoy it.

The package contains both 512 and 2048 versions of the skin, along with settings for wheel colors, choose according to your pc capabilities. Skin is available at lfsworld for online usage.

more skins can be found at as they come available

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S2 licensed
Pablo Matte asked for a car featuring quite a bit of sponsors, but mainly a Red-White Honda FOX. Up to date, this is one of my masterpieces along with Antonio de Gavardo's Aprilia-Gildemeister. Inspired to take the agressiveness of the Legendary Mclaren Honda, the Mountain Dew-Honda 2007 has a really unique precense on the track, stuffed with sponsors, this is a true racing car that can bestow even the mightiest driver, taking shape of a monster to be feared on the track.

It goes the best with original Cromo Tyres, Hope you guys enjoy it.

The package contains both 512 and 2048 versions of the skin, along with settings for wheel colors, choose according to your pc capabilities. Skin is available at lfsworld for online usage.

more skins can be found at as they come available

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S2 licensed
Quote from Gunn :Why do you feel that 2048 x 2048 is too big for your web page?

plenty of 2048 paintobs would exceed 500kb wich is the maximum for each file in the website isn't it?
S2 licensed
Quote from Gunn : Zip files will not make the files any smaller either, in some cases they will be bigger.

That depends on what you put into the zip... obviously if you try to stuff a jpg inside it would be bigger... but it's already proven with my skins... i include both 512 and 2048 fox skins in .dds, along with settings and the file is 150kb.

the malicious part of the zip is a shame... but i'm really picky when it comes to my work... the car "must" go with a specific wheel color. i'd love to publish my work in the webpage but i don't want to post just a 1024x1024 jpg... 2048 jpegs are too big for the website, and i still can't include original wheel colors.
S2 licensed
some people are against my ideals just because they require 1 or 2 more steps than just having the jpeg file...
i know right click, save as on LFS folder is VERY easy, but very lazy too...


might i suggest accepting zip files too?

accepting zip files is good because:

-Author can include an info and readme file
-Can contain original wheel colors as the author intended
-a 2048x2048 DDS into a zip file is only 100kb against 800kb or even more for the 2048 jpg
-and i my case a nice 150kb zip contains both 512 and 2048 files to select according to performance.
S2 licensed
a nice technique to improve replay quality, is that there could be an option to enable "High Quality Replay", applicable on lan or league servers...

this option would enable a kind of "spr" replay on each client... wich at the end of the race, will be synchronized with the server, thus creating a really really high quality .mpr replay...

although it will be really heavy on bandwith transfer in long races... it's mainly intended so you could use them over lan, and over the internet the mpr generated on the server could be then packaged then published over web.
S2 licensed
it´s not 10 degrees, it´s 35 to 50.. and never tried slickmod... i´ve done it with the fz50gtr.. at first you can´t drift on high speed turns, but halfway it´s very nice... it takes at least 4 or 5 laps in aston north to get the temp to be a real problem.

4 wheel drift is important since if you don´t do this... only your rear tyres would heat up, and you´ll lose control of the car everytime because of the high grip on the front tyres... you just have to get used to shift the weight of the body and control the car with the gas pedal rather than countersteering.
S2 licensed
this is to demonstrate how Anisotropic and Antialiasing would affect visuals on LFS...

take a look at how the distance signals get blurred as it gets further away, how the corner becomes a clogged blurry picture... look at the texture process of the car, how the lines get blurred (this is actually a consecuence of having high res texures without proper filtering... wich means its useless to have 2048x2048 textures if you don't apply filtering), also the borders of the car in the first picture, then .. compare it to the second one
S2 licensed
LFS looks REALLY good with proper textures and good hardware... check this screenshot i took a while ago, it's slightly edited so it looks like a winter day (added some haze with photoshop and blur to simulate focus depth), but everything else is just LFS

i got carried away and posted some more... i'll take a screenshot to practically demonstrate how antialiasing and anisotropic filtering affects the game (those are out of lfs settings)
S2 licensed
yea it works fine, i just don't want the cars to move off their line when i get 10 clients at the end of the year.

