The online racing simulator
S15 project
(26 posts, started )
S15 project
Hello everyone
Back again with another project. I know my EG project is still not finished, but I like to juggle several balls at once. I also figured that a car I'd currently like to make even more than the EG is an S15. And I'd like to prioritize this car over the civic project for now. And I also figured that I'd do it right this time with absolutely all proof necessary to make it as clear as possible that I have full ownership of my model.

The model itself is as you can see based on the Nissan Silvia S15 Spec-R aero. A car I feel is necessary to be in the game. And with retopos now being officially banned I figured it was a good time to step in and make a decent version of my own.

It was made using blueprints. So far I have 6 hours and 30 minutes into it.

The workflow involves making a highpoly model with subsurf workflow.
And then to retopo or optimize this model into a more game friendly model but still retain the visual quality.

Here is a 16x timelapse of the current modelling progress. This is the 6 hours condensed into a 20 minute video. The drum and bass music I felt was fitting because it's nostalgic for the old days of LFS drifting video edits Thumbs up

This mod will be under the LFS derivative license in the end and hopefully become a platform for S15 mods.
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New S15 for derivatives builds! Damn, this looks amazing!
Quote from versiu :New S15 for derivatives builds! Damn, this looks amazing!

Thanks! Thumbs up
#4 - Rubie
Looks amazing, gj man.
nice work, i am always surprised and impressed how people can create 3d models from 'nothing.' (especially with Blender's GUI)
Thanks guys! Smile

Got more progress done.

Next documentation video will be uploaded when I got a bit more progress yet.

I've moved onto the interior now. I'm using photogrammetry from youtube clips as reference.

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It looks amazing!
Quote from Gutholz :(especially with Blender's GUI)

Honestly Blender have A LOT of tools that saves a lot of time compared to modeling from 90s or early 2000s when model creators was building models polygon by polygon or even in text files by puting vertex positions etc.
Quote from versiu :Honestly Blender have A LOT of tools that saves a lot of time compared to modeling from 90s or early 2000s when model creators was building models polygon by polygon or even in text files by puting vertex positions etc.

Yea, Blender is the most efficient 3D program in my opinion when you're used to the key bindings.

Quote from Kanade :It looks amazing!

Thank you! Smile

I've done some work optimizing the body. The full exterior (with everything visible in the video) is now at 33k tris which leaves another 30k tris for interior, wing mirrors and the other missing details like muffler.

I've also begun setting up the suspension and frame and all that stuff.
Looks perfect. Well done!
Ooooooweeeeeeee!!!!!! The $#!t is hot!
woooo amazing
Thank you guys. Still working on the interior. I'm not very good at interiors so this have slowed me down a bit xD

And I have alot of optimizations to do to the interior as well when the highpoly work is done.
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Posting part 2 of the modelling time elapse.
And the mod is now up for review.

Keep in mind it's still a wip mod.
Things will be changed such as wheels, steering wheel and other details.
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I noticed the suspension bottoming out, making it sometimes unstable highspeed cornering and under hard braking

I couldnt say much since I'm on mouse+KB right now, but overall I like the visuals of it, only from me the handling and probably sounds that still a homework for you

great job btw
Attached images
Thanks for the feedback. I agree it needs a little bit more work Smile
Quote from ivancsx :I noticed the suspension bottoming out, making it sometimes unstable highspeed cornering and under hard braking

I couldnt say much since I'm on mouse+KB right now, but overall I like the visuals of it, only from me the handling and probably sounds that still a homework for you

great job btw

Bump stops have now been lowered
The attached rar file contains an obj of the car exterior for the purpose of helping with making bodykits and exterior parts.

The mesh is copyrighted by me but falls under the same LFS license as the mod which means it can only be used in LFS for derivated mods of this car.

Have fun!
Attached files
saliva15.rar - 403 KB - 264 views
All fantastic it would be nice to add the original silvia s15 steering wheel and maybe a secondary carbon spoiler that goes with the splitters.. Would be fabulous!
Quote from LOXISLOXIS :All fantastic it would be nice to add the original silvia s15 steering wheel and maybe a secondary carbon spoiler that goes with the splitters.. Would be fabulous!

Thank you. The XFR steering wheel was always meant to be temporary and I will replace it!
I personally do not like the new gear whine and intake sound, the intake sound is better for me at 1.0 volume, but the gear whine just sounds like something is rubbing, very odd
Quote from Latvian Video :I personally do not like the new gear whine and intake sound, the intake sound is better for me at 1.0 volume, but the gear whine just sounds like something is rubbing, very odd

I think you're right. I will tweak the sound a bit in the next update.
Är de möjligt att få instrumentbrädan som obj till en annan bil jag håller på med? Big grin
Quote from LUNDQUIST MOTORSPORT :Är de möjligt att få instrumentbrädan som obj till en annan bil jag håller på med? Big grin

Visst! Thumbs up Bara du skriver credits så
Attached files - 713 KB - 562 views
fixar de Big grin är till ett litet nytt projekt som kommer startas snart Big grin har du nån länk till bra guide för blandar ifall jag försöker lära mig detta själv nån dag? Big grin

S15 project
(26 posts, started )