Hello, i would want to ask if there is way to see who is in chat channel in multyplayer server, like when you use command !setchannel (numbers),i would like to ask if there is way to see who is in because i have channel with a lot of players in.
Hello, it depends on which server you are driving in, because most of the servers use their own modifications and commands. Usually !help or Shift+i should open a popup or a menu and give you information about the commands. There are not a lot of servers, that are using the private channel option, maybe you saw it in TC CityDriving, if that's the case, you could try this command: !channelinfo
Servers with airio have a private chat feature. You can use command !pm +username to add people in private chat list !pm -username to remove them, then !pm text, where text is your message which will be sent to everyone in the pm list. All of the players have to do this in order to continue with ptivate chat.
Its a channel.!setchannel (4numbers).if you leak numbers everyone can join and u chat with.!ch (message) so there are no other known commanda so i asked here to see if someone know possible commanda but it seems its different in other servers so thank all to all replyea.
I tried finding out the command for you. But there is no information in the server, players don't know either. My best guess is that there is no such command in that exact server. I suggest upgrading to S3, you'll get servers with such options and way more than 3 vehicles (around 1000 are available right now). Cheers.