our host is a spectator also where we can review races live while the racers are on the track... it's an 3700+ AMD64 with 2gb's of ram using Nforce4 SLI... we are using the Marvell Gigabit adaper that comes onboard, the switch is a 24 port gigabit (Basic non administrable D-link tho), ethernet cables are shielded cat6, the worst part would be that they run at 4cms along 6 shielded VGA cords that are used to control the clients.

i'm telling you, we are VERY VERY VERY used to extreme smooth gameplay... i just want to know what do i need to keep that even till 20 clients. (BTW... clients are even bigger rigs than the server)
Proper network hardware for LFS Server
S2 licensed
Hello... i have a question that i've been meaning to ask for a while now.

i have a local LAN server wich i use to host our local races (we race only via lan).

What kind of network device should i have? i mean... there is a gigabit adapter on the motherboard, but i think it won't do the job, since last time we attempted a 8 client race with 2 (player and ai) racers per client, some of the clients were jumping from side o side just like in an internet host.

take account that it's very slight... we are just too used to have very very very smooth gameplay unless the car is damaged... and i don't like to play on internet much for this reason, i can't stand not being able to take 1 or two turns at cms of my opponent in a single seater... it makes overtaking, a thing of luck sometimes. we are also used to tight 1st turns with 4 or 5 cars touching between each others without causing a major lag accident (being shot at high speed out of the track due to latency car relocation), thing that i've seen it's quite common on internet servers.

i just want to have the smoothest gameplay that i could get out of LFS... i've seen some gaming ethernet boards with packet administration and stuff... would LFS benefit of having advanced server and client ethernet hardware?
S2 licensed
no drifting with slicks?.... that depends on your definition of drifting...

if drifting for you being a slowpoke in corners and mindlessly spinning and overheating your tyres even on straights... then no slicks for you

if drifting for you is trailbraking on the entry of the corner, powersliding in the apex and 4wheel drift exiting at high speed with no tail wobble... now then slicks would do great for you on high speeds corners... but you'll have to feel the temps of the wheels so you don't loose complete control of the car... and, slicks lasts longer than super.

it isn't always about being the fastest i know... but remember that drift was originally born so you could keep up revs while exiting a low speed hairpin, also is safer on a downhill since you get control over the inside of the turn... worst case scneario you'll be trashing your side bottom or spinning... taking ideal race line would result in a higher risk of a frontal colission with the guardrail thus increasing the chances that you take off the hill... not good.

when showing off while drifting i think you shouldnt only go with style... you should be the fastest with style.
S2 licensed
is there a "non compressed mode"? like using "TIF" files? because jpg is compressed anyways. as you might have seen i like closeups a lot.. and sometimes even jpeg compression would change some colors and even at level 12 compression some color combinations would create compression squares visible on some sponsors at close range. and i think dds is somehow faster and more practical since the videocard would port the jpg to dds anyways when in memory.

but then, i still want people to race with the car using the original rim colors...

i wish i could have installshield to make a nice two click installing exe.
S2 licensed
Mainly because either the game doesn't properly compress the skin into dds, or it downgrades it to 1024x1024 (if you place the jpg looks pretty crappy sometimes)... so you won't be enjoying the nice benefits of having 2048x2048 textures. Also some cars like the one i'm releasing today, they go with an specific wheel color, and i like everyone to enjoy the paintjob as the author (me) intended. i put a lot of attention to detail when it comes to a new paintob, and also, proper packaging is part of that attention to detail.

Christian Cornejo is a rising star in our country's Formula 3 Championship, he became addicted to our racing club when he found himself in pressure situations alike as the real ones... thanks to the steady level of our racers. He always wanted a new paintjob for his formula 3 and asked me to design something considering his sponsors and mantaining his trademark... the blue car with yellow rims. The FOX MasVida LiquiMoly 2007 has the soul of a true racing car... very distinguishable in the track, it's easily recognizable and it can hold the pressure of it's driver. It goes the best with cromo tyres, and hope you guys enjoy it.

The package contains both 512 and 2048 versions of the skin, along with settings for wheel colors, choose according to your pc capabilities. Skin is available at lfsworld for online usage.

more skins can be found at as they come available

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Last edited by vf1-xj220, .