MRc E-Challenge 2023: Round 3 - Protests and Penalties
Please provide the following in your protest:

Session AND SERVER of Incident (Official Sessions: Free Practice, Qualifying, Duals, Race 1, Race 2; Servers: Main)
Lap AND MPR timecode of incident (or session time or UTC Time of Day):
Car(s) involved:
Location of Incident:
Brief Description of Incident:

Protests are due by 20:00 UTC on Monday, 27 February 2022

Penalty Log
Free Practice


Race 1
Car 25 - 10 Second Stop-Go Penalty - Failure to declare PowerUp Activation
Car 68 - 5 point penalty - Unauthorized Spectating from On Course without Race Control permission
Car 67 - Drive Through Penalty - Crossing pit exit blend line
Car 87 - Drive Through Penalty - Crossing pit exit blend line
Car 61 - 15 second time penalty (DT Conversion) - Causing a Collision (L19 T1)

Race 2
Car 68 - Disqualification - Driving standards
Car 68 - 10 point penalty - Unauthorized Spectating from On Course without Race Control permission
Car 87 - Disqualification - Unsafe rejoin from an incident (L3T13), Overuse of Attack Boost (Laps 11 and 13), Unsportsmanlike conduct in chat (post-race)
Session AND SERVER of Incident: Main server, Race 2
Lap AND MPR timecode of incident (or session time or UTC Time of Day): 19:56:28UTC, Lap 3
Car(s) involved: 51, 87
Location of Incident: Turns 9-13
Brief Description of Incident:
I'm challenging #51 for track position and after he lifted before turn 9 i manage to get alongside nicely and set up an overtake for turns 10-11, however before this #51 first hits the side of my car taking a line where a single car could only pass through, forcing me to take turn 11 slow and making another corner to be taken 2 wide.

I defend from this by changing lane towards middle in the braking and i slightly turn right before the initial braking. #51 then proceeds to hit my rear left and pushing me towards the outside wall of turn 12.

After turn 12 #51 takes a normal line into turn 13 but over 10km/h slower than his pace during this corner normally.
Quote from nikopdr :Session AND SERVER of Incident: Main server, Race 2
Lap AND MPR timecode of incident (or session time or UTC Time of Day): 19:56:28UTC, Lap 3
Car(s) involved: 51, 87
Location of Incident: Turns 9-13
Brief Description of Incident:
I'm challenging #51 for track position and after he lifted before turn 9 i manage to get alongside nicely and set up an overtake for turns 10-11, however before this #51 first hits the side of my car taking a line where a single car could only pass through, forcing me to take turn 11 slow and making another corner to be taken 2 wide.

I defend from this by changing lane towards middle in the braking and i slightly turn right before the initial braking. #51 then proceeds to hit my rear left and pushing me towards the outside wall of turn 12.

After turn 12 #51 takes a normal line into turn 13 but over 10km/h slower than his pace during this corner normally.

The incidents at Turns 10 and 11 are deemed inconsequential.

The incident at Turn 12 is considered NFA. Car 87 changes lines right around the braking point, Car 51 is not assuring clear distance.

The incident at Turn 13 is in two parts. First part, the initial contact. Car 51 is 15 kph slower than usual through that corner, but the driver's inputs are no different through that section. The slowness through that corner was due to the slower exit from Turn 12.

Second part, Car 87 has an unsafe rejoin from the spin. This action is penalized.

Car 87 also took two additional Attack Boost Activations (Laps 3, 6, 8, 11, 13), which would normally be worth a 10 second time penalty for each overuse (or under use).

Car 87 also had unsporting comments in the chat post-race directed at another driver.

For the combination of these three incidents, the Stewards have elected the following

Car 87 - Disqualified from Round 3 Race 2 - Unsafe rejoin from an accident, overuse of speed boost (x2), unsportsmanlike behaviour in chat
This thread is closed